The friendly environment laid a sound foundation for people to live a happy life and keep them in good
health, for which their dream came true. Some should succeed in creating the pleasant
environment, so are people happening to know that this environment is considered as being important for them to live a comfortable life.
Most people should get ready to protect the friendly environment all time for which they would bear responsibility. Each of them are enabled to perform general duty under which to safeguard the environment, in my belief.
Everyone is excited about the stable environment in daily life which, becoming friendly, turns people beneficial to living an active life. It remains safe from hurting people who are made happy in mentality or mind.
Being naturally beneficially disposed towards above, people will be thought to live to be over ninety perhaps.This ensures that the environment is to prove favourable to them who feel in much better health, needing to be brought in delight.
That leads the environment
to help make it comfortable to people to share joy at happiness with so much better life. This keeps beauty lasting forever to make the environment friendly almost towards people, getting in delight, who learn how to have a really high quality of life lived from time to time.
Improving in a good health, everyone should know that nothing could not be done environmentally. This will have the life to the full enjoyed by most people. They are relying on judgement on holding community clean without leaving garbage/rubbish here and there, on their own responsibility, which does not appear at risk.
They prevent some environment polluters from their behaving so badly. Thinking about this, authorities concerned will praise some environment protectors for their mental and physical action, which sets environment beautiful to have an its positive
impact on all people.
1. 发散思维证明丰厚;2.作文审题不会漏,论据过渡也不丢,观念逻辑跑不走;
3.各类英语写作学习者有了写作新思路;4.运用5.38句各自和彼此组合,再与2.70逻辑联系而构成的英语句数量,据大概预算,达5万多个。由此脱节“写英语没词儿写,有了词儿不知怎么写”的困惑。这种自创英文,你想写多少篇就能写出多少篇,具有时效性、一起性、有快乐喜爱性;5.写英语——不靠“模板”靠逻辑——实际上,范文“模板”是永久不能处置咱们“写啥”这个疑问的,因为关于一个标题或一个观念来说,咱们可以选择的理由和比方太多了,不一样人会从不一样视点分析和论说,关于不一样理由给出许多不一样根据,所以应寻求逻辑正能量,而不必范文“模板”而“削足 适履”写英语。
上述英语作文是依照“缘由←提示观念→成果”思路而写作英语作文的,因而以提示观念为中心,左找缘由,右找成果。这样让讲演者或写作者便“有词儿说或写,有词儿晓得怎么说或怎么写”,抵达意思不重复,英文言语表达有新鲜感,评委或大考判卷教师对此有招引力给高分数!完成了“英语写作高分思维三‘招数’”之成果。可以处置——马上走上大考英语“战场” 怎么“打败”低分写英语而赢得高分成功——之疑问了!