word list 1
appropriate [?’pr??pr??t] adj. 恰如其分的,恰当的;特有的‖ vt. 拨出(金钱);移用,盗用
【例句】①a suggestion to reduce stress is to make plans and act when appropriate, rather than just sit around and worry. 要减轻压力,一个主张是要当令地拟定方案,并去施行,而非无所事事,整日担忧。(2014-tem 8)②he was accused of appropriating club funds. 他被指控移用沙龙基金。
【派生】appropriately adv. 恰当地,适合地;相等地
content [k?n’tent] adj. 满足的,满足的‖ n. 容量,含量;内容;满足;(书等的)目录
【例句】the magazine’s familiar table of contents will be replaced with a photograph. 杂志原先了解的目录表将被替换成一张相片。(2000-tem 8)
【分配】be content to/with 满足于……
【派生】contented adj. 满足的;心安的‖contentment n. 满足;满足‖contention n. 争论,争论,论争;观念,主张
available [?’ve?l?bl] adj. 有空的;可使用的;可得到的;可见到的
【例句】recent surveys report that more than 300 million books are available in these academic libraries. 迩来查询指出,高校的图书馆中有3亿册书本可供运用。(2000-tem 8)
【分配】available for 可用于……的;对……有用的‖available from 可向……收
【派生】availability n. 可用性;有用性;有用性
physical [‘f?z?kl] adj. 物质的;有形的;身体的;天然(界)的;物理的
【例句】modern companies pay special attention to the physical surroundings in order to create an atmosphere conducive to higher working efficiency. 现代公司非常注重公司的实体环境,以营建一种有助于前进作业功率的空气。(2003-tem 8)
exhibition [eks?’b??n] n. 博览会;展览(品),铺排品;体现;扮演;闪现
【例句】in 1946, moore had his first foreign retrospective exhibition at the museum of modern art, new york. 1946年,摩尔在纽约现代艺术博物馆举办了他的首场国外回想展。(2003-tem 8)
【分配】make an exhibition of oneself 当众出丑‖on exhibition 展出中
advantage [?d?vɑ:nt?d?] n. 优势;优点;利益
【例句】a computerized university could have many advantages, such as easy scheduling, efficient delivery of lectures to thousands of students at once. 一个电子化的大学有许多优势,比便利于组织调度,可高效地一起为不计其数的学生组织授课。(2006-tem 8)
【分配】take advantage of使用‖to one’s advantage对或人有利‖have the advantage over胜过,优于
negative [?neg?t?v] adj. 低沉的;否定的;负的‖ n. 否定词语;否定的观念;低沉性
【例句】stress can be both negative and positive. 压力既有低沉的一面,也有活泼的一面。(2014-tem 8)
potential [p??ten?l] adj. 潜在的;可以的‖ n. 潜在的可以;潜力
【例句】every seed is a potential plant. 每粒种子都可以生长为植物。
【分配】have potential for sth. 有可以,有潜力做某事
【派生】potentially adv. 可以地;潜在地‖potentiality n. 潜力;可以性
approach [?’pr??t?] n. 办法,途径;到来,接近‖ v. 接近,接近;着手处置;找……协商
【例句】①supporters of marijuana legalization have said it will fight criminal drug trafficking and could influence other latin american nations to take a similar approach. 大麻合法化的撑持者认为,这项办法将会冲击不合法毒品走私活动,并能影响其他拉丁美洲国家采纳类似的行动。(2015-tem 8)②as you approach the town, the first building you see is the church. 接近那座乡镇的时分,首要看到的就是教堂。
【分配】make an approach to 对……进行谈论‖approach with 以……方法处置;向……提出主张
【派生】approachable adj. 亲热的;可接近的
underline [?nd?’la?n] v. 在……下划线;偏重‖ n. 划鄙人面的线
【例句】the assumption that family happiness lies in children is underlined by its converse: in some societies, the failure to bear children is a threat to the marriage. 家庭夸姣的要害在于孩子,这一点可以从不和得到昭示:在某些社会中,无法生儿育女对婚姻而言是一种挟制。(1999-tem 8)
essential [?’sen?l] adj. 本质的;根柢的;必不可以少的‖ n. 本质;要素;必不可以少的东西
【例句】①it is essential to train our bodies to find the most comfortable pose that we can sit in for hours. 练习咱们的身体找到合适久坐的最佳姿势非常重要。(2003-tem 8)②as a day-to-day essential, the wallet will die off with the generation who read print newspapers. 作为一件往常日子中的必需品,钱包将同阅览纸质报纸的这一代人一同不见。
【分配】be essential for 对……必不可以少的
【派生】essentially adj. 本质上;根柢上
instance [‘?nst?ns] n. 例子,比方;情况‖ v. 举例阐明
【例句】studies have shown, for instance, that eating in front of the tv can increase both hunger and the amount of food consumed. 比方,研讨标明,一边吃东西一边看电视会添加饥饿感以?缘氖澄锪俊?
【分配】at the instance of 应……的恳求‖ in this instance 在此情况下
alliance [?’la??ns] n. 结盟;联婚
【例句】his political alliances were formed upon his likes and dislikes. 他的政治同盟根据他的自个喜恶而树立。(2007-tem 8)
【分配】in alliance with 与……联盟
characteristic [k?r?kt?’r?st?k] n. 特征,特性,特征‖ adj. 典型的;特有的
【例句】genes determine the characteristics of every living thing. 基因抉择每个生物的特征。
【分配】be characteristic of ……所特有的特征;有……的特征
domestic [d?’mest?k] adj. 家庭的,家用的;(动物)非野生的,驯养的;国内的,国产的
【例句】①a pig is a domestic animal. 猪是一种家畜。②japan’s cabinet office said monday that gross domestic product rose an annualized 0.4% in the three months ended on june 30. 周一,日本内阁单位标明其第二季度的国内出产总值同比添加0.4%。(2012-tem 8)
【同根】domestically adv. 国内地;家庭式地;合适国内地‖domesticate v. 使习气于或喜爱家务和家庭日子‖domesticityn. 家庭日子
joint [d???nt] adj. 一起的;联接的;联合的,合办的‖ n. 关节;接缝;接合处,接合点
【例句】①from february 21th to 28th, 1972, the us president richard nixon paid an official visit to china, during which a sino-us joint communiqué was issued in shanghai. 1972年2月21日到28日,美国总统尼克松正式访华,时刻两边在上海签发了中美联合公报。(2001-tem 8)②check that the joints of the pipes are sealed properly. 查看一下管道的接口是不是封严了。
【派生】jointly adv. 一起地,联合地;连带地
liberal [‘l?b?r?l] adj. 安适主义的;大方的;不拘泥的;广大的‖ n. 安适主义者
【例句】they favour liberal free-market policies. 他们撑持翻开的安适商场方针。
【派生】liberally adv. 大方地;安适地;公正地;足够地‖liberality n. 大方,大方;胸怀宽广,胸襟广大
promote [pr?’m??t] v. 推进,增进;前进,选拔;宣传,推销
【例句】our teacher has been promoted to headmaster. 咱们的教师已被前进为校长了。
【派生】promotion n. 提升;促销;推进;复兴
poll [p??l] n. 投票数;民意查验;(pl.) 政治推举‖ v. 投票;对……进行民意查验;获得……选票
【例句】more than 18,000 people were polled. 跨越1.8万人承受了民意查验。
range [re?nd?] n. 射程;规模;领域;摆放;接连;(山)脉‖ v. 摆放成行;延伸
【例句】the fixture park becomes a strong association of local residents with the natural environment of the mountain ranges near their home. 无法移动的公园把当地居民与周边山系天然环境紧密联络起来。(2015-tem 8)
【分配】range from…to/between 从……到……不等‖out of range 在……规模(射程)外‖a range of 一系列;一些;一套
specific [sp?’s?f?k] adj. 清楚的;具体的;特定的,特有的
【例句】the companies recruit all over the country and the globe for workers with specific abilities. 这些公司在全国各地和全世界招聘具有专业技能的工人。
【派生】specification n. 标准;阐明书;胪陈‖specifically adj. 特别地;具体地;清楚地
sector [‘sekt?] n. 扇形;(活动领域的)部分;战区,防区
【例句】there are several sectors unusable in this disk. 这张磁盘有几个扇区坏了。
slash [sl??] v. & n. (大高低地)削减;降低;猛击,猛砍;严肃批判
【例句】the government has slashed back on its spending. 该政府现已大大削减了开支。
define [d?’fa?n] v. 给……下界说;断定……的规模/鸿沟
【例句】we were unable to define what exactly was wrong with him. 咱们说不理解他究竟哪里不队棰。
【分配】define as 说明为
【派生】definitive n. 限制词‖definition n. 界说
effective [?’fekt?v] adj. 有用的,收效的;发生深化形象的;实践的,真实的
【例句】no method is absolutely effective in all situations. 没有一种办法在一切景象中能必定有用。(2011-tem 8)
【派生】effectiveness n. 效能
impact [??mp?kt] n. 磕碰,冲击;影响;作用‖ vt. 挤入;碰击;压紧;对……发生影响
【例句】surging crowds impacted the theatre. 蜂拥的人群挤满了剧场。
【分配】have an impact on 关于……有影响;对……构成冲击
indicate [‘?nd?ke?t] vt. 指出,指示;标明;暗示
【例句】closeness indicates intimacy or threat to many speakers whilst distance may denote formality or a lack of interest. 对许多说话者而言,靠得近意味着亲近或挟制,而离得远则代表有些拘谨或毫无快乐喜爱。(2014-tem 8)
【分配】indicate sth. to sb. 暗示或人某事
【派生】indicative adj. 标志的;指示的;标明……的‖indication n. 指示,指出;痕迹;标志
rickshaw [?r?k??:] n. 人力车;三轮车
【例句】they regard the hand-pulled rickshaw as a relic of colonialism. 他们认为人力车是殖民主义留传下来的产品。(2010-tem 8)
sample [‘sɑ?mpl] n. 样品;标本;货样‖ v. 品尝;领会;抽样查看
【例句】①i sampled the delights of greek cooking for the first time. 我初度品尝了希腊的甘旨菜肴。②between november and january, eight jumbo jets will fly 8 million copies of a sample 16-page edition of fmr across the atlantic. 在11月到下一年1月间,8架大型喷气飞机将载着800万份16页的fmr杂志样本飞越大西洋。(1999-tem 8)
esteem [?’sti?m] n. 尊敬,尊敬‖ vt. 尊敬,尊敬;把……看作
【例句】the ways to satisfy esteem needs include personal achievements, promotion to more responsible jobs, various honors and awards and other forms of recognition. 满足尊敬需要的办法包括:获得自个作用,升职到更重要的岗位,获得各种荣誉和奖项以及其他方法的认可。(2003-tem 8)
【分配】gain/get the esteem of 赢得……的尊敬
manufacture [m?nj?’f?kt??] v. (用机器许多)出产,制造‖ n. 制造;制造业;(pl.)产品
【例句】it takes 569 gallons to manufacture a t-shirt. 出产一件t恤需要569加仑的水。(2012-tem 8)
【派生】manufactured adj. 制造的,已制成的‖manufacturer n. 制造商;厂商
volume [‘v?lju?m] n. 卷,册;容积;许多,许多;音量
【例句】①i read a novel in three volumes yesterday. 昨日我读了一部三卷本的小说。②he came to complain about the volume of the music. 他过来诉苦音乐的音量太高了。
critical [‘kr?t?kl] adj. 批判的;爱挑剔的;危殆的;抉择性的,要害的;谈论的
【例句】①he has also been highly critical of studies claiming that the software compares well to human graders. 他也激烈批判那些声称软件比人工更有用的言辞。②don’t forget to take calcium and vitamin d, two critical factors in developing strong bones. 不要忘掉罗致钙和维生素d,这是两个打开健旺骨骼的要害要素。(2005-tem 8)
【分配】be critical of 对……吹毛求疵的;对……标明不满的
democratic [dem?’kr?t?k] adj. 民主的;民主国家的;民主主义的
【例句】education is the basis of a democratic society. 教育是民主社会的基础。
【同根】democracy n. 民主,民主主义;民主政治
expectancy [?k’spekt?ns?] n. 等待,期望
【例句】in botswana, where 39% of the adult population is infected with hiv, life expectancy is 39 years. 博茨瓦纳的人均寿数只需39岁,因为那里39%的成年人都感染了艾滋病毒。(2004-tem 8)
【分配】life expectancy 预期寿数;均匀寿数
faculty [‘f?klt?] n. 全体教员;(大学的)系,科;才干,身手,才能
【例句】①jennifer gidley thinks that tomorrow’s university faculty, instead of giving lectures and conducting independent research, may take on different new roles. 珍妮弗·吉德利认为将来的大学教职职工除了要授课和打开独立研讨之外,还需承担多种不一样的新人物。(2006-tem 8)②she has the faculty to learn languages easily. 她有垂手可得学会言语的才干。
【分配】faculty of/for doing sth. 做某事物的特别才干
concept [‘k?nsept] n. 概念;观念;思维
【例句】active learners often predict the courses, or even particular concepts within courses that may give them trouble. 活泼的学习者们一般会对课程内容,甚至是可以会给他们带来利诱的某些特定概念进行猜测。(2013-tem 8)
【派生】conceptual adj. 概念上的‖conception n. 怀孕;概念;想象,构思
diverse [da?’v??s] adj. 不一样的;多种多样的
【例句】states with the most racially diverse populations stand in stark contrast to those of the least racially diverse populations. 人员多样性最高的州和人员多样性最低的州构成了显着的比照。(2010-tem 8)
【分配】diverse from… 与……不一样
【派生】diversified adj. 多样化的;各种的‖diversity n. 多样性;差异
linguistic [l??’gw?st?k] adj. 言语的;言语学的
【例句】non-natives are now happy—linguistic discrimination is a thing of the past. 非本地人如今夸姣了——言语轻视是曩昔的事了。
proofread [‘pru:fri:d] v. 校正
【例句】i didn’t even have the chance to proofread my own report. 我甚至没有机缘校正自个的陈述。
semantically [s?’m?nt?kl?] adv. 语义地
【例句】it also feels semantically wrong to me. 我也觉得它语义上存在疑问。
apply [?’pla?] vt. 施行,使用;涂敷‖ vi. 请求;恳求;适用,适用于
【例句】①it enables him to apply theory to practice. 这使他可以把理论运用到实习上。②faulks has applied himself to this task with considerable energy. 福克斯为这项使命倾泻了许多精力。
【分配】apply for 请求,恳求‖apply to 适用于‖apply oneself to 专心从事,静心于……
【派生】reapply v. 从头请求‖applicable adj. 可使用的,可适用的‖application n. 请求‖applicant n. 请求人‖appliance n. 用具,用具
authority [??’θ?r?t?] n. 权力;声威;声威人士;(pl.)官方,当局
【例句】the local water authority built a new waste-treatment facility. 当地的水务局缔造了一个新的废物处置设备。(2001-tem 8)
【分配】authority on 有关……的声威;……的专家‖in authority 有权;持有权力的方位
【派生】authoritative adj. 有声威的;指令式的;当局的‖authoritarian adj. 独裁主义的;权力主义的 n. 权力主义者;独裁主义者
barrier [‘b?r??] n. 妨碍;屏障;关卡‖ vt. 把……关入栅门
【例句】the demonstrators broke through heavy police barriers. 示威者们打破了差人的重重设防。
【分配】barrier to ……的妨碍
conflict [‘k?nfl?kt] n. 冲突;政论;战争;敌对‖ v. 冲突;冲突;争论
【例句】personal ethics and professional ethics sometimes conflict. 自个道德和作业道德有时会彼此冲突。
【分配】in conflict with 和……冲突‖in conflict 有敌对;纷歧致
consciously [‘k?n??sl?] adv. 有知道地;自觉地
【例句】he is consciously trying to overcome his weakness. 他有知道地在战胜自个的缺陷。
【同根】consciousness n. 知道‖unconsciously adv. 不知不觉;无知道地
fertility [f??t?l?ti] n. 多产;肥美;出产力;丰饶
【例句】it made painstaking efforts to quantify fertility preference. 为了对生育偏好进行量化,我们付出了不少艰苦的尽力。(1999-tem 8)
inflation [?n’fle??n] n. 充气,胀大;通货胀大
【例句】analysts have said the zimbabwean government’s official inflation rate figures are conservative. 分析人士认为,津巴布韦政府给出的官方通货胀大率是比照保存的数字。(2010-tem 8)
【派生】inflationary adj. 通货胀大的;通货胀大倾向的;通货胀大致使的
parliament [‘pɑrl?m?nt] n. 国会,议会
【例句】the legislation is expected to be passed in the next parliament. 估计这项法案将鄙人一届议会中经过。
absence [??bs?ns] n. 缺席;没有;空缺
【例句】the manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems in his absence. 司理需要一个他不在时可以盼望上处置疑问的助理。
commerce [‘k?m??s] n. 商业;生意
【例句】one of major factors in the spread of english has been the spread of commerce throughout the world. 英语传达的一个首要缘由是商业生意的世界化。(2008-tem 8)
【派生】commercial adj. 商业的,商用的‖commercially adv. 商业地‖commercialization n. 商业化
hypothesis [ha?’p?θ?s?s] n. 假定,假定;条件
【例句】steven krashen has proposed five hypotheses about second language acquisition. 史蒂芬·克拉森提出了关于二语习得的五个假定。(2011-tem 8)
identify [a?’dent?fa?] vt. 辨认,辨别;认同
【例句】①she identified the man as her attacker. 她认出那个男人就是突击过她的人。②too often, writer, translator and reader were implicitly identified with each other. 太多时分,作者、译者和读者会彼此暗暗认同。(2012-tem 8)
【分配】identify sth. with sth. 将……与……平等起来‖identify with sb./sth. 认同或人/某物
【派生】identification n. 认出;辨认‖unidentified adj. 未经招认的
personality [p??s?’n?l?t?] n. 品质;特性;名人
【例句】his engaging personality made him popular with his peers. 他诱人的特性使他深受同龄人的喜爱。
scale [ske?l] n. 规划;刻度;天平,磅秤;音阶;鱼鳞‖ v. 过秤;重;改动标准;攀爬
【例句】①on a global scale, 77% of energy is created from fossil fuels. 从全球规划看,77%的动力来自化石燃料。②we are going to scale down the number of trees being felled. 咱们要削减采伐树木。
【分配】on a large/small scale 大/小规划地‖on the scale of 按……的比例;以……的规划‖scale down 减缩
acquire [?’kwa??] vt. 获得;学到(常识等);养成(习气等)
【例句】she was keen to acquire more advanced culinary skills. 她热切盼望学到更高超的烹饪技巧。
【派生】acquired adj. 后天的;已获得的;已成习气的
advance [?d’vɑ?ns] n. 打开,行进;增加;预付款‖ v. 行进;提出;预付‖ adj. 前面的;预先的
【例句】scientists have advanced a new theory to explain this phenomenon.科学家已提出一种新理论来说明这一表象。
【分配】in advance 预先,提前‖in advance of 跨越;在……前面‖on the advance 在上涨
【派生】advanced adj. 领先的;高档的;晚期的;年迈的‖advancement n. 行进,前进;前进
association [?s??s?’e??n] n. 协会,集体;联合;交游;联想
【例句】black was considered inappropriate because of its associations with death. 不宜用黑色,因为它让人联想到去世。
【分配】in association with 与……相联络‖association with 与……的交游;与……联合
automatically [?:t?’m?t?kl?] adv. 主动地;无知道地;不自觉地;机械地
【例句】according to krashen, children acquire their first language largely unconsciously and automatically. 克拉申认为,孩子们可以下知道地主动学习掌控他们的第一言语。(2011-tem 8)
boost [bu?st] n. & vt. 前进,添加,抬高(价格等);援助;宣传
【例句】access to clean water and soap not only improves hygiene but may boost growth in young children, research suggests. 研讨标明,获取洁净的水源和香皂不只能改进公共清洁,还能推进孩子的生长。(2015-tem 8)
【分配】boost up 向上推;增强;援助
category [?k?t?g?ri] n. 品种,类型,品种
【例句】there are different categories of books in a library. 图书馆里有各种不一样品种的书本。
【同根】categorize vt. 分类,把……分类‖categorical adj. 必定的;开宗明义的;归于某一领域的‖categorization n. 分类;分门别类;编目办法
consensus [k?n’sens?s] n. (定见等的)共同,共同
【例句】people realize the importance of consensus. 我们知道抵达到共同的重要性。(2014-tem 8)
【分配】reach a consensus 达到共同
【同根】consensual adj. 经两边附和的,共同附和的
corporate [‘k??p?r?t] adj. 集体的,全体的;公司的,公司的
【例句】they no longer expect corporate profits to improve. 他们不再等待公司获利会增加。
【派生】corporation n. 公司;法人(集体);社团;市政当局
coverage [‘k?v?r?d?] n. 报导;抵偿规模,稳妥额;规模
【例句】in sponsoring sports events, it is not just the media coverage that matters. 在举办体育竞赛上,重要的不只是是新闻报导。(1999-tem 8)
distinct [d?’st??kt] adj. 不一样的;分隔的;清楚的,清楚的
【例句】men have often felt the need to cultivate a given language to show that they are distinct from another race. 我们总觉得有必要构成自个特定的言语,以展示他们和另一种族是不一样的。(2008-tem 8)
【分配】be distinct from 不一样于……,与……有不一样
【派生】distinctive adj. 有特征的,异乎寻常的‖distinction n. 差异;不一样;特性;荣誉,勋章
fundamental [f?nd?’mentl] adj. 基础的,根柢的‖ n. (pl.)根来历则,根来历理
【例句】the cumulative effect was a fundamental change in how millions of people approached life itself. 一切这些累积起来,使得数百万人的日子方法发生了根柢改变。(2007-tem 8)
【分配】be fundamental to 对……是至关重要的
【派生】fundamentally adv. 从根柢上;基础地
interval [‘?nt?vl] n. 间隔;间歇;(幕间或作业)歇息
【例句】time sampling means that researchers choose various time intervals for their observation.时刻取样法是指研讨人员选择不一样的时刻间隔以用于调查。(2012-tem 8)
【分配】at intervals 相隔一段间隔;不时‖in the interval 在这一时刻;在间隔时
lexical [?leks?kl] adj. 词汇的;词典的
【例句】the grammatical words which play so large a part in english grammar are sharply and obviously different from the lexical words. 在英语语法中起偏重要作用的语法词显着和词汇词有着显着不一样。(2000-tem 8)
predict [pr?’d?kt] v. 猜测,预言;预告
【例句】it is predicted that this phenomenal growth will have great impact on our society and economy. 有人估计,这个异常迅猛的增加将给咱们的社会和经济带来无量的影响。(2001-tem 8)
【派生】predictive adj. 预言性的;变成前兆的‖prediction n. 预告;预言
prime [pra?m] adj. 首要的;最佳的;开始的‖ n. (或人的)鼎盛期
【例句】because you can’t drive a car and watch television at the same time, rush hour became radio’s prime time. 因为你不能一起看电视和开车,所以交通的顶峰时段变成了收听收音机的黄金时段。
reference [‘refr?ns] n. 提及;参阅(书目);证明书(人);介绍信‖ v. 引证
【例句】the largest public library in the us is the library of congress, which was originally planned as the reference library for the federal legislature. 美国最大的公共图书馆是国会图书馆,开始它是作为联邦立法机关的参阅书阅览室而树立。(2000-tem 8)
【分配】by reference to 参照‖with/in reference to 关于,就……而论
welfare [‘welfe?] n. 福利;夸姣;福利作业
【例句】governments have created welfare systems for anyone in need and separate programmes for the elderly. 政府已为任何需要协助的人树立了福利准则,并为老者树立了独立的方案。(2007-tem 8)
ambiguous [?m’b?gj??s] adj. 迷糊的;不清楚的,不置可否的
【例句】the reality is that the decision is so ambiguous that it is never acted upon. 实际是,这个抉择如此迷糊,致使于它从未被施行过。(2002-tem 8)
assistance [?’sist?ns] n. 协助,协助
【例句】in 1993, almost 30 percent of the commitments that germany made for financial and technical assistance were allocated for the world’s least developed countries (ldcs). 1993年,德国所做出的给予经济和技能协助的承诺中,将近30%都被分配给了最不兴隆国家。(2004-tem 8)
budget [‘b?d??t] n. 核算;(有捆绑的)供给‖ v. 方案,组织‖ adj. 低价的
【例句】①denmark is the land of the silk safety net, where almost half the national budget goes toward smoothing out life’s inequalities. 丹麦是一个夸姣、给人以平安感的国度,那里,将近一半的国家核算被用于消除日子的衷耘嗷对等。(2000-tem 8)②if we budget carefully, we’ll be able to afford a new car. 咱们克勤克俭就能买辆新轿车了。
【分配】budget for 为……作核算
【派生】budgetary adj. 核算的
cautious [‘k????s] adj. 留心的,稳重的
【例句】be cautious in choosing a friend, more cautious in changing. 选择兄弟要稳重,替换兄弟更应稳重。
【分配】be cautious about 稳重于……‖be cautious of 留心……;谨防……
【派生】cautiously adv. 留心肠,稳重地
convey [k?n’ve?] vt. 运送,转移,转运;传达,传达
【例句】tones of voice may convey attitude or intention in some way; for example, whispering indicates the needs for secrecy. 腔调可传递情绪或意图;比方,耳语标明需要保密。(2010-tem 8)
【分配】convey sth. to sb. 向或人传递某物
【派生】conveyor n. 运送机,传送机;传送带;运送者,传达者
elite [e??li?t] n. 高手;掌权人物;实力集团
【例句】with the number of elite schools strictly controlled by the government, even the brightest students typically have to settle for ordinary schools in their neighbourhoods. 政府严肃控制高手学校的数量,即便最聪明的学生也只能在邻近的一般学校就读。(2008-tem 8)
evaluate [??v?ljue?t] v. 评价;估量
【例句】the listener must evaluate as he or she is listening, decide what’s important, what’s not, decide how something relates to something else. 听众在听的一起还有必要做出评价,抉择啥重要啥不重要,事物之间的相关又是怎样的。(2015-tem 8)
【派生】evaluation n. 评价;评价;评价;求值
expectation [ekspek’te??n] n. 期望;盼望;预期
【例句】class is still in most cases closely correlated with educational attainment and career expectations. 大都情况下,阶层仍与一自个的受教育程度和作业预期亲近有关。(2011-tem 8)
【分配】beyond expectation 出人意料
external [?k’st??nl] adj. 外部的;表面的;客观的;外国的‖ n. 外部,外面
【例句】yogis focus on the inside; they know that the external world is illusionary and everything inside is truth. 瑜伽师非常重视内在,他们晓得外部世界都是虚幻的,一切内在的东西才是真实的。(2003-tem 8)
【派生】externally adv. 表面上;外形上
extinction [?k’st??k??n] n. 消除;暂停;绝种
【例句】many species have been shot to the verge of extinction.许多物种现已被猎杀到灭绝的边缘。
federal [‘fed?r?l] adj. 联邦的,联邦制的;联合的,同盟的
【例句】the federal government controls just 6% of the education budget. 联邦政府仅掌控6%的教育核算。
【同根】federate adj. 同盟的;联邦准则下的;联合的‖federation n. 联合;联邦;联盟;联邦政府
precise [pr?’sa?s] adj. 精确的;刚好的
【例句】all phenomena are reasoned about and given precise and exact explanation by scientific investigation. 科学研讨对悉数表象进行思索并处以精确而稳重的说明。
【分配】to be more precise 更切当地说
【派生】precisely adv. 精确地;恰恰‖precision n. 精度,精密度;精确
psychology [sa?’k?l?d??] n. 心思学
【例句】ericsson is a 58-year-old psychology professor at florida state university. 埃里克森是佛罗里达州立大学的一名58岁的心思学教授。
【派生】psychological adj. 心思的;心思学的;精力上的‖psychologist n. 心思学家
racial [‘re??l] adj. 种族的;人种的
【例句】longstanding poverty has been exacerbated by racial divisions. 种族分化现已加剧了长时刻的贫穷疑问。
recognition [rek?g’n??n] n. 认出,辨认;招认,认可
【例句】the esteem of people is the respect and recognition we gain from other people, by or through our work or our activities in other social groups. 人的自负源于经过咱们自个的作业或在其他社会集体中的活动,从别人那里得到的尊敬与认可。(2003-tem 8)
【分配】in recognition of 赞誉;抵偿‖beyond recognition 改头换面;辨认不出
scheme [ski?m] n. & v. 狡计,狡计;方案,组织;装备;方案
【例句】①comparing the national pension scheme and the special schemes is not easy. 要在国家养老方案和一些特别方案之间做个比照可不是件简略事。(2002-tem 8)②they are scheming to get her elected as leader. 他们正策划让她中选领导。
【派生】scheming adj. 惯耍狡计的,狡计多端的
workforce [‘w??kf??s] n. 全体职工;(国家或作业等)劳作力;劳作大军;劳作人员
【例句】in aerospace and defense, as much as 40% of the workforce in some companies will be eligible to retire within the next five years.在航天业和国防业,一些公司里多达40%的职工都会在将来五年里退休。(2009-tem 8)
assumption [?’s?mp??n] n. 假定,假定;假装;承担
【例句】a large number of institutions are premised on the assumption that intervention in the internal affairs of others is often desirable. 恰当数量的机构树立在这样的假定之上,即干与他国内政的做法常常是可取的。(2003-tem 8)
【分配】on the assumption that 假定‖assumption of sth.(责任的)承担;担任;(权力的)获得
bilingual [‘ba?’l??gw?l] adj. 了解两种言语的,能说两种言语的,两种言语的
【例句】the children of immigrants tend to be bilingual and proficient in english. 这些移民的孩子一般能运用双语,并通晓英语。
competent [‘k?mp?t?nt] adj. 有才能的;能担任的;满足的
【例句】velocity of speech counts as well as volume: we rank fast talkers as more competent and likable than slow ones. 讲演的速度和音量相同重要:咱们认为语速快的讲话者要比语速慢的讲话者更有才能,更惹人喜爱。(2014-tem 8)
【分配】competent in 担任;有才能‖ be competent for 担任
【同根】competence n. 才能;担任;权限
concrete [‘k??kri?t] adj. 具体的;真实的;有形的‖ n. 混凝土
【例句】our careers provide the most concrete evidence that we’re moving forward. 咱们的作业为咱们供给了最为具体的根据,来证明咱们正在快速行进。(2014-tem 8)
【分配】in the concrete 实践上,具体地
【派生】concreteness n. 具体;具体性;的确
discount [‘d?ska?nt] n. 扣头;贴现率‖ v. 打折;小看;无视,不睬睬
【例句】shops, large or small, are offering discounts. 商铺不管规划巨细都在打折。(2013-tem 8)
【分配】at a discount 打折
extent [?k’stent] n. 广度,宽度,长度;规模;程度
【例句】to a certain extent it’s easier for men to get work. 在必定程度上,男性更简略找到作业。
【分配】to a certain extent 在必定程度上‖to some extent 某种程度上,(多少)有一点‖the extent of 在……的规模内;到……的程度
formation [f?:?me??n] n. 构成;组合;组织;规划
【例句】morphology refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules of word formation. 词法学是指对单词内部规划和单词规划规则的研讨。(2007-tem 8)
infrastructure [‘?nfr?str?kt??] n. 基础规划;基础设备
【例句】the infrastructure, from hotels to transport, is old and decrepit. 从宾馆到交通,一切的基础设备都已陈腐失修。
maintain [me?n’te?n] vt. 坚持;持续;保存;修补;维护;主张,坚持
【例句】①manufactures maintain that cell phones meet government standards for safe radio-frequency radiation emission. 制造商坚持认为手机契合政府平安射频辐射开释标准。②we must maintain friendly relations with them. 咱们有必要和他们坚持友爱联络。
【分配】maintain in 坚持……;坚持…… ‖ maintain…onto… 把……固定在……上
【派生】maintenance n. 维护,修补;坚持;日子费用
monastery [?m?n?stri] n. 修道院,寺院
【例句】the monastery is in a remote mountain pass. 那个修道院在一个偏僻的山口中。
perspective [p?’spekt?v] n. 观念,观点;透视法
【例句】different time periods and different perspectives could lead to different interpretations. 不一样的时刻段和不一样的视角可构成不一样的解读。(2006-tem 8)