英语学口语 看看美国地道俚语100句(图)

1. Don’t push me. 不要逼我。 2. Don’t give me your attitude. 不要给我搭架子。 3. Don’…

1. Don’t push me. 不要逼我。

2. Don’t give me your attitude. 不要给我搭架子。

3. Don’t dream away your time. 不要虚度工夫。

4. Don’t you dare come back again? 你敢再回来?

5. A flash in the pan. 好景不常。

6. He always likes to play a lone hand. 他老是喜好单枪匹马。

7. That boy never says uncle. 阿谁男孩嘴特硬。

8. You rose to the bait. 你中骗局了。

9. Play to the score. 因地制宜

10. I’m from Missouri. 你骗不了我。

11. He’s a brain. 他是有脑子的人。

12. This drought occurs once in a blue moon. 这场干旱是千载难逢的。

13. How dare you! 你敢!

14. In doing we learn. 经一事,长一智。

15. Get off my back. 少跟我烦琐。

16. Keep your temper under control. 不要发脾性。

17. That’s enough of your back talk. 不准你辩驳。

18. He is trying to cash in on me. 他想占我廉价。

19. Don’t chicken out. Be a man! 不要畏缩。像个汉子!

20. I’m hard up. 我经济严重。

21. It’s full of hot air. 满嘴跑火车/ 吹法螺皮。

22. He told me to get lost. 他叫我走开。

23. What’s in it for me? Or what’s my cut? Or what’s my share? 我有甚么益处?

24. I got a big kick out of it. 这事真让我高兴!

25. He kicked the bucket. 他已弃世。

26. Oh! You are killing me! 哦! 真是笑死我了。

27. He is an operator. 他是个老狡徒。

28. He passed out. 他晕倒了。

29. Don’t be that way. 不要阿谁模样!

30. You are casing pearls before swine. 你在对牛抚琴。

31. Example is better than precept. 身教胜于言传。

32. There is no one but hopes to be rich. 没有人不想发家。

33. He really has no guts. 他真的没有胆子。

34. He has a lot of ball. 他很能干

35. Wow, this car is awesome. Can I get a load of it? 哇,这辆车真棒。我可以好都雅一看吗?

36. I’m totally maxed out. 我彻底累坏了。

37. Give me a hand. 帮我一个忙。

38. Foot the bill. 付账。

39. You’re still wet behind the ears. 你还嫩点儿。

40. He had racked his brain. 他已挖空心思了。

41. Our team gained the upper hand. 咱们队占优势。

42. There go the house lights. 剧场的灯光灭了。

43. She eats like a bird. He eats like a horse. 她吃得很少。他很能吃。

44. He got off on the wrong foot when he started doing. 他一起头就出师晦气。

45. In her hometown, she was a big fish in a small pond. 在她的故乡,她很了不得。

46. He lives only a stone’s throw from here. 他离这儿只有一步之遥。

47. Our hopes were all gone. 咱们的但愿都成泡影了。

48. Go ahead with you plan. I am all for it. 继续你的规划吧, 我彻底同意.。

49. He has his faults, but all in all, he is a good guy. 他出缺点,但总的来讲是个大好人.。

50. Your explanation is as clear as mud. 你的诠释一点都不清晰。

51. I’m really crazy about Michael Jackson’s Rock & Roll. 我真的迷上了迈克尔·杰克逊的摇滚乐。

52. Their opinions on are simply for the birds. 他对艺术的看法真是荒诞好笑。

53. I told him to beat it. 我叫他走开。

54. I beat my brains out to get a job. 我为得到一份事情, 伤透了脑子。

55. When it comes to fishing, I beat him by miles. 说到垂纶,我甩他几英里。

56. Tell me what’s your beef? 奉告我你埋怨甚么?

57. I’ll come back before you know it. 我很快就回来。

58. Please behave yourself before the guests. 在来宾眼前你检核一点儿。

59. He is the man behind the curtain (or behind the scenes). 他是幕后人物。

60. You need to make a case for your suggestions before you can get them approved. 在你的建议获得核准以前,你必需提出充实的来由。

61. Don’t tell others. Let sleeping dog lie. 不要奉告他人莫惹长短。

62. It’s in God’s hands and we have prepared for the worst. 听其自然吧,咱们已做了最坏的筹备了。

63. When I knew I just being hired, I jumped out of my skin. 当我获知被录历时,我的确惊喜若狂。

64. The whole team was in doghouse because they lost the game. 因为输掉角逐,全部队都堕入窘境。

65. I looked high and low for my pen. 我处处找我的钢笔。

66. He got to know the ins and outs of the accidents. 他终究弄清了事变的来龙去脉。

67. He left his wife high and dry. 他丢弃了他的老婆。

68. If you remain stuck-up, they will often try to pull your
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leg. 假设你仍是傍若无人的话,他们会经常愚弄你的。

69. How can we know whether a person is on the up and up by his appearance. 一小我的外表咱们怎样能晓得他是坦白的呢?

70. He’ll be out and about very soon. 他很快就可以到户外活动了。

71. He will not turn the cold shoulder on me when I am in trouble. 他不会在我坚苦的时辰冷淡我。

72. It’s not use talking to him, you’ll only waste your breath. 和他谈没有效,你只是在白搭口舌。

73. You gave me an awful pain in the neck. 你真让我感觉腻烦.

74. The lu妹妹ox has loused up their company’s whole business. 阿谁傻大个把公司的营业搞得一团糟。

75. When he asked me to marry him, I felt in a bind. 当他向我求婚时,我感触很为难。

76. She knows her beans in working. 她在事情方面很精晓。

77. In his speech Mr. Brown laid stress on the sagacity of cats. 布朗在演说中夸大了猫的灵性。

78. The criminal tried to grasp at a straw by feigning mental disorder. 罪犯装疯, 试图捉住一根救命稻草。

79. Since he is as silly as a goose, he will not get a promotion. 既然他
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80. The mayor really made a slip of the tongue! 市长可真是说漏了嘴。

81. John’s friend said he was mistaken, but he stood his ground. 约翰的朋侪说他错了,但他对峙己见。

82. You can trust him, for he’s honest through and through. 你可以信赖他,由于他真正诚笃的。

83. Trying to study a lesson for one class during another class is like robbing Peter to pay Paul. 在一门课上读另外一门课的作业,即是是拆东墙补西墙。

84. Facing his enemy, he had to play it by ear. 面临仇人,他只能因地制宜了。

85. It’s a hit. 这件事很受人接待!

86. You hit the nail on the head. 你提纲契领。

87. It’s all Greek to me. 我一点儿也不懂。

88. He is always on the go. 他老是在忙。

89. That’s a good gi妹妹ick. 那是个好把戏。

90. He is a fast talker. 他是个吹法螺大王。

91. What’s the gag? 这内里有甚么奇妙吗?

92. Drop dead. 滚蛋!

93. What’s eating you? 你有甚么懊恼?

94. You’re impossible. 你病入膏肓。

95. You’re an asshole. 你这缺德鬼。

96. You’re a jerk. 你是个忘八!

97. Really? You’re so bad. 真的吗?你真棒!

98. Someday, when your ship comes in, you’ll build your dream house. 总有一天,当你有钱时,你会造你的空想的屋子。

99. Someday you’re going to have to face the music for your actions. 总有一天你将不能不承当本身的举动带来的后果。

100. We could make beautiful music together. 咱们或许会是调和幸福的一对。

作者: admin






