2023年6月英语四级作文、翻译题汇总! – 哔哩哔哩

2023年6月英语四六级本周六开考!恭喜看到这篇文章小火伴,你不知不觉就比别人多拿了几非常啦! ?英语四级翻译?1、端午节端午节是我国的传统节日之一,为每年阴历五月初五。它与新年、…


?英语四级翻译?1、端午节端午节是我国的传统节日之一,为每年阴历五月初五。它与新年、清明节和中秋节并称为我国汉族的四大传统节日。端午节的来历有多种说法,但最被我们承受的是为了留念闻名爱国(patriotic)诗人屈原。这一天的风俗有吃粽子、赛龙舟、喝雄黄酒(realgar wine)等。从2008年起,端午节正式列入国家法定节日,这既有助于宏扬传统文明,又能习气我们的需要。

the dragon boat festival is one of the traditional festivals in china. its for memorizing the famous patriotic poet qu yuan. on this day, people have the customs of eating zongzi (rice dumpling), racing dragon boats and drinking realgar wine, etc. in 2008, it was recognized as a public holiday in china for the first time, which can not only help spread this traditional culture but also meet the need of people.
唐三彩(tang tricolor pottery)是一种以黄、褐、绿为根柢性的陶器(ceramics),它盛行于唐代,距今已有1300多年的前史。它罗致了我国国画,雕塑等美术的特征,以其显着的颜色,一起的制造技能广泛地遭到了我们的喜爱。唐三彩触及日子的方方面面,展示了其时唐朝五颜六色的社会日子和光辉的文明。作为一种传统技能品,唐三彩不只在我国的陶器史占有特别方位,而且对中外文明的交流也起到了恰当重要的作用。

tang tricolor pottery is a type of ceramics with yellow, brown, and green as its basic colors. it prevailed in the tang dynasty and has a history of more than 1,300 years. it absorbs the characteristics of chinese traditional painting, sculpture, and other arts, and is widely loved by people for its bright colors and unique craftsmanship. tang tricolor pottery involves all aspects of life and shows the rich and colorful social life and splendid culture of the tang dynasty. as a traditional craft, tang tricolor pottery not only occupies a special position in chinas pottery history but also plays a significant role in cultural exchanges between china and foreign countries.
四大创造(the four great inventions)是指我国古代对世界有无量影响的四种创造,即造纸术、打印术、火药(gunpowder)和攻略针。造纸术和打印术使信息的记载和传达有了改造性的前进。火药的创造和传达改动了中世纪(the middle ages)的战争方法。而攻略针大大协助了欧洲帆海家探究新航路。四大创造是古代我国领先科学和技能的标志,在我国和世界文明打开中都有偏重要的意义。

the four great inventions refer to the four inventions in ancient china that had a huge impact on the world, which are papermaking, printing, gunpowder and compass. papermaking and printing lead to revolutionary progress in recording and transmitting information. the invention and spread of gunpowder changed the mode of war in the middle ages. the compass greatly helped european navigators to explore new routes. the four great inventions symbolize advanced science and technology in ancient china and have significant significance in the development of chinese and world civilization.4、国画
我国国画(chinese traditional painting)来历于约6000年前。纸张创造早年,我们首要用陶器(pottery)和丝绸作画。跟着唐朝经济和文明的昌盛,传统国画逐步昌盛起来。山水画(landscape)是我国国画的首要品种之一,首要描绘了我国各地的山川大河和瑰丽的天然风光。几个世纪以来,国画的打开折射了年代和社会的变迁。当今,经典国画首要保藏和展览于美术馆,供中外游客赏识。

chinese traditional painting dates back to about 6,000 years ago. before paper was invented, the pottery and silk were mainly used for painting. with the economic and cultural prosperity of the tang dynasty, it has gradually gained prosperity. the landscape is one of the major kinds in traditional chinese painting, mainly depicting great mountains and rivers in various places and the gorgeous natural landscape of china. over the centuries, the growth of chinese painting has reflected the change of time and social conditions. nowadays, the classic chinese traditional paintings are mainly collected and exhibited in art museums, and appreciated by tourists from china and abroad.?
5、中医中医(traditional chinese medicine )有五千多年的前史,是我国古代庖作公民几千年来敌对疾病的经历总结。因为中医的作用和医治方法,在世界上中医如今越来越盛行了。中医来历于古代,巳经打开了很长一段时刻,它搜集了医治不一样疾病的各种办法。传统中医讲究我们身体系统的平衡。一旦人的身体系统平衡,疾病就会不见。身体系统的损害是疾病的本源。
traditional chinese medicine (tcm) has a long history of more than 5,000 years. it is a summary of the experience of the working people over many centuries of struggle against diseases. it has become increasingly popular in the world due to its effect and its way to heal people. originating from the ancient time, tcm has developed in a long time and it has collected various ways to treat different illnesses. traditional chinese medicine pays attention to the balance of people’s body system. once the body system is in balance, the illnesses will disappear. the damage of the body system is th
2023年6月英语四级作文、翻译题汇总! – 哔哩哔哩插图
e source of diseases.6、丝绸之路丝绸之路(the silk road)是我国古代的一条商业生意道路(trade route)。丝绸之路以古代我国的政治、 经济、文明中心——古都长安为起点,一向延伸至中亚、北非和欧洲。它开始的作用是出口我国出产的丝绸。跟着时刻的推移,丝绸之路逐骤变成了一条联接东西方的首要路途,推进了东西方的经济文明交流。后来,有专家把一切交流中西方的商路总称为丝绸之路。
the silk road is a trade route in ancient china. it started from the ancient capital chang.
7、传统哲学众所周知,孔子(confucius)是一位巨大的思维家和哲学家,他的思维被打开成了儒家(confucianism)哲学体系。《论语》(the analects)是儒家学派的经典作品之一,该书记载了孔子及其弟子的言行,教授儒家的首要思维(central theme):仁、义(righteousness )、礼、智,其间仁是儒家中心价值观。仁是指爱父母和敬长兄,假定这种家庭成员的情感延伸到社会上其别人身上,人与人之间的友善联络也就树立起来了。
its well-known that confucius is a great ideologist and philosopher, and his thoughts have been developed into a system of philosophy known as confucianism. the analects, one of the confucian classics, records confucius and his disciples’ words and deeds. it imparts the central theme of confucianism: humane love, righteousness, ritual propriety, and wisdom. among these ideas, humane love is the kernel value of confucianism, which refers to love for parents and reverence for elder brothers. if the feelings for family members are extended to the rest of society, harmonious relationships will be established.?

?英语四级作文?1、交际媒体(谈论文)directions:?for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay?on?the impact of overusing social media on college students. you should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
in the fast developing world, people in mounting numbers find it rather challenging to spend a day without social media. while social media platforms such as weibo, wechat, and qq provide people with great convenience, they also bring negative impacts to students study, mental and physical health.firstly, the excessive time spent on social media distracts students from academic study. secondly, the overuse of social media can lead to negative emotional and mental health outcomes, such as anxiety and depression. according to a survey by mit, continuous exposure to social media puts students at risk of cyberbullying and false information, which may affect their psychological well-being. lastly, overusing social media may contribute to physical health problems, such as eye strain and sleep disorders.?to address this issue, we can take a few steps. firstly, it is wise for us to limit our social media usage by setting a time limit. secondly, we should participate in physical exercise or outdoor activities. finally, we ought to engage in real-world interaction with family and friends.【参阅译文】在快速打开的世界里,越来越多的人发如今没有交际媒体的情况下度过一天非常困难。尽管像微博、微信和qq这样的交际媒体平台为我们供给了无量的便当,但它们也给学生的学习、身体和心思安康带来了负面影响。首要,过度运用交际媒领会涣散学生的学习精力。其次,过度运用交际媒体可以会致使低沉的心境和心思安康损害,如焦虑和抑郁。麻省理工学院的一项查询闪现,持续运用交际媒领会使学生面临网络欺负和虚伪信息的风险,这可以会影响他们的心思安康。最终,过度运用交际媒体可以会致使身体安康疑问,如双眼疲惫和睡觉妨碍。为晓得决这个疑问,咱们可以采纳以下办法。首要,咱们大约经过设置时刻捆绑来捆绑交际媒体运用。其次,咱们大约参加体育训练或室外活动。最终,咱们大约与家人和兄弟在实际世界中互动。

2、低碳环保(谈论文)directions:?for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay?on the importance of?living?a?low-carbon life. you should write at least?120?words but no more than?180?words.【范文】
as the global economy is growing at a rapid pace, environmental problems have also aroused wide public concern. living a low-carbon life, thus, has gained great popularity among people in the world. therefore, it is wise for college students to realize the significance of a low-carbon life.??to begin with, leading a low-carbon life is crucial to protecting the environment. for instance, if citizens choose to take public transportation, carbon dioxide emissions in cities will be greatly reduced. in addition, living a life in a low-carbon way can help save limited natural resources and energy, such as petroleum and natural gas. finally, a low-carbon lifestyle can create a harmonious society and make our world more liveable.then, how to develop a low-carbon lifestyle? we should start with ourselves. first, whenever we go out, we’d better walk or ride a bike instead of by car. second, we can use cloth bags rather than plastic ones. third, it is advisable for us to adapt to the paperless office. i firmly believe that if everyone makes great efforts to do so, we will surely see a greener planet.【参阅译文】跟着全球经济的快速增加,环境疑问也致使了大众广泛的重视。因而,低碳日子深受世界我们等待。因而,大学生大约知道到低碳日子的重要性。首要,过低碳日子对维护环境至关重要。例如,假定市民选择乘坐公共交通东西,城市的二氧化碳排放量将大大削减。此外,低碳日子方法有助于节约有限的天然本钱和动力,如石油和天然气。最终,低碳日子可以创造调和社会,使咱们的世界愈加宜居。那么,该如何践行低碳日子呢?咱们大约从自个做起。首要,不管何时外出,咱们可以步行或骑单车,而不是选择轿车。第二,咱们最佳用布袋替代塑料袋。第三,咱们大约习气无纸化作业。我深信,假定每自个都尽力这样做,咱们必定会看到一个更绿色的星球。

3、大学生兼职/实习(谈论文)directions:?for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on?college students’ taking part-time jobs. you should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.【范文】
in?the contemporary society, it is a common phenomenon for college students to take part-time jobs. students in growing numbers have realized the significance of part-time jobs. as i see it, there are both benefits and drawbacks for college students taking part-time jobs.on the one hand, in addition to getting an income, college students taking part-time jobs may enjoy a more exciting lifestyle as they can meet people from all walks of life and develop a sense of responsibility which cannot?be learned in the classroom. on the other hand, students who take part-time jobs may have less time on study, and if they intend?to?excel in both the part-time job and study, the busy life they lead may put their health at risk.in my opinion, college students ought to strike a balance between academic study and part-time jobs. we?should?bear in mind that a students priority is to acquire knowledge at school.【参阅译文】在今世社会,大学生兼职是一种广泛表象。越来越多的学生现已知道到兼职作业的重要性。在我看来,大学生兼职既有优点也有害处。一方面,做兼职的大学生除了有收入,还可以触摸到各行各业的人,培育一种在课堂上学不到的责任感,享受更精彩的日子方法。另一方面,从事兼职作业的学生在学习上的时刻可以会削减,假定他们想统筹兼职和学习,繁忙的日子可以会危?堑陌部怠T谖铱蠢矗笱笤荚谘б岛图嬷爸浠竦闷胶狻T勖谴笤冀艏牵氖滓姑窃谘;袢〕J丁?

4、团队协作(谈论文)directions:?for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on?the importance of?cooperation/teamwork?spirit.you should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.【范文】
throughout human society, it is a common phenomenon for a host of people to regard teamwork spirit as a vital quality in one’s work, study and life.?
to begin with, working in a team provides a chance for us to communicate and share ideas with each other, which is of great necessity for solving problems. in addition, only through teamwork can we achieve success. a typical example is huawei, a well-known high-tech giant. the huge success of huawei products should be ascribed to teamwork, rather than personal achievement. moreover, based?on a survey, a majority of international organizations or firms acknowledge that they prefer recruiting employees who have?strong teamwork spirit. therefore, as college students, we should educate and encourage our friends and classmates to work closely with?each other, even on the small tasks such as group presentations in class.
in conclusion, if we try our utmost to cultivate this positive awareness, our?future?study and work will be hopeful and promising. (165)?

directions:?for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to?write a letter?to your school canteen/school?gymnasium?to make some suggestions for improving its services. you will have 30 minutes to write the letter. you should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.【范文】
dear sir or madam,as a?freshman at?our university, i am writing this letter to make some suggestions for?improving the services?of?our school?canteen (gymnasium).to begin with, based on a school survey, 80 % of students admit that?food choices (sports facilities)?in our?canteen (gymnasium)?are quite limited. therefore, i suggest that our?canteen (gymnasium)?should?update the?menu (facilities)?regularly and provide students with a wide variety of?healthy foods (useful facilities). moreover, the?canteen (gymnasium)?normally stops service at 7 p.m. a large number of students find it hard to?have dinner (work out)?after classes in the evening. hence, it is of great significance to extend the opening hours of our?canteen(gymnasium)?to 9 p.m. lastly, the staff there sometimes ignore students’ questions during peak hours. it is advisable for our?canteen?(gymnasium)?to recruit more staff.overall, i am?convinced that the improved service can bring students satisfaction, arouse their passion for campus?life, and help them grow up healthily. i hope that you can take my suggestions into consideration.thank you for your attention.yours sincerely,li hua【参阅译文】尊敬的先生或女士:作为我校大一重生,我写这封信的意图是为改进学校食堂(体育馆)效能提主张。首要,根据学校的一项查询,80%的学生标明,咱们食堂(体育馆)的食物选择(运动设备)是恰当有限的。我认为,食堂(体育馆)大约好时更新菜单(设备),为学生供给林林总总的安康食物(有用的设备)。此外,食堂(体育馆)一般在晚上7点中止效能。许多学生发现,晚上下课后很难在食堂吃到晚饭(训练身体)。因而,主张将咱们食堂(体育馆)的运营时刻延伸到晚上9点。最终,作业人员有时会在顶峰期忽略学生的疑问。咱们食堂(体育馆)可以招募更多的作业人员,职工也最佳培育活泼的作业情绪。全体而言,我信赖,前进后的效能可认为学生带来满足感,激起他们对学校日子的热心,协助他们安康生长。我期望您能思考我的主张。谢谢您的重视。诚挚的李华

directions:?for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a notice?for the student union to recruit new members. you should specify the qualifications for applicants and encourage them to join the union. you should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.??【范文】
noticejune 20th, 2023this notice is for the purpose of recruiting new members for the student union. the following are the requirements for applicants.to begin with, it is advisable for applicants to possess certain experience and ability to organize activities, which is of great importance for being members of the student union. in addition, ideal applicants are expected to have outstanding communication skills. lastly, we hope you can always try your utmost to accomplish your work. then, what will you get if you join the student union? this position will bring you opportunities to make new friends, arouse your passion for campus activities and, of course, help you to develop your leadership. meanwhile, we are convinced that your work experience here will be rewarding for your future job hunting. accordingly, if you intend to enhance your comprehensive quality, come on and join us!if you are interested in joining this dynamic union,?please send your application to the student union or email us at 123456@123.com.?we look forward to hearing?from?you!the student union【参阅译文】

作者: admin






