
【解答】The correct answer:129。这个数列的差也是递增的,差别离是3,32,33,34,35,…. (3) Which year with in t…

【解答】The correct answer:129。这个数列的差也是递增的,差别离是3,32,33,34,35,….

(3) Which year with in the last hundred years reads the same upside down?

【解答】The correct answer:1961.

(4) It will take four seconds for a clock to strike five. How many seconds will it take for a clock to strike ten?

【解答】The correct answer:Nine seconds.大钟敲击5次,间歇4次,每次1秒。敲击10次,间歇9次,用时9秒。

(5) A, D, E, J, N, Y. One of these letters has been given a numerical value from I to 6. No two different letters have the same value. Adding up DAN is 6. JAN is 11. EDNA is 11. What is ANDY?

【解答】The correct answer:10. EDNA-DAN=5, E=5, JAN-DAN=5, D-J=5, J=6, D=1, A+N=5, A=2 or 3, N=3 or 2, Y=4

(6) If three cats can kill three rats in three days, how many cats can kill 100 rats in one hundred days?

【解答】The correct answer:3。3只猫三天捉三个老鼠,也就是说这三只猫天天只能捉一个老鼠,以是捉100个老鼠必要100天。

(7) If △〇means 8, and △△〇〇〇〇〇means 19, What does△△△△〇〇mean?

【解答】30. (19-8×2)/3=1,○=1,△=8-1=7,7×4+1×2=30

(8) There are 49 cocks and hares. A cock has two legs and a hare has four. There are 100 legs in all. How many cocks and how many hares are there?

【解答】There are forty-eight cocks and one hare. “鸡兔同笼”问题起首要假如全数是鸡,或全数是兔。若是全数是鸡,则49*2=98 (legs) 由于每当把一只兔子当作一只鸡,就会少算2 legs,以是100-98=2,阐明恰好有一只兔子被算成为了鸡。

(9) There are twenty flags in a room. Ten of them are red and the rest are yellow. It’s too late at night. And there is no light in the room. You go into the room to get two flags but you can’t see the color. How many flags must you take out at least if you want to get two flags of the same color?

【解答】Three. 把20面小旗子当作是20个苹果,把2种色彩当作是两个抽屉。从最晦气处斟酌,假设起首拿出的2个苹果不是统一种色彩 (the same color),也就是说把2个苹果放进2个抽屉。那末,第三个必定与此中一个是统一种色彩 (放进统一个抽屉)。

(10) The total (统共的) ages of the two boys is now seventeen. What will it be in six years’ time?

【解答】Twenty-nine. (17+6*2=29)

(11) Which number should come next in the series

1, 3, 6, 10, 15, …

A. 8 B. 11 C. 24 D. 21 E. 27

【解答】The correct answer:21. (这是一个数列,差挨次是2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ……)

(12) Sue is both the 50th best and the 50th worst student at her school. How many students attend her school?

A. 50 B. 99 C. 100 D. 101

【解答】The correct answer:B. (50 + 50 -1 = 99)

(13) Mark loved pink pencils more than he loved red ones. He didn’t like orange pencils at all, and while he liked yellow pencils, he couldn’t say that he really loved them. Which of these is true?

A. He liked red pencils less than orange pencils.

B. He liked yellow pencils more than red pencils.

C. He liked pink pencils more than yellow pencils.

D. He liked orange pencils more than pink pencils.

【解答】The correct answer:C.

(14) Five kids sit down to play some games. If each one of the five kids plays one game with each of the others, how many games can they play?

【解答】The correct answer:Ten /10.

(15) Which number should come next in this series?

25, 24, 22, 19, 15 …

A. 4 B. 5 C. 10 D. 14

【解答】The correct answer:C. (The pattern decreases progressively: -1, -2, -3, -4, -5 )

(16) Which number should come next in this series?

3, 5, 8,13, 21, …

A. 4 B. 21 C. 31 D. 34

【解答】The correct answer:D. (3+5=8, 5+8=13 and so on.)

(17) Which number should replace the question mark?

A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7

【解答】The correct answer:A (For each row the sum of the first two columns is equal to the multiple of the last two columns)。

(18) Which number should replace the question mark?

A. 3 B. -2 C. -6 D. 48

【解答】The correct answer:C. (For each row subtract the second column from the first column. The result is equal to the sum of the digits in the last column.)

(19) Which number does not belong?

【解答】The correct answer:17 。17 is the only odd number. 17s是独一的素数(质数)。

(20) At the end of a banquet 10 people shake hands with each other. How many handshakes will there be in total?

A. 100 B. 90 C. 45 D. 50

【解答】The correct answer:C。

(21) The day before the day before yesterday is three days after Saturday. What day is it today?

A. Monday B. Tuesday

C. Wednesday D. Friday

【解答】The correct answer:D.

(22) Which letter comes next?

A, C, F, J , _____ .

A. H B. M C. O D. Q

【解答】The correct answer:C. 这是一个用字母暗示的数列,距离 (差) 别离为两个字母,三个字母,四个字母,五个字母,……

(23) What do two and two make more than four?

【解答】The correct answer:22。由于两个2加、减、乘、除都不会大于四。

(24) A construction site has got 5 trucks of cement. In each truck is X tons. When 13tons are used up, 7tons are left. What is X?

【谜底】The correct answer:X is four.

(25) Two cars, starting at the same point, run in opposite directions for 4 meters, turn left and run another 3 meters. What is the distance between them?

A. 2 m B. 6 m C. 10 m D.14 m

【谜底】The correct answer:C。

(26) 哪个由 5 个字母构成的单词,去掉两个字母今后,剩下的倒是一个“6”?猜一猜!

【解答】The correct answer:SIXTY.(60)

(27) From what number can one take half and leave nothing? 从哪一个数字那边拿走一半剩下零?

【解答】The correct answer:8 (砍去上面一半或砍去下面一半)。

(28) A cow came out of its shed (牛棚) and walked ten steps towards the east. She then took two steps to the south and walked four steps backwards. After that she made eight steps to the west. Which direction was the cow’s tail pointing?

【解答】The correct answer: It was pointing downwards. (Because a cow’s tail always points downwards.)

(29) Trousers on sale for 1/2 off have a green tag (标签). Trousers on sale for 1/4 off have a yellow tag. Stephen bought two green-tagged trousers originally priced at £10 each, and one yellow-tagged trousers originally priced at £16. How much did he pay for his trousers?

【解答】The correct answer: 22

(30) 165135 is to peace as 1215225 is to

A. lead B. love C. loop D. castle

【解答】The correct answer: love



So B is correct.

(31) How many months have 28 days? 几个月有28天?

【解答】The correct answer:12 months all have 28 days.

(32) Please enter the missing figure:

4, 5, 8, 17, 44, _____

A. 80 B. 125 C. 112 D. 60 E. 84

【解答】The correct answer:The correct answer is B。Explanation: The difference between the numbers follows the series 1, 3, 9, 27, 81 (即:此数列中,每两项的差别离是30, 31, 32, 33)。

(33) Eleven and two makes one. Why?

【解答】The correct answer:It’s a clock. 11点钟+2 小时 = 1点钟。

(34) How much will top be if post is 1234?

【解答】The correct answer:p=1, o=2, s=3, t=4. top=421.

(35) I have one flock of sheep and if my friend gives me two flocks of sheep. Do you know
how many flocks of sheep I have?

【解答】The correct answer:You still have one flock. 三群绵羊混在一块儿就成为了一大群羊。

(36) If two cats are before one cat. And two cats are behind one cat. And one cat is in the middle. How many cats are there at least in all?

【解答】The correct answer:Three cats at least.注重:不是五只猫 (数词one改成定冠词the时,才有五只猫)。

(37) Take one from nine and leave ten! What’s it?

【解答】The correct answer:It’s “Ⅸ”. 罗马数字Ⅸ (nine) 前面的I去掉就剩下了Ⅹ(“ten”)。

(38) Mr. Green’s boss allows him 10 holidays during the year. Three of these fall on Mondays, 2 fall on Wednesdays, and 5 fall on Fridays. How many times a year does Mr. Green get to enjoy a 3-day weekend?

【解答】The correct answer: 8 times.



作者: admin






