
总有家长和同窗问我应当选择甚么样的课外课本来学英语 这个问题实在很难答复。以《新观点》为例,这篇互动和评论很是多,直到今天还不竭有人留言。这阐明大师对这套经典课本的存眷度仍然很高,…





今天,我就给大师先容一套汗青久长但程度极高的英语课本《灵格风》(Linguaphone)。空话未几说,直接上原文——我从中级教程中随意选了一篇文章,大师来感觉一下它的隧道性和适用性。这篇文章的题目是:Saturday Night Thoughts 是一小我周六晚上入眠前的心里勾当,是一段白话化+意识流的独白,出格合适作为白话测验的练习素材。他在斟酌周日干甚么,由于他一般周日都无所事事,但来日诰日想做点扭转……

Now where are my pyjamas?It’s Sunday tomorrow. I usually sit around and do nothing on Sundays, but tomorrow I’m going to make a special effort. I’m going to get up early and see to lots of jobs that I’ve been meaning to do for ages but just haven’t got round to. First of all, I’m going to cut the garden hedge, and then I’m going to dig the weeds out of the vegetable patch and plant some cabbages
and onions. If I have time after that, I’ll mow the front lawn before lunch. In the afternoon I’m going to polish the car and give it a service. The car needs a service badly, but I’m not going to take it to the garage because labour costs are so high nowadays. There’s no point in wasting money, and why pay someone to do a simple job when it costs you nothing to do it yourself? I’ve phoned Ted, and since he’s at a loose end tomorrow he’ll come round as soon as he finishes lunch and we’ll work on the car together. We’ve agreed that he’ll help me with my car this week, and, in turn, I’ll go round to his place next Sunday and help him paint his garage.Ah well, into bed…


sit around and do nothingmake a special effortsee to…(大爱这个短语)see to lots of jobs that I’ve been meaning to do for ages but just haven’t got round to.(全部背下来便可以直接用)If I have time after thatpolish the car and give it a service.There’s no point in wasting money, and why pay someone to do a simple job when it costs you nothing to do it yourself? (是否是感受天天都有可能用到这句话?)at a loose endhe’ll come round as soon as he finishes lunchI’ll go round to his place这只是《灵格风》的冰山一角,满段的说话菁华已让人爱不释手。大师可以细心品读几遍。

咱们再来看一段对话—— A Little Gossip,是两位密斯的闲谈,固然从内容上来看,翻译成“八卦”更好。并且,经由过程这段对话咱们可以学到不少英式八卦的超适用句型。

Mrs. Jones: Good morning, Mrs. Smith. What beautiful weather again!

Mrs. Smith: Yes, lovely! What a splendid su妹妹er we’ve had so far this year!

Mrs. Jones: Yes, but some people are complaining about the heat and grumbling because we haven’t had much rain for the gardens.

Mrs. Smith: Some people are never satisfied.

Mrs. Jones: By the way, have you heard that young Patrick Ellis has had another accident in his car?

Mrs. Smith: How awful! Is he badly hurt?

Mrs. Jones: Well, they took him to hospital but I don’t think it was serious because he’s coming home again today.

Mrs. Smith: I suppose he was driving flat out again. Only yesterday I was telling Mrs. Tailor how madly he drives. And all his friends are just the same.

Mrs. Jones: I know. What wild things these young men are these days!

Mrs. Smith: Mm….I’ve got some news for you, too. Have you heard that Eva Browning is getting married for the third time on September the tenth?

Mrs. Jones: Fancy that! She only got her second divorce in the spring. What a dreadful woman she is!

Mrs. Smith: Her first marriage only lasted six months – and that was only in 1972, wasn’t it?

Mrs. Jones: Yes, that’s right. At this rate she’ll lose count of her husbands before she’s forty.

Mrs. Smith: She may lose count, Mrs. Jones, but we certainly won’t.



1. What beautiful weather again!(注重,没有冠词a);

2. lovely, splendid su妹妹er;

3. some people are complaining about…and grumbling…(有些人就是喜好埋怨和发怨言);

Mrs. Jones起头八卦一个年青人的车祸,画风起头变革。


1. Have you heard that…has had another accident…?(不消铺垫,直接八卦)

2. How awful!(说这句话,腔调越奇异越好~)

3. I don’t think it was serious because he’s coming home again today.(本来车祸其实不紧张,注重否认转移 I don’t think it was…);

4. he was driving flat out again.(白话用法: flat out,至关于as fast as possible);

5. Only yesterday I was telling…how…(信赖我,这绝对是白话测验中的救命全能句型);

6. What wild things these young men are these days!(把这句话的断句处置好,查验本身有无真懂这个句型);

Mrs. Smith投桃报李,也回馈了一个大八卦——某密斯要结第三次婚了!


1. I’ve got some news for you, too.

2. Fancy that!(这句话必定要举高语气,它可以翻译成各类中文版本,若是用武汉话来讲,有点像“你吓(发音:核)我呃~”);

3. What a dreadful woman she is!(经典苛刻评价);

4. At this rate she’ll lose count of her husbands before she’s forty.(照这个速率下去,她四十岁以前可能就数不清本身有几多个老公了……at this rate, lose count of,多好的用法);

5. She may lose count, Mrs. Jones, but we certainly won’t.(这句话的朗诵技能在于,第一个单词 She 要重读,细心领会一下这个语气吧!)


李哲:资深英语讲师,从教16年,英文藏书3000册;翻译出书过《可骇的科学》系列等多部英文著作;企鹅图书怀念莎士比亚诞辰450周年大型勾当武汉站主讲佳宾;互联网预言大家、《失控》&《必定》作者凯文·凯利读者碰头会特邀现场翻译;用英语讲述的小我故事被BBC选用并在国际频道BBC World Service中播出。

作者: admin






