为什么多年还学不好英语 听听《新概念英语》编者的英语学习法!

家喻户晓《新观点英语》(New Concept English)是从外洋引进的一套英语课本,历经数次重印,以最大限度地知足我国分歧条理、分歧类型英语进修者的需求。《新观点英语》以其…

家喻户晓《新观点英语》(New Concept English)是从外洋引进的一套英语课本,历经数次重印,以最大限度地知足我国分歧条理、分歧类型英语进修者的需求。《新观点英语》以其周密的系统性、严谨的科学性,精深的适用性,浓烈的意见意义性受进修者青睐。


一、 基来源根基则

Traditional methods of learning a foreign language die hard.There are much difference between understanding how a language works and learning how to use it进修外语的传统法子根深蒂固。理解一种外语是若何运作的和学会若何利用这类说话之间存在@偏%4QQ52%重大区%12291%分@。

Learning a language is not a matter of acquiring a set of rules and building up a large vocabulary. The teacher’s efforts should not be directed at informing his students about a language, but
为什么多年还学不好英语 听听《新概念英语》编者的英语学习法!插图
at enabling them to use it. 进修一门说话,不但仅是把握一套法则,堆集大量辞汇。西席的事情重点不该是奉告学生关于一门说话的常识,而应是使学生可以或许利用这门说话。

A student’s mastery a language is ultimately measured by how well he can use it, not by how much he knows about it.权衡学生是不是把握一门说话,终极是要看他应用这类应用的技术若何,而不是懂了这门说话的几多常识?

In order to become a skilled performer, the student must become proficient at using the unite of the language , which is the sentences , NOT the words as co妹妹only supposed.学生要从成为纯熟的说话应用者,就必需可以或许纯熟地利用说话单元—句子,而不是咱们曾广泛认为的单词。

Learning words irrespective of their function can be a waste of time, while the using the sentences in some real scenario can be meaningful. 进修单词而不斟酌它们的应用可能会白白挥霍时候,而句子才具备场景利用价值。

二、 进修次序

It is very clear that English is only a tool for co妹妹unication ,not a special knowledge. The student must be trained adequately in all four basic language skills:
为什么多年还学不好英语 听听《新概念英语》编者的英语学习法!插图1
understanding, speaking, reading ,and writing . The following order of presentation must be taken as axiomatic: 应当大白:英语是一种用来交换的说话东西,而不是甚么深邃的“常识”。学生必需在说话的四项根基技术方面获得充实的练习。这些技术是理解、白话、浏览和写作。

Nothing should be spoken before it has been heard. (听过的再说)

Nothing should be read before it has been spoken.(说过的再读)

Nothing should be written before it has been read.(读过的再写)

三、 讲授实践


3.1、英语据说 (听灌音: 跟读课文)

Excuse me?


Is this your handbag?


Is this your handbag?

Yes, it is.

Thanks you very much.


● Excuse me ? 这个短语用于与目生人搭话,打断比人的措辞或从他人身旁挤曩昔。

● Pardon? =I beg your pardon? 哀求对方把适才讲的话反复一边。Pardon =Say it again!

● Is this your handbag ?

● No. It isn’t.

● Yes, It is , Thanks you very much.


● Excuse me ? (一般疑难句)

● Is this your handbag ?(一般疑难句)

● Yes , it is. Thanks your very much.(必定句)

● Pardon? ( I beg your pardon ?) (利用正常语序,词尾利用腔调的一般疑难句)



用作及物动词 (vt.)

Excuse me, but I must say you are completely wrong. 对不起,可是我必需说你彻底错了。

I hope you will excuse me if I have to leave early. 若是我必需早些分开,但愿你能谅解我。

He told a real whopper to excuse his lateness. 他撒了个大谎为本身的迟到辩护。

用作名词 (n.)

His excuse for being late was that he had missed the train. 他迟到的来由是没有遇上火车。

Such conduct allows of no excuse. 如许的举动是不容辩护的。

My lame excuse is that I have too much to do. 我那站不住脚的捏词就是我要干的事太多了。

I won’t let him get away with that excuse. 我不会让他用那种捏词蒙混曩昔。


用作名词 (n.)

I do beg your pardon. 必定请您谅解。

She supplicated for pardon. 她哀告谅解。

They all sued out a pardon for an offender. 他们哀求法院赦宥一位罪犯。

He begged a pardon from the king. 他哀告国王赦宥本身的恶行。

用作及物动词 (vt.)

Pardon my strong language, please. 请谅解我说了剧烈的话。

I hope you will pardon me for my negligence. 我但愿您谅解我的忽略大意。

Please pardon my presumption in writing to you. 请谅解我很唐突地写信给你。

We must pardon the young man his little faults. 咱们必需饶恕这个年青人的小错误。

I will not pardon you, you rascal. 我不会饶恕你,你这个恶棍。


Excuse me? Can you help me to give that handbag to me ?

May I know that this is your handbag ?

Thanks your very much for your coming to see me .

Pardon? Can you repeat what you said just now ?

3.6、弥补资料(Greenwood Boys: 绿林少年)

“Excuse me “ Vs “Sorry” .

“Excuse me” is used to the situation where you want to speak to a stranger, or to interrupt others’ dialogue or to pass through the crowds.While “Sorry” is used to make a apology or to feel or express regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone.

“Excuse me “ Vs “Sorry” .都有“对不起”、“抱愧”等意思,可是在“打搅”他人方面仍是有区此外。比方,在拥堵的火车站人群中你必要起家穿过冷冷清清的人群去一趟洗手间,你就天然会用到“Excuse me “ 或“Sorry”,若是用“Excuse me”是打搅他人以前说,有点“名流”味道,可是若是说“Sorry”,那通常为打搅他人以后用的更多一些。


作者: admin






