“为啥英语单选完型阅读拿分 可写英语作文就发懵而减分 咋解决呢”

文/刘宝彩/天津 网友提出的标题问题,我认为,是大考考生“输入容易输出难”之问题。这跟考生的“英语逻辑六思辨”——①思辨意识;②思辨知识;③思辨方法④思辨能力;⑤思辨质量;⑥思辨环…

“为啥英语单选完型阅读拿分 可写英语作文就发懵而减分 咋解决呢”插图






写作英语作文题目:《How to learn English well》(怎样学好英语)。


How to learn English well

By finding a use for English in 5-year time, I developed proficiency in English in school. This means, to put my English into practice, I joined English volunteer team in teaching English to the pupils who work hard at their lessons. For them I read English stories to help the Chinese and foreign people with exchange on their culture.

Becoming friendly with pupils in getting along with them by playing game orally in English, I am good at making myself understood in English. They spoke English, following me in Class beginning at a.m. 9 o’clock and ending at a.m. ten o’clock. At this time, I could tell them about what happened in a picture in English and ask them to answer my questions, and teach them to learn new words by typing letters in a computer game.

After that, when I go back to school, these encourage me to get my classmates interested in enjoying English by listening to English accurately and speaking English clearly.

The above fact comes to that I succeeded in speaking, reading, writing and listening to English which will, I hope, be shared with English learners. This they could think to be at the suggestion of me for their reference. That helps them understand how the learners will learn English well. By means of English, they will communicate information with world-wide people on their culture together with on economy to be developed in the world, in my view.


How to learn English well

English is important and useful to us. How can we learn it well? Here are my suggestions.

First, we should often listen to the tapes, English songs and programs. Watching English movies is also helpful to us. Second, we should speak English in class as much as possible. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make. We'd better join the English club and practice with others. Third, we can read more English newspapers and magazines. It’s good for us. At last, we should recite some good passages and keep diaries.

In a word, as long as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing, we will learn English well.



第⑵篇中文思维写英语作文,既无法体现出来思维、判断过程,又带有中文式或模板式英语“味道”极浓的词句(如:First, Second, Third, At last, In a word, speak English in class as much as possible,其中possible应是possibly)。所以考试内容与实际语言能力脱节,导致“学生虽可能通过大考,但难以正确地写出好的英文。”既不能深度与广度地拓宽思辨思维,又不能培养学生的独立思考意识、主观能动性和有效表达自身观点,因此导致思辨缺席症,其表现在有不符现实的思考,即,“现在没人听磁带”的思考。



大考考生只要把思辨能力融入英语作文中,则在心里就不留存“发懵、减分”之遗憾。这样便增强了学生的独立思考意识和主观思考能动性。如此才能真正地解决“为啥英语单选完型阅读拿分 可写英语作文就发懵而减分”的问题。

作者: admin






