我们好,等待来的饼哥英语的频道,今日咱们共享一个非常有用且地道的表达——that’s a likely
story, 这个短语的意义不是指“那是一个可以的故事”,其正确的意义是:
that’s a likely story 听起来像真的相同!真会编故事!
“He said he bought them all very cheaply from some guy he knows.”
“That’s a likely story!”
?档孟裾娴乃频模 ?/span>
He said he had to stay late at the office again. That’s a likely story—he’s probably out with his friends!
The cat ate your science project? That’s a likely story.
Albert: “Sorry I’m late. My car broke down half way here!”
Sarah: “Yeah, likely story! I bet you just wanted to finish watching the football game on TV.”