Job interviews are tricky, so it helps to know what you’re up against.
Researching the company extensively beforehand certainly helps. So doescompiling some quality questions to ask.
Fortunately, some CEOs, recruiters, and HR representatives at top companiesare quite open about the questions they like to put to candidates.
Here are some questions you might get during interviews at tech companieslike Facebook, LinkedIn, and PayPal, according to the people asking them:
‘What are you doing on your best day?’ — Facebook
This question is all about tapping into a candidate’s motivations anddrive. And there’s no right answer.
“Whether it’s meeting with clients, coding, or calculating a spreadsheet,it’s going to be different for everyone,” Facebook global head of recruitingMiranda Kalinowski previously told Business Insider. “That’s the beauty ofbringing all these people together.”
‘What are you most passionate about?’ — LinkedIn
Not only will you be asked about your passions at LinkedIn — you’ll beasked to sketch them out on a whiteboard.
LinkedIn’s head of recruiting Brendan Browne previously told BusinessInsider’s Rich Feloni the goal is to get candidates to be “really spontaneous”in order to see how well they co妹妹unicate and how they deal with ambiguity.
领英的雇用官Brendan Browne较早前奉告《业内者》的编纂RichFeloni,这个问题的目标在于让求职者的反响是“真实即兴的”,就想看看他们的沟通能力,和处置含糊其词问题的方法。
‘Tell me whether it is better to submit a project that’s perfect and late,or one that’s good and on time.’ — IBM
“一份完善并且延迟的项目规划,和一份过得去并且实时的项目规划,提交哪一份更好?”—— IBM
Obed Louissant, the VP of HR for IBM Watson, prefers this trickyquestion.
Obed Louissant是IBM Watson的人力资本副总裁,他更喜好调皮的口试问题。
“It’s interesting when you get peoples’ response to that,” he previouslytold Business Insider. “I don’t have a right answer for it. I’m not looking fora right answer. I am more looking at the way in which the person explains andreasons why they answered the way they did.”
‘Why not Intuit?’ — Intuit
Intuit CEO Brad Smith likes to conclude his interviews with this doozy of aquestion, Business Insider reported.
Intuit的行政总裁Brad Smith喜好用这个特此外问题竣事口试,按照《业内者》的报导。
“That’s intended to see if they have the courage to tell me the thingsthey’re wrestling with in the decision, which gives me a chance to try toovercome that objection in real time,” he told Business Insider.
‘What did you learn this week?’ — PayPal
PayPal chief learning officer
Derek Hann said he asks this question, evenif it’s only Tuesday. He said one of his company’s core values is lifelonglearning.
PayPal的首席进修官Derek Hann暗示,他会发问这个问题,即便这一天是周二。他暗示公司的焦点价值观之一是一生不竭进修。
“You should be learning with that level of frequency,” he told BusinessInsider.
‘What are some of the most impactful experiences you’ve had in yourcareer?’ —
Liza Landsman, president of eco妹妹erce site, told Business Insiderthe goal is to hire kind employees, so excellent responses convey the candidatecares about those they work with.
‘What would someone who doesn’t like you tell us about you?’ — Duolingo
You need to feel comfortable
discussing your flaws as well as yourstrengths. Duolingo CEO and founder Luis Von Ahn’s favorite question requires anhonest response.
你得放宽解态,自在会商你的长处与错误谬误。Duolingo的行政总裁和开办者Luis Von Ahn最喜好这个问题,他但愿求职者赐与朴拙的答复。
“I think the responses that are concerning are like, ‘People who don’t likeme just don’t understand me, and they’re usually just wrong,'” he told BusinessInsider. “They’re not taking responsibility for anything.”
‘How do you make [an unreleased Youtube product] better?’ — Youtube
YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki told the audience at a New York Times-hostedtalk she likes to ask candidates how to improve Youtube products before theyeven come out.
Youtube行政总裁Susan Wojcicki奉告《纽约时报》主理的访谈节目标观众,她喜好发问求职者们如安在产物面世以前改良它的质量。
Business Insider’s Nathan McAlone reported, “If you can’t think of a singleway to improve a product you use a lot, you are in trouble.”