1 For the past five years,i have lived about a mile north of the forbidden city ,in an apartment bulidinig off a tiny alley(小巷)?in downtown Beijing.the capital,like most Chinese cities nowadays,has been changing fast,but the?layout?(布局设计)of my?neighborhood(街区)?has remained more or less the same for centuries.
2 Ancient as it may be,the neighborhood is definitely not a place for space and quiet .it is a world of noise and excitement(兴奋刺激),a lively and spirited(生机勃勃,精神饱满)?affair.
3 I live in a modern three-story buliding ,but it is surrounded by the single-story houses of brick,wood ,and?tile(瓦片)?that are characteristic(典型的独特的)of hutong.these structures stand behind walls of gray brick,and often a visitor to old beijing is impressed(使留下深刻印象) by the sence of division:wall after wall,gray brick upon gray brick.but a hutong neiborhood is distinguished(使有区别)?by?connections(联系)?and movement.in a hutong much is a communal(共有的),including(包括……在内)?the alley itsellf.even in winter residents bundle up and sit along the alley ,chatting with their neighbors.
4 The sounds of daily life are completely different from what a Westerner(西方人)?like me would expect back in my home country.usually i am awake by?dawn(黎明)?,and from my desk i hear residents chatting and laughing loudly as they make their way to the little exercise station next to my building.outdoor(户外的) exercise stations can be found almost everywhere around the city.but i guess nobody appreciates these spotsmore than hutong residents.at dawn and dusk,they are especially busy-you can hear groups of elderly people dancing,singing playing chess,and exchanging imformation about their neighbors.they literally konw everybody around!once a cheerful(高兴的) old lady passed on the business card of a foreigner who had been trying to track me down.another time,she told me that the local matchmaker(媒人) had someone in mind for me.the exercise station seem to be perfect for the ultimate hutong sport:hanging around in the street with the neighbors.
5 By mid-morning,the venders(小贩) are out.these street venders pass through regularly ,becase the hutong is too small for supermarkets.they pedal(骑自行车) through the alley ,each announcing his product with a trademark(标志性的) cry.the beer woman is the loudest,singing out again and again,”maaaaiiiii piiiiijiuuuuuu!”-”buuuuyyyy beeeeeeeeeer!”it can be distracting,but over the years i have learned to appreciate the music in the calls.the rice man’s voice is higher-pitched(使人分心的) ;the fruit dealer(交易商) occupies the lower registers(音区).the knife sharpener(磨刀人,磨具)?provides a steady click-clack of metal plates.the sounds are smoothing(安慰的),a reminder(起提醒作用的)?that even if i never left my house again life would be sustainable.
到了早上,小贩们都出去了。这些街头小贩经常经过,因为胡同对大卖场来说太小了。他们蹬着踏板穿过小巷,每个人都在宣布他的产品,的产品。卖啤酒女人是最大声的,一次又一次地唱出来,“卖啤酒!”-“buy beer!”这可能会让人分心,但多年来我学会了欣赏电话中的音乐。卖米人的声音更高;水果商人占据着较低的音区。磨刀匠提供了一个稳定的金属板点击夹。声音是平滑的,提醒我,即使我再也没有离开我的房子,生活将是可持续的。
6 It was not until recently that i finally learned from my neighbor the word that can precisely describe my life here in beijing-renao,which essentially means lively and bustling(繁忙的) with excitement.it is part of the beijing?psyche(心灵,灵魂)?,and it is what greets(问候) you every day here,just as much as people saying “nihao(hello)”to you does.renao is everywhere in the city.it ride the subways and roads ,creates a strong sence of community spirit among hutong residents ,and brings public parks to life.
7 For me ,an american who comes from a country where quietness in public place and the concept of a personal space bubble(气泡) are emphasized(强调,重视)?,all the people and all their renao were a challenge which i had to meet and adapt to at first .but now it has became the main aspect of my time in the city ,and if i leave i will truly miss it the most.
8 Renao is what makes beijing what it is ,more than just a huge, an ancient city.it makes beijing a city in which you feel alive and part of something bigger.
9 For most people who have lived in here over the past years and keep comming back,it is this renao -this energy and dynamism(精力,活力) and spirit -that keeps pulling them back.
10 Beijing is the king of renao.