
2022年中考即将到来,英语作为中考科目之一备受关注。掌握好英语写作是英语学习的重点之一。以下是2022中考英语必背范文10篇,供大家参考。 一、关于环保的英语范文 With th…



With the development of society, environmental pollution becomes more and more serious. We can never forget how important the environment is to us. It provides natural resources for us to use, and it also affects our health.

As students, we should cultivate the good habit of environmental protection from now on. We can do many things to protect the environment. For example, we can save water and electricity, not litter, and plant more trees.

In addition, the government should take more measures to protect the environment. For example, it can enforce laws and regulations, and encourage people to use environmentally friendly products.

In short, we should all realize the importance of environmental protection and actively participate in it.


Health is the most important thing in our life. If we don’t have good health, we cannot do anything well. Therefore, we should pay more attention to our health.

We can keep fit by doing regular exercise, such as running or swimming. We should also eat a balanced diet, with more fruits and vegetables, less sugar and fat.

In addition, good hygiene is also very important for our health. We should wash our hands frequently, keep our living environment clean and tidy, and avoid unhealthy habits such as smoking.

Finally, we should have regular check-ups to prevent diseases or treat them early.


Mother’s love is the most selfless love in the world. It is the love that never fades away. A mother always puts her children first, no matter how hard it is.

My mother is a typical example of maternal love. She has always been there for me, supporting me and encouraging me when I was down. She sacrificed a lot for me and gave me unconditional love.

I am grateful to have such a great mother. I promise that I will cherish her love and become a person whom she can be proud of.


Friendship is one of the most precious things in our life. A good friend is like a treasure, who can share our joy and sorrow, support us when we are in trouble, and accompany us throughout our life.

Friendship can be built on mutual trust, understanding, and respect. We can make friends by being polite, honest, and sincere. We can also communicate with each other frequently, and help each other whenever necessary.

However, friendship is not easy to maintain. It needs patience, tolerance, and forgiveness. We should always be ready to listen to the opinions

of our friends, even if they are different from ours. We should also learn to forgive them when they make mistakes.

In short, friendship is a valuable asset in our life. We should treasure it and be grateful for it.


Youth is a precious stage in our life, full of energy, passion, and creativity. It is the time when we explore the world, chase our dreams, and shape ourselves into the person we want to be.

During this period, we should make full use of our time, broaden our horizon, and try new things. We can participate in various activities, such as sports, music, arts, and charity. We can also travel around the world, learn different cultures, and make new friends.

In the meantime, we should also pay attention to our study and career. We can cultivate our interests, develop our skills, and pursue our goals.

We should not be afraid of failures, but learn from them and keep moving forward.

In a word, youth is a treasure that we should cherish and make the most of. Let’s enjoy our youth and create a wonderful life.


Love is the most beautiful thing in the world. It is the feeling that makes us happy, warm, and fulfilled. It can be found in many forms, such as love among family members, love between friends, and love between couples.

Love can be expressed in many ways, such as saying “I love you”, giving a hug, or doing something special for someone. It can also be shown in small details, such as listening to others, giving support, and sharing happiness.

Love is also the source of power that can motivate us to overcome difficulties, pursue dreams, and achieve success. With love, we can live a meaningful life, make

the world a better place, and leave a positive legacy for the future.

Therefore, let’s love and be loved. Let’s spread love to everyone around us, and make our life more colorful and wonderful.


Family is the most important thing in our life. It is the place where we are born, grow up, and find love and support. A happy family can bring us joy, peace, and security.

In a family, we should respect, trust, and love each other. We should also communicate frequently, share our feelings and thoughts, and help each other whenever necessary.

Parents should set good examples for their children, teaching them good values, manners, and skills. They should also provide care, guidance, and encouragement to their children, and help them grow up with confidence and strength.

Children should also respect and obey their parents, learn from their wisdom and experience, and contribute to the family with their talent and efforts. They should also cherish the love and care from their parents, and repay them with gratitude and filial piety.

In short, family is a precious gift that we should treasure and cultivate. Let’s create a happy family and enjoy the beauty of life.


The future is something that we are all looking forward to. It is the time when we expect to achieve our dreams, fulfill our potential, and create a better world.

To have a bright future, we should plan ahead, set our goals, and work hard to achieve them. We should also learn from the past, live in the present, and prepare for the future.

We should cultivate our skills and talents, broaden our knowledge and horizons, and develop our creativity and innovation. We should also cultivate good values, such as honesty, responsibility, kindness, and perseverance, which can guide us to success and happiness.

In addition, we should also care about the future of the world, and contribute to its sustainability and harmony. We can take actions to protect the environment, reduce poverty, promote equality and justice, and build a peaceful and prosperous world.

With our effort and vision, the future can be bright and promising. Let’s work together to create a better world.


Dreams are the driving force of our life. They give us direction, motive, and inspiration. They can be small or big, personal or social, but they all matter to us.

To realize our dreams, we should first have a clear idea of what we want to achieve. We should also have the confidence, determination, and perseverance to pursue them, even if there are difficulties and setbacks.

We should also make plans and take actions to achieve our dreams. We can learn from others, seek advice, and improve ourselves. We can also overcome our fears, take risks, and seize opportunities.

Moreover, we should also be open-minded and creative in realizing our dreams. We can explore new ways, build a network of support, and adapt to changes. We should also be flexible and adaptable, and learn from our failures and successes.

In summary, dreams are the fuel of our life. Let’s have dreams, pursue them, and enjoy the journey to their realization.


Courage is the key to success and happiness. It is the quality that enables us to overcome fears, challenges, and obstacles, and to pursue our goals and dreams.

Courage can be found in many forms, such as physical courage, moral courage, and intellectual courage. Physical courage is the ability to face dangerous situations, such as warfare or natural disasters. Moral courage is the ability to stand for our beliefs and values, even in the face of opposition or criticism. Intellectual courage is the ability to seek the truth, think critically, and challenge our assumptions and biases.

To cultivate courage, we should first build our confidence and self-esteem. We can do this by recognizing our strengths and weaknesses, setting realistic goals, and developing our skills and talents. We should also seek support from others, such as family, friends, mentors, and role models.

Moreover, we should also develop our resilience and flexibility. We should learn to adapt to changes, overcome failures and setbacks, and take risks. We should also be patient, persistent, and focused, and never give up on our dreams.

In conclusion, courage is the foundation of success and happiness. Let’s cultivate our courage and live a fulfilling life.

作者: admin






