
3. .He’s flying a kite 他在放鹞子。 4.They’re riding a bike.他们在骑自行车。 5.I’m listening to music. 我…

3. .He’s flying a kite 他在放鹞子。 4.They’re riding a bike.他们在骑自行车。

5.I’m listening to music. 我在听音乐。 6.What’s Tom doing? 汤姆在做甚么?

7.He’s reading a book about China.他在读一本关于中国的书。

8. What are you doing, children?你们在做甚么,孩子们?

Module 3

Unit 1 What are they doing? 他们正在做甚么?

Unit 2 What’s the elephant doing? 那只大象正在做甚么?


1.get on the bus上大众汽车 2.lots of很多

3.play chess 下棋 4.dragon boat龙舟

5.soya milk豆乳 6.Me too我也同样

7.in the park在公园 8.on the lake在湖上

9.Let’s go. 让咱们走吧 10. row a dragon boat划龙舟

11. draw pictures 画画 12.drink milk 喝牛奶


1. What are the kids doing? 那些小孩子在做甚么?

2. They are listening to music.他们在听音乐。

3. Let’s get on the bus. 让咱们上大众汽车吧。

4. Look at the men between the big trees.看看那两棵树之间的汉子们。

5. They’re playing chess. 他们鄙人棋。

6. Look! The horse is running.看! 那匹马在跑。

Module 4

Unit 1 Do you want some rice? 你想要来点米饭吗?

Unit 2 How much is it? 这个几多钱?


1.fast food 快餐 2. How much…?几多钱?

3. make noodles 做面条 4.make dumplings包饺子


1.Do you want some rice? 你想吃些米饭吗? 2.No,
thank you. 不, 感谢你。

3.What is he doing? 他在做甚么?

4.He’s making noodles. 他在做面条。

5.Here are noodles with tomato and egg.这儿有西红柿鸡蛋面条。

6.How much is it? 它几多钱?

7.Can we help you? 咱们能帮您吗?

8.Can you go to buy some eggs? 你能去买些鸡蛋吗?

9.Here you are.给你。

Module 5

Unit 1 Can you run fast? 你跑得快吗?

Unit 2 Can sam play football? 山姆会踢足球吗?


1. run fast 跑得快 2. jump high跳得高

3.be afraid生怕 4. jump far跳得远


1. Can you run fast? Yes, I can./No, I can’t

你能跑得快吗?/是的,我能。/不, 我不克不及

2. I’m the winner.我是获胜者。

3. I’m afraid I can’t 生怕我不克不及

4. He is strong.他是硬朗的。

Module 6

Unit 1 Can I have some sweets? 我能吃点糖果吗?

Unit 2 Happy Halloween! 万圣节快活!


1. turn on 打开   2. come in 进来

3. here you are 给你 4. thank you 感谢你

5.happy birthday 生日快活 6. happy Halloween 万圣节快活


1. Can I have some soup? 我可以喝点汤吗?

2. Well, turn on the light. 好吧,把灯打开吧。

3. But, I am hungry. 可是我饿了。

4. Give me a sweet. 给我一块糖果。


1.扣问对方本身可不成以吃甚么工具。例:Can I have some sweets?


答复:Yes, you can./ Here you are./ Sorry, you can’t.

2. 扣问对方本身可不成以进去。

例:Can I come in?

Can I come in? 答复:Yes, of course.

3.庆祝朋侪生日快活用“Happy birthday to you!”

A: Happy birthday to you! B: Thank you.

Module 7

Unit 1 There is a horse in this photo. 照片中有一匹马。

Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike. 在自行车上有12个男孩子。


1. in this photo 在这张照片里 2. under the tree 在树下

3. have a look 看一看 4. ride a horse 骑马

5. on the bike 在单车上 6. climb a tree 爬树

7.fly a kite 放鹞子


1. There is a horse in this photo. 照片内里有一匹马。

2. Let’s have a look. 咱们一块儿来看一看。

3. It’s climbing a tree. 它正在爬树。

4. Who is the girl? 阿谁女孩是谁?

5. There are twelve boys on the bike. 单车上有12个男孩。

6. They are eating fruit and vegetables. 他们正在吃瓜果和蔬菜。


1. 暗示“某地有某物”。例:There is a horse in this photo.

There are twelve boys on the bike.

句型:There be +主语+地址

2.暗示“让咱们一块儿做甚么事变”。例:Let’s have a look.

句型:Let’s + 动词真相+其他。

3.暗示正在举行的动作。例:It’s running fast.

句型:主语+be动词+v-ing +其他。

Module 8

Unit 1 We’re going to visit Hainan. 咱们将要去海南。

Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse. 山姆将要去骑马。


1. visit the zoo 观光动物园 2. eat some fruit 吃些瓜果

3.drink some juice喝点果汁 4.by plane坐飞机

5. get up 起床 6.be from 来自

7.in the sea在大海内里 8.fly the kite 放鹞子

9.take some pictures拍些照片 10.ride a horse 骑马

11.row a boat荡舟


1. Time for bed. 到该上床睡觉的时候了。

2. We are going to visit Hainan tomorrow. 咱们来日诰日将去海南玩。

3. This is Xiaoyong’s bag! 这是小勇的包!


1. 暗示未来产生的动作。例:We are going to visit Hainan tomorrow.

句型:主语+be going to+动词真相+其他。

2.先容这是谁的工具。例:This is Xiaoyong’s bag!

句型:This is+单数名词。

3.暗示“到了该做某事的时候了”。例:Time for bed.

句型:Time for+名词。

Module 9

Unit 1 Are you going to run on sports day? 你筹算在活动会上跑步吗?

Unit 2 I’m going to do the high jump. 我筹算(加入)跳高(勾当)。


1. sports day活动日 2.this month这个月

3.the 100 metres 100米短跑 4.come on加油;快点,从速

5.high jump 跳高 6.long jump跳远

7.favourite subject 最喜好的科目


1. Are you going to run on sports day? 活动日那天你筹算跑步吗?

2. What are you going to do on sports day? 活动日的那天你筹算做甚么?

3.How about you, Lingling? 玲玲,你呢?


1. 一般未来时的一般疑难句。例:Are you going to run on sports day?

句型:be动词+主语+going to+动词真相+其他?

答:Yes. / No, 主语+be (+not).

2. 一般未来时的特别疑难句。例:What are you going to do on sports day?

句型:特别疑难词+be动词+主语+going to+动词真相+其他?

答:主语+be going to+动词真相+其他。

3. 扣问“……怎样样?”。例:How about you, Lingling?

句型:How about+其他?

Module 10

Unit 1 We have a big family dinner. 咱们会吃一顿丰厚的晚饭。

Unit 2 Merry Christmas! 圣诞节快活!


1. Spring Festival春节  2.Chinese New Year中国新年

3.a big family dinner一顿丰厚的家庭晚饭


1. Happy Spring Festival! / Happy New Year!新年快活!

2.Here is a book for you. 这是给你的一本书。

3.What’s it about?它是关于甚么的书?

4.Here you are.给你。 5.Merry Christmas!圣诞快活!

6.Christmas is coming. 圣诞节要到临了。

7.What do you do at Christmas?你在圣诞节的那一天做甚么?


1. 如今举行时暗示未来。例:Christmas is coming.


2.一般如今时的特别疑难句。例:What do you do at Christmas?


作者: admin






