
1.?晨安。good morning. 2.?午安。good afternoon. 3.?晚安。good evening. 4.?嗨!hi! 5.?你好!hello! 6.?嘿!h…

1.?晨安。good morning.
2.?午安。good afternoon.
3.?晚安。good evening.
7.?我们好!hey guys!
9.?你好吗?how are you?
10.?你好吗?how are you doing?
11.?你过得好吗?hows it going?
13.?悉数都好吗?hows everything with you?
17.?悉数都不错。its good.
18.?还可以,你呢?not too bad.how about you?
19.?还好,相同忙。its ok.busy as ever.
20.?哦,不错,你晓得的。oh,?fine!you know how it is.
21.?悉数都还蛮顺的。things 小学英语口语训练 have been pretty good these days.
22.?蛮好的,我在一家跨国公司找到作业。pretty good.i’ve?found a new job at an international company.
23.?不太好,还在找作业。not too good.still looking for a job.
24.?迩来怎样?whats up?
25.?有啥新消息吗?whats new?
26.?你有啥新消息吗?whats new with you?
27.?没啥新鲜事。你迩来怎样?nothing new.whats up with you?
28.?有啥作业吗?whats going on?
29.?没啥。你呢?not much.how about you?
31.?没发生啥事。not a lot.
32.?都差不多。same as usual.
33.?跟往常相同。just the same old, same old.
34.?就老姿势,都在忙课业。same old thing.im pretty busy with schoolwork.
35.?幸会。how do you do?
36.?这位是我的好兄弟迈克布朗。this is mike brown,?a good friend of mine.
37.?容我介绍我老板史密斯先生。may i?introduce my boss,?mr smith.
38.?很高兴知道你,我是王凯丽。pleased?to meet you.im kelly wang.
39.?嗨,爱丽丝,我是凯丽。hi,?alice.?im kelly.
40.?哈罗,麦克,我是凯莉,关于你的悉数,乔治都有跟我提过了。hello, mike.?im kelly.george has told me all about you.
41.?嗨,布朗先生,咱们也该知道了。hi,?mr.?brown.its about time we met.
42.?史密斯先生,我是王凯丽,知道你是我的侥幸。itm kelly wang.
43.?咱们大约一同喝茶具一聚。we should get together for a drink sometime.
44.?不好心思,你叫啥名字?im sorry.what was your name again?
45.?我的名字是徐瑟夫林肯。my name is joseph lincoln.
46.?我听到许多关于你的好话。ive heard nothing but good things about you.
47.?我也是很高兴,总算和你会面了。likewise.its a pleasure to finally meet you.
48.?很高兴听到你这样说,谢谢。thats nice to hear.thank you.
49.?我真是宠爱若惊。well,?im flattered.
50.?久仰台甫。ive heard so much about you.
51.?真风趣,你听到我啥事?how interesting.what have you heard?
52.?期望你对听到的悉数不要全都信赖。i hope you dont believe everything you hear.
53.?我常听我小妹提起你。my sister is always talking about you.
54.?我小妹常常说到你。my sister often speaks of you.
55.?我小妹跟我说许多你的事。my sister told me all about you.
56.?我常从我小妹那里听到你的事。i often hear about you from my sister.
57.?咱们之前经过电话。we have spoken on the phone before.
58.?哦,你是史蒂芬,很高兴知道你。oh,?you are stephen!nice to meet you.
59.?很高兴知道了你。its been a pleasure to meet you.
60.?很高兴知道了你。it was a pleasure meeting you.
61.?很高兴知道了你。it was nice to meet you.
62.?你是杰夫吗?arent you jeff?
63.?你是杰夫对吧?you’re?jeff,?arent you?
64.?你是杰夫是吗?youre jeff, right?
65.?杰夫,杰夫拉森,是你吗?jeff?jeff larson?is that you?
66.?没错,你是真吗?yes,?thats right.and you are jane?
67.?没错,咱们早年见过面吗?yes,?thats right.have we met?
68.?看看这是谁啊!look who it is!
69.?真吗?真的不敢信赖是你!oh,?jane?i cant believe it’s?you!
70.?咦,这不是老友杰夫吗?well,?if it isnt my old buddy jeff!
71.?是我没错,你迩来如何?its me all right.how have you been?
72.?好久不见。long time no see.
73.?真的好久了。its been far too long.
74.?对呀,好久不见了呢。yeah, its been ages.
75.?哇,好久不见了,不是吗?wow,?itt it?
76.?真令人惊喜耶,你好吗?好久不了呢。what a pleasant surprise!how are you?its been a while!
77.?许多年不见了!i havent seen you in years!
78.?好久没看到你了。i havent seen you for a long time.
79.?好久都没有你的消息了。i havent heard from you in a long time.
80.?你几百年没我联络了。you havent been in touch for ages.
81.?咱们最终一次碰头是啥时分?when was the last time we saw each other?
82.?我想十年前吧。ten years ago,?i?think.
83.?最终一次见大约是五年前吧?its been what,?five years since i last saw you?
84.?对呀,哇,时刻过得真快!thats right.wow,?time flies!
85.?真的吗?真不敢信赖现已五年了。really?i cans been five years!
86.?时刻怎么过这么快啊!where has all the time gone?
87.?真的有这么久吗?has it really been that?long?
88.?很高兴见到你。nice to see you.
89.?我很高兴见到你。im so 小学英语口语训练 glad to see you.
90.?见到你很开心。its good to see you.
91.?在这儿见到你很开心。its great to see you here.
92.?我很讶异再会到你。im so surprised to see you again.
93.?你仍是老姿势。you look just the same as before.
94.?看看你!你都没有变。look at you.you havent changed.
95.?你一点都没变。you havent changed a bit.
96.?你仍是我形象中的那个姐夫?youre still the same old jeff?i?remember.
97.?真的吗?我就当这是称吧。really?ill take it as a
98.?我都快认不出你来了。i hardly recognized you!
99.?你如今变得很纷歧样。you look so different now.
100.?你变了。youve changed.
101.?你气色真好。you look great.
102.?你看起来不错。youre looking good?
103.?年月一点也没有在你脸上留下痕迹。you dont look a day older.
104.?是吗?谢谢。really?thank you.
105.?你怎么变这么瘦?how come you look so thin now?
106.?我节食一年了。ive been on a diet for a year!
107.?我参加健身中心,每天运动。i joined a gym and exercise every day.
108.?你都在忙些啥?what have you been doing?
109.?你迩来在忙啥?what have you been up to these 小学英语口语训练 days?
110.?你脱离之后都在忙啥?what have you been up to since you left?
111.?就忙东忙西的。a little of this,?a little of that.
112.?没啥,仍是在老当地作业。nothing much.still working in the same place.
113.?嗯,我上一年成婚了。well,?i?got married last year.
114.?你这些日子都到哪里去了?where have you been all this time?
115.?你父母呢?他们好吗?how are your folks?are they doing ok?
116.?是啊,他们极好。yes,?they are
117.?奈森几岁啦?十岁?十一岁?how old is nathan now?ten?eleven?
118.?他11岁了。he is eleven now.
119.?你成婚了吗?are you married?
120.?还没耶。not yet.
121.?我成婚一年了。ive been married for one year.
122.?传闻你过得不错。i heard that you are doing well.
123.?是还好啦。yeah, i?am doing ok.
124.?你有跟曼达联络吗?have you kept in touch with amanda?
125.?没有,我好久没听到他的消息了。no,?i?havent heard from her in a long time.
126.?你晓得凯茵变成影片明星吗?did you know that carrie became a movie star?
127.?不,我不晓得。no,?i have no idea.
128.?再次看到你,真好。it was 小学英语口语训练 great to see you again.
129.?能再重逢,我真高兴。im so happy we reconnected.
130.?我也很高兴再到你,咱们再找时刻相见吧。i am so happy to see you too.lets do this again soon.
131.?咱们大约找时刻聊聊。we should catch up sometime!
132.?你有没有时刻喝杯咖啡?do you have time for a coffee?
133.?好啊,我很愿意。yeah, id?love to.
134.?坚持联络哦!keep in touch!
135.?要联络哦!dont be a stranger!
136.?必定要写信给我哦!make sure to write!
137.?必定要给我个消息哦!be sure to drop me a line!


作者: admin






