1. “你叮到我了!”
“OUCH! You got me!”
2. “我好痒,请不要叮我。”
“I’m so itchy, please don’t bite me.”
3. “为什么你总是在夜晚找我?”
“Why do you always come for me at night?”
4. “你是如何传播疾病的?”
“How do you spread diseases?”
5. “请不要在我耳边嗡嗡作响。”
“Please don’t buzz in my ear.”
6. “你的鸣声太吵了。”
“Your buzzing is very annoying.”
7. “我可以使用驱蚊剂吗?”
“Can I use
insect repellant?”
8. “我希望你快点离开。”
“I hope you leave soon.”
9. “为什么你总是找到我的血?”
“Why do you always find my blood?”
10. “我不想得到疟疾或其他疾病。”
“I don’t want to get malaria or other diseases.”
11. “你能懂人类的语言吗?”
“Do you understand human language?”
12. “你看起来很饿。”
“You look very hungry.”
13. “我不是你的晚餐。”
“I’m not your dinner.”
14. “我希望有一种方法可以完全杜绝蚊子。”
“I wish there was a way to completely get rid of mosquitoes.”
15. “请不要让我再次被叮咬。”
“Please don’t bite me again.”