1) [i:]是个长音,靠口腔发出,发声处靠前,口型很扁,嘴唇向双方伸开成微笑状。
字母组合: ee ea e ie ei i
ee: three tree green sheep meet beef see seek feel
ea: eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please flea
e: he she me even equal
ie: piece niece field relief chief brief thief believe
ei: receive ceiling receipt protein seize
i: unique police litre kilo antique machine
2) []是个短音,靠喉咙发出,发声处靠后,口型略窄,发这个音时,要急促有力。
字母组合: i y e ui u a
i: sit picture it is list six fix fit pig big build miss primitive
Significance Women
y: myth many twenty happy dictionary bicycle dizzy
e: decide delicious
ui: build guild
u: busy
a: village damage language average
3) [e]舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起。嘴不要张太大,上下齿间间隔宁肯偏小。
字母组合:ea e a ai ay ie u
ea:head bread pleasure
e: elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes egg else
a: many any
ai: said
ay: says
ie: friend
u: bury
4) [] 嘴要伸开、张大,并且尽可能放宽,刚起头操练时可以浮夸一点。
字母组合: a
a: bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man angry apple animal
5) [ ] 嘴巴稍张,嘴形比[a:]小,发音听起来急促、暗昧。
字母组合: u o ou oo oe
u: up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus
o: come mother brother love above
ou: trouble rough enough cousin courage country
oo: blood flood
oe: does
6) [:] 舌侧涉及牙齿,舌的中心部位向下挨近下颚。舌片及舌尖卷曲使得尾音r化,是由口腔发出来的。
字母组合: ir ur ear er or our
ir: girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird
ur: turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger
ear: learn earn earth heard pearl
er: term her nerd serve concern alert
or: work worm world worst
our: journal courtesy adjourn scourge journey
7) [] 由喉咙发出,很是急促。
字母组合: er or o a e u ur ar re ure ou our ah
er: teacher leader remember player speaker farmer government yesterday advertising
or: doctor actor major author tractor information error
o: tomorrow today lesson control polite obey
a: around account ago elephant banana Japan China company pizza villa umbrella
e: men listen children
u: upon
ur: Saturday surprise
ar: forward dollar similar gra妹妹ar
re: centre theatre
ure: pressure culture
ou: jealous serious famous nervous dangerous
our: colour favour honour labour humour
ah: hookah loofah savannah
8) [u:] 要将舌根抬起并绷紧,舌尖分开下齿。嘴唇呈圆形,双唇收圆,稍向前凸起。
字母组合: oo o u ou ui ew oe
oo: food moon room gloom broom doom goose tooth zoo too
o: lose move tomb prove
u: true truth blue full prude June rule solution include tutu
ou: group soup coupon souvenir wound
ui: fruit juice cruise suit recruit
ew: blew drew screw Jew chew grew
oe: shoe
9) [u] 舌位比发长音的[U:]低,舌头放松,嘴唇略圆。
字母组合: oo ou u o
oo: look good foot book wood cookie
ou: should could would
u: put full bull pull push sugar fulfill
o: woman wolf bosom
10) [: ] 双唇要收得更圆要小,并须使劲向前凸起。这个音是由嘴巴发出来的。
字母组合: al or au our ar oar aw
al: small wall talk tall hall ball call walk also always although
or: short more lord horse for forty sport door floor store
au: author caught autumn audio
our: four mourn court source
ar: warm quarrel quarter ward reward
oar: aboard coarse board
aw: draw law saw straw
11) [] 经由过程喉咙发出。
字母组合: o a au
o: hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar not on
a: want wash watch quality swap was yacht
au: because cauliflower sausage
12) [a:] 是个长音,发音时,舌头置于口腔底部,口腔彻底伸开,但不可圆形。这是音标中所需口型最大的开音节。发音是搁浅稍长。
字母组合: ar a al
ar: car farm card arm garden bar
star far
a: class last glass plant aunt ask spa
al: half palm behalf calm calve
13) [ei] 发音进程中下颚向上合拢,舌位也随之稍稍举高。
字母组合: a ay ea ai ey eigh ei
a: name cake late gate plane April able case
ay: play say may way bay
ea: great break
ai: rain paint plain aid aim tail wait
ey: they grey obey convey
eigh: eighty, eight, eighth
ei: veil vein surveillance
14) [ai]
字母组合: i y igh ei ui ie
i: bike fine find die nine light night high ice pi
y: my try fly eye style spy dry bye
igh: fight light right sight high sigh
ei: neither Alzheimer
ui: guise guide disguise
ie: pie tie die lie magpie
15) []
字母组合:oy oi
oy: boy toy joy loyal
oi: oil soil voice choice toilet
16) []
字母组合: o ow oa oe ough
o: home
cold go no phone host ghost old almost piano
ow: know low below grow blow show flow throw
oa: boat coat goal oak road
oe: toe doe
ough: although though
17) [au]
字母组合: ou ow
ou: house out ground account count sound loud around mouse ow: flower down now cow how town
二、 集中双元音
18) []
字母组合: eer ear ea ere ier ir
eer: beer deer
ear: ear near
ea: idea
ere: here cashmere sphere
ier: fierce tier cashier frontier
ir: souvenir
19) [e]
字母组合:ear air aire ere are aer ar
ear: pear bear wear
air: chair air fair dairy
aire: questionnaire billionaire laissez-faire millionaire
ere: there where premiere
are: care rare scare
aer: aerobics aeroplane aerate
ar: parent various wary
20) []
字母组合:our ur ure oor
our: hour tour gourmet
ur: jury rural
ure: insure sure assure
oor: poor boor moor
3、辅 音
一、 爆破音
These are some books and pens on the desk.
Please wait a bit.
The dog runs very fast.
I have much work to do.
He is a good cook.
They walk slowly toward the gate.
二、 磨擦音
It’s a very sharp knife.
I’d invite you to visit, but I have a fever.
It’s a pleasure to share your past experiences.
What measure would you take to handle this situation?
Tom always[z] goes[z] to school by bus.
Something is better than nothing.
A mouse has[z] a mouth.
三、 破擦音
John urges Jane to buy a digital watch.
They reach the village in the end.
I had a strange dream in the train.
He prefers strong drinks.
These students are my friends.
There are lots of odds and ends in the huts.
四、 鼻音
Jim makes noises in my room.
Your singing and dancing are charming.
五、 舌侧音
Please read after the leader.
They live in a house near the river.
Look at the light on your right.
六、 半元音
What a nice hat!
There is a hole in the wall.