
成人学英语, 需要掌握多少单词?其实这个问题, 每个人心里, 都有自己的答案. 一般来说,如果是出国旅游, 基本词汇 2k 都够. 如果是应付四六级考试, 词汇 6k 应该够. 如…

成人学英语, 需要掌握多少单词?其实这个问题, 每个人心里, 都有自己的答案.


一般来说,如果是出国旅游, 基本词汇 2k 都够.

如果是应付四六级考试, 词汇 6k 应该够.

如果是在外企工作, 入门词汇 6k 足够.

但是, 如果想能无障碍, 和母语人士沟通, 能聊一些有深度的话题, 比如 政经, 文化, 社会 等;能无障碍阅读英文资料, 乃至英语原版小说, 不用频频查字典;能无障碍看美剧, 每个字都听得倍儿清楚;无障碍用英语做演讲..

我觉得, 词汇量 2w 是起步,多多益善!!

对于成人来说,学习一门语言的最有效方法是学习the formal structures of the language(语言的形式结构)。学习动词的各种变形,语法策略以及记忆一些常用短语对成人学习英语很有帮助。





所以,在此给想要学习英语或者第二门语言的成人提供10条建议,这10条建议是一位会说九国外语的超级学霸Matthew Youlden总结出来的,希望对正在学习英语的你有所帮助。

1) Know why you’re doing it. 弄清学习外语的目的

This might sound obvious, but if you don’t have a good reason to learn a language, you are less likely to stay motivated over the long-run. Wanting to impress English-speakers with your French is not a very good reason; wanting to get to know a French person in his or her own language is another matter entirely。


2) Find a partner. 找到一起学习的小伙伴

Matthew learned several languages together with his twin brother Michael (they tackled their first foreign language, Greek, when they were only eight years old!). Matthew and Michael, or the Super Polyglot Bros. as I’d like to now refer to them, gained their superpowers from good-ol’, healthy sibling rivalry:“You have someone with whom you can speak, and that’s the idea behind learning a language。”


3) Talk to yourself. 自言自语

It might sound really weird, but actually speaking to yourself in a language is a great way to practice if you’re not able to use it all the time。” This can keep new words and phrases fresh in your mind and build up your confidence for the next time you speak with someone。“


4) Keep it relevant.学百遍不如用一遍

If you make conversation a goal from the beginning, you are less likely to get lost in textbooks.:“You’re learning a language to be able to use it. The creative side is really being able to put the language that you’re learning into a more useful, general, everyday setting – be that through writing songs, generally wanting to speak to people.


5) Have fun with it. 用语言做游戏

Think of some fun ways to practice your new language: make a radio play with a friend, draw a comic strip, write a poem, or simply talk to whomever you can. If you can’t find a way to have fun with the new language, chances are you aren’t following step four。


6) Act like a child.像成人一样去学(指的是学习态度,不是像成人一样的沉浸式学习方法)

The key to learning as quickly as a child may be to simply take on certain childlike attitudes: for instance, lack of self-consciousness, a desire to play in the language and willingness to make mistakes. New research cannot find a direct link between age and the ability to learn. As kids, we are expected to make mistakes, but as adults mistakes become taboo. When it comes to learning a language, admitting that you don’t know everything (and being okay with that) is the key to growth and freedom. Let go of your grown-up inhibitions!


7) Leave your comfort zone.离开你的舒适区

Willingness to make mistakes means being ready to put yourself in potentially embarrassing situations: talk to strangers in the language, ask for directions, order food, try to tell a joke. The more often you do this, the bigger your comfort zone becomes and the more at ease you can be in new situations.


8) Listen . 多听 (听了以后一定要多多模仿)

We’re able to pronounce anything, it’s just we’re not used to doing it. For example the rolled r doesn’t exist in my form of English. When I was learning Spanish there were words with the hard r in them like perro and reunión. For me, the best way to go about mastering that is actually to hear it constantly, to listen to it and to kind of visualize or imagine how that is supposed to be pronounced, because for every sound there is a specific part of the mouth or throat that we use in order to achieve that sound。”


9) Dive in. 潜心修行,戒骄戒躁

I tend to want to absorb as much as possible right from the start. So if I learn something I really, really go for it and try to use it throughout the day. For me it’s about actually putting what you’re learning into practice – be that writing an email, speaking to yourself, listening to music, listening to the radio. Surrounding yourself, submerging yourself in the new language culture is extremely important。”


10) Relax. 放松心态

You are not going to annoy people by speaking their language poorly. If you preface any interaction with, “I’m learning and I’d like to practice…” most people will be patient, encouraging and happy to oblige。


作者: admin






