
Hi, guys. It’s Keith from ieltsspeakingsuccess. And today, I’m going to show y…

Hi, guys. It’s Keith from ieltsspeakingsuccess. And today, I’m going to show you how to understand native English speakers and how to really improve your listening skills.

大师好。我是 ieltsspeakingsuccess 网页的基斯。今天,我将向你展现若何理解英语母语者,和若何真正提高你的听力技能。

What’s more, I’ll show you the biggest mistake students make when trying to understand native speakers and also when doing the IELTS listening test. Let’s do it.


. . . . . . Hello, my name is Keith and I run the website ieltsspeakingsuccess and also the YouTube channel and the Facebook group.

…….大师好,我是基斯,我运营了 ieltsspeakingsuccess 网站、油管频道和脸书群组。

If you haven’t joined the Facebook group, go downstairs, down below, follow the link and come and join us. So, how are your listening skills?


Do you sometimes find it hard to follow native speakers to understand films or videos on YouTube or. . . “My name is Water Hartwell White.


I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane Albuquerque New Mexico, it’s 7104. . .” Or even, oh my, to understand the IELTS speaking examiner.


What about this phrase? Can you understand this?


Should we go and have a good day? So, I want you to write that down on a piece of paper or in the co妹妹ent box.


Have a go. Should we go and have a good day?


By the end of this video, you will understand that and also you will know the 5 things that you need to know to take your listening skills right up to the next level. What’s more, hey, we’re going to be practising so that you will even see a change in your listening skills by the end of the video.


How good is that? Let’s begin.


So, what is the biggest mistake students make with listening, right? It’s. . .


They focus on words, individual words and try and translate them. That’s not good, right?


Because, this is the secret, words change in context. When you put two words together, the sound changes.


And so, if you’re listening for individual sounds, you’re not listening for the right thing, right? Take the words or take this phrase, right?


“Good day”, “good day”. It sounds like one sound, right? “Good day”.

“Good day”,“good day”。听起来像一个词的发音,对吧?“Good day”。

But it’s two words, “good”, “day”. But we don’t say “good” “day”, “good” “day”, “good” “day”, no, we say “good day”, “good day”.

但它是两个词,“good”,“day”。但咱们不会说“good”“day”,“good”“day”,“good”“day”,不,咱们说“good day”,“good day”。

We drop the /d/, so we drop sounds. We drop vowels and consonants when words come together, right?


For example, “excuse” “me”, we don’t say that. We say “excuse me (scuse me)”, “scuse me”.

比方,“excuse”“me”,咱们不那末说。咱们说“excuse me(scuse me)”,“scuse me”。

The /k/ disappears, we drop it, “scuse me”. “Shwe go?”, “Shwe go?”, “shwe” is actually “shall we”.

//音不见了,咱们去掉了,“scuse me”。“Shwe go?”,“Shwe go?”,“shwe”实际上是“shall we”。

The /l/ we drop. “Shwe go?”, “Shwe go?”


We even drop words, right? “Sfine.”


“That’s fine.” “Sfine.”

“That’s fine.”“Sfine.”

So we drop, we drop vowels, consonants and words. How on earth are you going to understand?


Well, knowing that those sounds disappear when you put words together, then it’s gonna help you. Let’s look at another thing that happens when you put words together.


We linked sounds, right? “Have”, “a”, “hav_a”, goes together “hav_a”, right?


“Hav_a good day,” “hav_a good day.” You see?

“Hav_a good day”,“Hav_a good day”。看到了吗?

Sometimes when we link words, we actually add another sound that you don’t write, okay? “Go”, “and” is “go_w_an”.


“Go_w”, “w”, there’s a “w”. We add a “w”! How mad is that!


“Go”, “and”, “go_w_an”, “go_w_an”. And the D drops.

“Go”,“and”,“go_w_an”,“go_w_an”。并且 D 不见了。

So, just to confuse you, we add a /w/ and we drop the /d/. “Go and”, “go and see”, “go and see”.

让你们狐疑的是,咱们添加了一个/w/,去掉了/d/。“Go and”,“go and see”,“go and see”。

“Go and have a good day.” “Go and have a good day.”

“Go and have a good day.”“Go and have a good day.”

Get it? Put that all together, right?


“Shwe go_w_an hav_a goo_day?” “Shwe go_w_an hav_a goo_day?”

“Shwe go_w_an hav_a goo_day?”“Shwe go_w_an hav_a goo_day?”

That was the phrase of the beginning. So, we’ve got all these things, we add sounds, we link things, we drop things, boom!


Not only that, right? We also stress certain words.


We reduce some words. We add intonation.


We add rhythm. All of these things and tone, not forgetting.


So, it makes it more difficult. So, knowing all of this can help us listen and understand better.


I’m gonna show you all of these in a bit more detail. We’re gonna practice them so you can develop your listening skills.


Just a small note, I’m not encouraging you to speak like this yet. This is a higher level of speaking and if you can, fantastic, but our focus today is on listening and being able to recognize and notice these sounds.


So as you start listening more and more, you become aware of them and you understand the sounds rather than focusing on those individual words and translating, right? So, let’s get going.


So, I’m gonna look at five things, okay? Word stress, chunks, weak forms, contractions and connected speech, which cover all of the aspects we’ve talked about.


Let’s begin with word stress. Actually, gra妹妹atically, this is sentence stress.


It’s the words that we stress in a sentence, okay? So for example, can you spot and tell me which words I am stressing in this sentence?


“I’d like to get a ticket to London.” “I’d like to get a ticket to London.”

“I’d like to get a ticket to London.”“I’d like to get a ticket to London.”

“Like”, “ticket”, “London”, “I’d like to get a ticket to London.” What about this one?

“Like”,“ticket”,“London”,“I’d like to get a ticket to London.”那这句呢?

“Can you pay by cash?” “Pay”, “cash”, “Can you pay by cash”, okay?

“Can you pay by cash?”“Pay”,“cash”,“Can you pay by cash?”

So, when you’re listening to stuff, focus, first of all, on the stressed words. Because those are the ones that carry the main meaning, they’re the most important words.


Typically the noun, the verbs, the adjectives, the adverbs, the bigger words, right? “Pay”, “cash”, you can understand.


“Can you pay by cash,” okay? Two more examples, again, pick out the words I stress.

“Can you pay by cash?”再举两个例子,挑出我要重读的词。

“You should’ve asked, I would’ve been happy to do it.” “Asked”, “happy”, “do”, “You should’ve asked, I would’ve been happy to do it.”

“You should’ve asked, I would’ve been happy to do it.”“Asked”,“happy”,“do”,“You should’ve asked, I would’ve been happy to do it.”

Or. . . “Ah, it’s fine, I didn’t want to trouble you.”

或……“Ah, it’s fine, I didn’t want to trouble you.”

“Fine”, “trouble”, “you”, “It’s fine, I didn’t want to trouble you,” okay? So picking out those stressed words.

“Fine”,“trouble”,“you”,“It’s fine, I didn’t want to trouble you.”挑出那些重读的词。

Great, so here’s a quick tip for you. You should be doing two kinds of listening, right?


Intensive and extensive. Intensive is very short audio clips or video clips, maybe up to a minute where you’re analyzing specific things.


Extensive can be twenty minutes, thirty minutes, an hour watching a film listening to a podcast where you’re just exposing yourself and following the general idea, okay? You need to be doing both kinds.


When you’re doing intensive listening, one exercise is to focus on the words that are stressed. So listen to the sentences, if you have the tape script transcript, you can underline the stressed words or make a note here or on paper as you listen.


And focus on the stressed words because they carry the meaning. So, when you’re doing IELTS listening, listening for gist for the main idea, the stressed words are the main ones, right?


“Can you pay by cash?” “Pay”, “cash”. That’s all you need to know.


You don’t need to be focusing on every word. H妹妹, Okie Dokie, moving on.


Secondly, chunks. Chunks are really important, right?

语块很首要。你们还记得在视频起头的时辰,我说过“good day”,“good day”,“good day”,“have a good day”。

You remember at the beginning of the video, I said “good day”, “good day”, “good day”, “have a good day”, right? “Have a good day” is a chunk.

“Have a good day”是一个语块。这是说话的构成部门,咱们把这块掏出来专注于发音。

It’s a piece of language where we take the sound of that language and we focus on the sound. “Have a good day”, right?

“Have a good day.”我不晓得这是几多个词,“have”,“a”,“good”,“day”,实际上是四个。

I don’t know how many words that is, “have”, “a” “good”, “day”, it’s actually four. But what’s in my head is the sound: “have a good day”.

可是我脑筋里想的是这个读音:“have a good day”。你会注重到大大都语法情势都是语块。

And you’ll notice most gra妹妹atical forms are really chunks, right? “I’d like to”, “I’d like to”, “I’d like to get a ticket to London,” “I’d like to”.

“I’d like to”,“I’d like to”,“I’d like to get a ticket to London”,“I’d like to”。你可以和我一块儿操练。

You can actually practice with me. “I’d like to”, “I’d like to”.

“I’d like to”,“I’d like to”。真的,对吧,闭上你的……我想说你的耳朵,闭上你的眼睛去听这个发音。

And really, right, close your. . . I was gonna say your ears, close your eyes and really listen to the sound. “I’d like to”, “I’d like to”, that’s what you need to get.

“I’d like to”,“I’d like to”,这就是你必要做的。和“I should’ve”是同样的,“I should’ve”,“I should’ve called before coming”,对吧?

The same with “I should’ve”, “I should’ve”, “I should’ve called before coming”, right? “I would’ve”, the same, “I would’ve”.

“I would’ve”,同样的,“I would’ve”。听听这些读音。

So listen to those sounds. “Can you”, “canya”, “can you help”, “can you come”, “can you give me”, “canya”, “canya”, right?

“Can you”,“canya”,“can you help”,“can you come”,“can you give me”,“canya”,“canya”,对吧?听读音。

Get the sound, okay? Others very co妹妹on, “I want to”, “I didn’t want to”, “I didn’t want to”.

其他的很常见,“I want to”,“I didn’t want to”,“I didn’t want to”。注重这里,“I didn’t want to”,阿谁“t”音。

Notice here, “I didn’t”, the “t”. I’ve dropped it, drop the “t”.

我省略了(丢掉了)它,我把“t”音省略了。我不想要“t”,“want”,“to”,“want to”。

I didn’t want “t”, “want”, “to”, “want to”. I drop the “t”, oh, you got the “d” here, the “t” here.

我把“t”丢掉了,哦,这里有个“d”,这里有个“t”。“I didn’t want to”,“I didn’t want to”。

“I didn’t want to”. “I didn’t want to”. Try.

尝尝吧。“I didn’t want to”。

“I didn’t want to”. “I didn’t to go.”

“I didn’t to go.”“I didn’t want to come.”

“I didn’t want to come.” So start training your ear to pick out these sounds or these chunks, right?


The secret is chunks. Most idiomatic expressions are chunks, right?


It’s a piece of cake. I don’t know how many words that is, “it”, “is”, “a”, “piece”, “of”, “cake”.


But it’s just one sound. “It’s a piece of cake.”

“It’s a piece of cake.”“It’s a piece of cake.”

“It’s a piece of cake.” “It’s a piece of cake.”

“It’s a piece of cake.”“It doesn’t matter”,对吧?

“It doesn’t matter”, right? Notice again, “it doesn’t”, the “t” drops, “it doesn’t matter”, “it doesn’t matter”.

再次注重,“it doesn’t”,“t”音没了,“it doesn’t matter”,“it doesn’t matter”。以是语法布局和习气表达大部门是语块。

So your gra妹妹atical structures and your idiomatic expressions are mostly chunks. And this is what you need to be listening for.


Excellent, moving on. By the way, if
you want to practice more and more chunks, go and check out The Fluency Gym.

趁便说一下,若是你想操练更多的语块,那就去 The Fluency Gym 看看吧。鄙人面的链接中,有不少语块,不少雅思问题和谜底,它们都是由语块构成的,你可以操练听力和白话。

On the website the links below, there’s lots of chunks there, lots of IELTS questions and answers and they’re done by chunks and you can just practice listening and speaking. How good is that!

这也太棒了吧!说到健身馆,The Fluency Gym。

Now talking of the gym, The Fluency Gym. When you go to the gym, you see some people who are really strong, right?


Now, what’s the opposite of strong? The opposite of strong is weak.


It’s the same with language and words. So many words in English have a weak form and a strong form.


Right? Particularly, that’s small little words in English, okay?


Have a look at these words. How do you pronounce them?


Well, I don’t know what you said, but I’m guessing you said “for”, “to”, “do”, “are”, “you”. Now, that’s true.


10% of the time, right? That’s the strong form and we use that when we stress the word, right?

这是强音,当咱们重读单词时,咱们会如许读,对吧?是“for”,不合错误,比方,who is this “for”,对吧?

It’s “for”, no, for example, who is this “for”, right? “Who is this for?”

“Who is this for?”“Who do I give it to?”

“Who do I give it to?” You stress the word and it’s the strong form,


But did you know, 90% of the time we don’t stress the word and we don’t use the strong form, we use the weak form exactly. So actually, how do you pronounce these words: for/f/, to/t/, do/d/ or /d/, are//, you/j/, are//, you/j/.


How strange is that? But that’s how we really pronounce them.


And that’s what you’re listening to when you listen to native speakers, right? They don’t say “it’s for/f/ you/ju/”.

他们不会说“it’s for/f/ you/ju/”。他们会说“it’s for/f/ you”,“it’s for you”,乃至是“’s for you”,“’s for you”,“’s for you”,“you”是重读,对吧?“’s for you.”

They say “it’s for/f/ you”, “it’s for you”, or even “‘s for you”, “‘s for you”, “‘s for you”, the “you” is stressed, right? “‘s for you.” For example, let’s take do, right?

比方,让咱们以 do 为例,对吧?我在重读它,对吧?

“I do/du/ like pizza.” I’m stressing it, right?

“I do like pizza.”“Do you like pizza?”

“I do like pizza.” “Do you like pizza?”

你看,这长短重读情势。咱们起头利用的句子“I’d like to get a ticket to London”,“a ticket to London”。

/d/, /j/, “Do you like pizza?” You see, that’s the unstressed form.

不是“to/tu/”,而是“to/t/”,对吧?若是是“I want a ticket to London, not from London.”,那你可以说“to/tu/”。

In our phrases we’re using at the beginning “I’d like to get a ticket to London”, “a ticket to London”. It’s not “to/tu/”, it’s “to/t/”, right?

由于你在夸大“to”,但凡是是“a ticket to London”,“a ticket for two”, “a table for two”,去餐馆,“a table for two”,“a table for two”。我从“to”酿成“for”,对吧?

You could say “to/tu/”, if it was “I want a ticket to London, not from London.” Because you’re stressing “to”, but normally, “a ticket to London”, “a ticket for two”, “a table for two”, go to the restaurant, “a table for two”, “a table for two”.

“A ticket to London.”很好。

I’ve changed from “to” to “for”, right? “A ticket to London.”


Good. So, you may be thinking or asking, “Keith, what are these small words that have a weak form and a strong form?”

就像这些,be,do,have,can,它们的发音是,be 是 was 或 were,was/wz/,were/w/,do/d/,have/hv/,can/kn/。人称代词,“you”,“he”,和“she”的发音是“you/j/”,“he/hi/”,“she//”。

Well, there’s a lot, but the main ones are auxiliaries, right? Like these, “be”, “do”, “have”, “can”, which will be pronounced, the “be” is “was” or “were”, “was/wz/”, “were/w/”, “do/d/”, “have/hv/”, “can/kn/”.

介词,对吧?To,at,of,for 酿成 to/t/,at/t/,of/f/,for/f/。连词,and,but,than, and/n/,but/b/,than/n/。

Personal pronouns, “you”, “he” and “she” would be “you/j/”, “he/hi/”, “she//”. Prepositions, right? “To”, “at”, “of”, “for” become “to/t/”, “at/t/”, “of/f/”, “for/f/”.


Conjunctions, “and”, “but”, “than”, “and/n/”, “but/b/”, “than/n/”. By and large, it’s the schwa sound that we’re using in the weak form, not always, but usually.


So that’s it, the weak forms, really really important, let’s move on. Next, I’m gonna mention contractions, right?

缩写就是,比方,咱们不说“I will”,而是“I’ll”,“I am”,“I’m”。在白话中咱们通经常使用缩写;在书面英语,特别是学术英语中,咱们不如许做。

Contract is to reduce. Contractions are where, for example, instead of saying “I will”, we say “I’ll”, “I am”, “I’m”.

可是当你在片子对话中的对话和听他人措辞时,你会听到这些缩略词。以是,咱们说 I’ll,是 I’d 而不是 I would,should’ve,I should’ve 而不是 I should have,I would’ve 而不是 I would have,I’d’ve,对吧?I would’ve 或 I’d’ve,比方,I’d’ve told you。

In spoken English, we normally use contractions; in written English, especially academic English, we don’t. But when you’re speaking and listening to speak people in conversations on films, you will be listening for these contractions.

比方,在咱们的例子中,咱们有 I’d like,I’d,I’d like to get a ticket to London,或 I should’ve,I should’ve called before coming.另有 You should’ve asked, I would’ve been happy to do it.

So you’ll have “I’ll”, “I’d” instead of “I would”, “should’ve”, “I should’ve” instead of “I should have”, “I would’ve” instead of “I would have”, “I’d’ve”, right? “I would’ve” or “I’d’ve”, “I’d’ve told you”, for example. In our examples, we had “I’d like”, “I’d”, “I’d like to get a ticket to London” or “I should’ve”, “I should’ve called before coming.”

You should’ve asked, I would’ve been, I would’ve been happy to do it,或 it’s fine,’s fine,把 d 省略了,把 it 省略了,’s fine。让咱们继续。

We also had “You should’ve asked, I would’ve been happy to do it.” “You should’ve asked, I would’ve been, I would’ve been happy to do it” or “it’s fine”, “‘s fine” drop the “d”, drop the “it”, “‘s fine”.


Let’s move on. And now, number five, connected speech.


And this is the biggie. This is the big one that makes listening really difficult but once you get this, your listening skills are just gonna rock it.


So, here’s the rule, okay? When a word ends with a consonant sound and the next word begins with a vowel sound, we usually connect the two words, okay?

让咱们看看咱们之条件到的第一个句子。I’d like to get a ticket to London,对吧?

We can connect the sounds or we can add a sound to make the connection. Let’s have a look at the first chunk we mentioned before.

这里有两个连读。I’d like to get a,get a,这里连读,gett_a,gett_a,ticket,to,ticke_to,这里也连读。

‘I’d like to get a ticket to London”, right? There’s two connections here.

由于 t 音和 t 音是同样的,以是咱们只发一个音,ticke_to,ticke_to,get_a ticke_to。懂了吗?“I’d like to get a ticket to London.”

I’d like to get a, get a, we just link, gett_a, gett_a, ticket, to, ticke_to, we also link. But because the “t” and the “t” are the same, we just have one, ticke_to, ticke_to, get_a ticke_to.

更多例子,句子 I should’ve called you before coming,called you,called_you,you 发 /j/,对吧,called_you,/dj/。有时辰它发成/d/,有时辰发成/dj/。

Got it? “I’d like to get a ticket to London.” More examples, in the phrase “I should’ve called you before coming”, “called you”, “called_you”, the “you” is /j/, right, “called_you”, /dj/.

I should have called you,called_you,I should have called you before coming.闭上眼睛,I should have called you before coming,/dj/,听到了/dj/音了吗?很好。

It’s sometimes a /d/, sometimes a /dj/. “I should have called you”, “called_you”, “I should have called you before coming.”

更多的例子 I should’ve asked,I should’ve asked,/vsd/,/v/,//,/vsd/。I should have asked.注重,在 asked 中,k 常常不发音。咱们常常省略 K。

Close your eyes, “I should have called you before coming”, /dj/, can you hear the /dj/? Great. More examples, “I should’ve asked”, “I should’ve asked”, /vsd/, /v/, //, /vsd/. “I should have asked.”

You should have asked.再来一个例子,I would’ve been happy to do it。

Noticed we often drop the “K”, right, as well, in “asked”, right? We often drop the “K”. “You should have asked.”

这里咱们添加了一个音,do,是一个/w/音,咱们加了一个/w/,do_w_it,像 wit,wit,do_w_it,do_w_it,happy to do_w_it。大白了吗?

And another one, “I would’ve been happy to do it.” Here, we add a sound, “do”, cuz it’s a /w/, we put the /w/, “do_w_it”, like “wit”, “wit”, “do_w_it”, “do_w_it”, “happy to do_w_it”.

I would’ve been happy to do it.或这句:I didn’t want to trouble you.

Get it? “I would’ve been happy to do it.”

以是,在这里,咱们把 didn’t 和 want 连在一块儿,可是把 t 音去掉,I didn’t wan_to,want to,wan_to,wan_to,I didn’t want to trouble you.I didn’t want to trouble you.

Or in, as well, “I didn’t want to trouble you”. So here, we connect the “didn’t” and the “want”, but we drop the “t”, “I didn’t wan_to”, “want to”, “wan_to”, “wan_to”, “I didn’t want to trouble you”.

再一次闭上眼睛,看看你是不是能听到这些发音。Wan_to。I didn’t want to trouble you.

I didn’t want to trouble you. Again, close your eyes and see if you can hear the sounds.


“Wan_to”. “I didn’t want to trouble you.” If you can hear it, you’re starting to get the gist, to get the hang of it.


Excellent! So those are some examples with the connected speech.


So, as you’re listening intensively or extensively, try and notice the connected words. Try and listen to them, stop if you want and try repeating it because that can also help you.


And if you’ve got the transcript, you can just make the connection, you can write and make the connection. It’s just building up the habit and starting to notice this, right?

I’d like to get a ticket to London.Can you pay by cash?

Let me go through those four sentences we began with and see if you can start hearing the different things “I’d like to get a ticket to London.”

You should’ve asked I would’ve been happy to do it.Ah, ‘s fine. I didn’t want to trouble you.

“Can you pay by cash?” “You should’ve asked I would’ve been happy to do it.”


“Ah, ‘s fine. I didn’t want to trouble you.” Right?


Excellent! Hopefully, you’re starting to notice. What would be great would be to go back and listen again.


Make a note of all of these features. They’re in there, they’re in English every day.

这是你在雅思听力得到乐成的关头。那我起头说一句哈:Shall we go and have a good day?

And all of this will help you understand native speakers much much better. And it’s the key to your success in IELTS listening, right?

Shall we go? 祝你今天过得舒畅。在你分开以前,我但愿这些对你有帮忙。

So as I began: Shall we go and have a good day? Shall we go? Let’s go and have a good day.

若是你想要更多的操练,或你想要更多关于听力技能的细节,请点击下面的链接到网站上,有一整篇文章供给更多信息。去看看 The Fluency Gym 吧,它对你的听力和发音颇有帮忙。

Just before you go, though, I hope all of this helps. If you want more practice or you want more details about listening skills, follow the link below to the website there’s a whole article with more information.

若是你喜好这个视频,可以去看看我的在线课程。在 Udemy 上,叫 IELTS Speaking Get……,是 IELTS Speaking Success Get a Bnd 7+ 才对。

Go and check out The Fluency Gym, great for your listening and your pronunciation If you like this video, go and check out my online course.


It’s on Udemy, IELTS Speaking Get. . . IELTS Speaking Success Get a Bnd 7+. It will really help you level up and get ready for your speaking test coming up soon.


It’s been a pleasure being with you as always today. Do take care, stay safe and I look forward to seeing you next week with a new video, new ideas.

Take care now.

作者: admin






