
连词是一种虚词, 它不克不及自力担当句子成份而只起毗连词与词,短语与短语和句与句的感化。连词重要可分为两类:并列连词和隶属连词。 NO.2 区分 隶属连词 隶属连词分为两大类,即指…

连词是一种虚词, 它不克不及自力担当句子成份而只起毗连词与词,短语与短语和句与句的感化。连词重要可分为两类:并列连词和隶属连词。

NO.2 区分






①此类连词重要有:when, while, after, before, as, as soon as , now(that), until, till, once, since,whenever, no sooner…than,

When I got to the theatre, I found that they had sold all the tickets.当达到剧场时,我发明票已售完。

We should strike while the iron is hot.咱们要连成一气。

Since he entered the university, he has made great progress in his studies.进入大学以来,他在学业上已取患了很猛进步。

They kept on working until it became dark.他们一向事情到入夜。

Once you begin , you must go on. 你一旦起头,就必需继续下去。

You seem to have a ready-made answer, whenever I ask you a question.每逢我问你问题, 你总好象有现成的谜底。

Now (that) you are here, you’d better stay.你既然来了,那就不要走了。

No sooner had they got to the field than it began to rain.他们刚到田里就起头下雨了。

Hardly had he set foot on his native land when he felt comfortable.他一踏上故国的地皮就感触心境愉快。

注重:no sooner, hardly等位于句首时需用倒装语序。

②every time, each time, next time, the last time, the moment等,指导句子其感化至关于一个时候状语从句。

She felt a thrill the moment she got into the theatre.她一进剧院就感触一种冲动。

Every time he got to Beijing, he came to see me.每次他来北京,他都来看我。


此类连词重要有because, as, since, now(that),等。because指导的从句暗示发生某种成果的必定的因果瓜葛,语气较重,可答复why问句;since语气较轻,常位于句首;as则语气最轻。

We couldn’t cross the river because the water had risen.水已上涨了,以是咱们没能过河。

Since everyone is here, let’s begin.既然大师都来了,咱们就起头吧。

I must stop writing now, as I have rather a lot of work to do.我必需搁笔了,由于我另有很多事情要做。

Now that you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. 既然你有了这个机遇,你可以充实的操纵它了。

The Italian boy was regarded as a hero because he gave his life for the country.由于这个意大利男孩为国度献出了生命,以是他被誉为英雄。

Why use wood when you can use plastic?既然能用塑料, 为甚么还要用木柴?


此类连词重要有although, though, as, even if, even though,no matter what等。

Though my father is old,yet he wants to do something for our country.我爸固然老了,可他还要为国度做点事。

Even if there are difficulties, we must do it well.即便有坚苦,咱们也要把事情做好。

Young as I am,I know some of the family secrets.虽然我春秋小,我晓得一些家庭机密。

Nobody believed him no matter what he said.无论他说甚么每人信赖他。

Much as I have travelled,I have never seen anyone who’s as capable as John. 固然我去了不少处所,可是我历来没有见过像约翰这么能干的人。


此类连词重要有if, unless, as/so long as, supposing等。

If we go on polluting the world ,it won’t be fit for to live in.若是咱们继续污染这个世界,那末这个世界就会不合适咱们糊口了。

You will fail unless you work hard.除非尽力你才不会失败。

You can go out as/so long as you promise to be back soon.只要你包管很快回来,你便可以出去。

What shall we do supposing he won’t agree?假设他分歧意,咱们怎样办?

The WTO cannot live up to its name if it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.若是世贸组织不克不及容纳占世界生齿五分之一的国度,那它就名不符实。

You will be late unless you leave i妹妹ediately. 若是你不顿时走,你要迟到了。

Unless he comes, we won’t be able to go.他不来咱们不克不及走。


暗示举动方法的隶属连词重要有as,as if/though等。

When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it were broken.当把铅笔一部门放到水里时,铅笔看上去就像断了。

We did as he told us. 咱们照他吩咐的做了。

He spoke as though he knew the question very well.他说得仿佛对这个问题晓得得很清晰。注重:以as if指导的状语从句,其谓语动词经常使用虚拟语气。与如今相反的环境用曩昔时,与曩昔相反的环境用曩昔完成时。

I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday.全部事变我都记得,就仿佛此事产生在昨天。

He spoke like that as if he had been there before.他那样说仿佛他畴前去过那边似的。


暗示目标的隶属连词重要有that, so that,in order that等。

I hurried so that I wouldn’t be late for class. 为了上课不迟到咱们赶快走。

John shut everybody out of the kitchen so that he could prepare his grand surprise for the party. 约翰把大师关在厨房外边,是为了可以或许为晚会烹调出人意表的饭菜。

John saved his money in order that he might buy a bicycle.约翰为了买一辆自行车而把钱节流下来。

Bring it nearer that I may see it better.把它拿近一些, 以便使我看得比力清晰。

Speak slowly so that we can follow you.讲得慢些以便咱们能跟得上你。


暗示成果的隶属连词,重要有that,so…that,so that,such…that等。

They were so pleased to see each other that they forgot everything else. 他们相互见到面,欢快得把此外事变都健忘了。

It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street.气候很是严寒, 以致于街上没有任何人。

It is so cold that all the water pipes have frozen.天太冷,所有的水管都冻住了。

His behaviour was such that we all refused to receive him in our homes.他的操行是如斯的坏, 咱们都回绝在家里款待他。



John plays football as well as, if not better than, David. 约翰踢足球和大维好比果不比他好的话,最少和他踢得同样好。

I think Chinese is more popular than any other subject.我想汉语比其他任何科目都更受接待。

Do you think that art is as interesting as music?你认为美术与音乐同样有趣吗?



You should make it a rule to leave things where you can find them again. 你理当养成习气,将工具放在你能找到的处所。

After the war, a new school building was put up where there once had been a theatre. 战后,在之前的剧场处建了一所新黉舍。

Leave her where she is. 把她留在原地。

You can take it with you wherever you go.你非论去哪里,均可随身携带它。


指导名词性从句的词可能是毗连代词和毗连副词,隶属边词重要有that,whether, if。

(1) 由隶属连词that,whether,if指导


We all know that the earth moves around the sun.家喻户晓,地球环抱太阳转。(宾语从句)

I’m sorry that you can’t come.很遗憾你不克不及来。(宾语从句)

My idea is that we should stick to our plan.我的定见是咱们理当对峙咱们的规划。(表语从句)

I want to know whether/if he will come back soon.我想晓得他是不是能很快回来。(宾语从句)

Whether it will do us harm or good remains to be seen.这会给咱们带来坏处仍是益处尚需拭目以待。(主语从句)

The question is whether the book is worth reading.问题是这本书是不是值得一读。(表语从句)


毗连代词除可以起毗连感化外,还可以在从句中作主语、宾语、定语等。毗连代词重要有who,whom,whose,which,what, whatever, whoever, whomever等。

Do what he or she tells you to do.依照他/她所奉告你的去做。

What is needed is a change in land ownership.必要做的事就是扭转地皮的所有制。

What he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.他在集会上的讲话使入会者大吃一惊。

Can you tell me who that gentleman is? 你能奉告我那位师长教师是谁么?

They want to know what they can do to help us.他们想晓得怎么帮忙咱们。

They eat whatever they can find. 他们找到甚么就吃甚么?

Whoever comes will be welcomed.不管谁来城市遭到接待。



I remember when this used to be a quiet village.我记得当时候这是一个恬静的村落。

Would you please tell me how I can get to the airport? 请奉告我怎么去机场?

I don’t know where we are going to have this meeting.我不晓得咱们到甚么处所去开此次集会。

Do you know why he was late? 你晓得他为甚么迟到吗?




Considering he’s only been learning English a year,he speaks it very well.鉴于他才学了一年英语,他的英语讲得算是很不错的。

Given that they are inexperienced,they’ve done a good job.斟酌到他们没有履历,他们已是干得很好的了。

She never minds helping anyone who has nowhere to sleep, provided he’s reasonable. 任何找不到住处的人,只要他们为人正直,她就乐于帮忙。

Seeing he refused to help us,there’s no reason why we should now help him.既然他不愿帮忙咱们,那咱们如今也没必要非得去帮忙他。

Supposing white were black,you would be right.假设白色都能酿成玄色,那你就是对的了。

二、动词转化为连词:save that(只是),suppose(假设)。

I agree with you,save that you have got one or two facts wrong. 我赞成你的定见,只是你有一两处处所弄错了。

Supposing they did not believe him what would they do to him?若是他们不信赖他的话,他们会把他怎么呢?

三、副词转化为连词:directly(一就),i妹妹ediately(一就),instantly(一就),now that(既然),once(一旦就)等。

Directly the teacher came in,everyone was quiet.教员一走进来,大师就恬静下来了。

I left,i妹妹ediately the clock struck twelve.钟刚敲12点,我就分开了。

He set off,instantly he heard the news.他一听到这个动静就动身了。

Now(that) you have the chance,you had better make good use of it.既然有此机遇,就该好好操纵它一下。(如用曩昔时态,则一般用now that)

Once you begin,you mustn’t stop.一旦起头,就不要停下来了。

四、名词短语用作连词:any moment(不管什么时候),the day(当天就),each time(每次),every time(每当),the instant(一就),the minute(一就),the moment(一就),next time(下次),the way(正如的模样)。

Come and see us any moment you can.何时得空请来看看咱们。

He called on her the day he arrived.他到确当天就去探望了她。

Each time we call on him,he is reading.每次咱们去看他,他都在看书。

She smiles every time she sees me.她见到我时老是面带微笑。

I told you the instant I heard the news.我一据说阿谁动静顿时就通知了你。

We will leave the minute you’re ready.你筹备好咱们就走。

The moment he spoke we recognized his voice.他刚一启齿咱们就听出他的声音了。

I’m going to see him next time he comes here.下次他来时我必定要会会他。

They didn’t do it the way we do now.他们那时的做法和咱们如今的做法分歧。

-Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?你记得还欠玛丽的钱了吗?

-Yes.I gave it to her the moment I saw her.记取了。我一瞥见她就还给她了。

五、the first time暗示“第一次”的用法

(1)the first time暗示“第一次”,指导表语从句时,夸大到措辞时为止某一环境或动作的次数,主句中系动词是is,从句谓语用如今完成时态;主句中系动词是was,从句谓语用曩昔完成时态。

This is the first time he has been late this term.这是他本学期第一次迟到。

That was the first time I had gone to work.那是我第一次上班。

– Do you know our town at all?你领会这座都会吗?

– No,this is the first time I have been here.不领会。这是我第一次来。

(2)the first time暗示“第一次……时”,指导时候状语从句,从句中谓语用一般曩昔时态,偏重点不是要说第一次做了甚么,而是要论述另外一环境或动作。

The first time Mr Brown came to China he visited the Great Wall.布朗师长教师第一次来中国时就旅游了长城。

The first time I saw him,he was reading a book.我第一次见到他时,他在看书。

I thought her nice and honest the first time I met her.我第一次见她就认为她很好也很诚笃。

(3)the first time暗示“第一次……的情形”,指导宾语从句,从句谓语用一般曩昔时来暗示。

Do you remember the first time we met?你还记得咱们第一次碰头的情形吗?




The fire was put out when they came.他们来到的时辰,大火已被毁灭了。

When I came home my wife was cooking dinner. 我回家时,老婆在做晚餐。


When the weather is good,I usually go to the country.若是气候好的话,我凡是到乡间去。

Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.若是呆板产生妨碍, 就把电门关上。


I can’t tell you when you won’t listen. 既然你不想听,我就不奉告你了。

How can he succeed when he won’t work?既然他不愿事情,那末他怎样会乐成呢?

Why do we take the flag down at night,when we just have to put it up again in the morning?既然咱们早上还得把旗升上去,那晚上又为甚么要把它降下来呢?

Why do you want a new job when you’ve got such a good one already?既然你有这么好的一份事情为甚么你还想找新事情?

It was an exciting moment for these football fan this year,when for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.这是球迷们今年度最愉快的时刻,由于他们的球队这些年以来第一次博得世界杯。


He walks when he might ride.他固然可以坐车,但是他仍是步行了。

We have only three chairs when we need five.咱们必要五把椅子,但是咱们只有三把。



We waited while he dined.他用饭时,咱们等着。

Please be quiet while I am talking to you.在我跟你措辞的时辰,请恬静。


While I understand what you say,I can’t agree with you.固然你说的我懂,但是我仍是不克不及赞成。

While he is respected,he is not liked.他虽受人尊重,但其实不被人爱好。


She is very diligent,while he is very lazy.她很勤恳,而他却很懒。

You like sports,while I’d rather read.你爱活动,而我爱看书。



I met John as I was coming home。我回家途中碰到约翰。

As a young man,he joined the army.他在年青时就参了军。


As he was not well,I decided to go without him.由于他身体欠好,我决议独自去了。

She stayed at home as she had no car.她因没有汽车而留在家里。


I’m as tall as you(are).我和你—样高。

The work is not so easy as you imagine.这事情不像你想象的那末简略。


Do as I do.我怎样干,你就怎样干。

I have told the story just as it happened.我已照实地讲了这一环境。


Sick as he was,he came to work.他固然有病,仍是来上班了。

Child as he is,he knows a lot.虽然他是个孩子,懂的却不少。

Much as I like it,I wiIl not buy it.固然我很喜好这个工具,但不想买它。



We’ll stay at home if it rains tomorrow.若是来日诰日下雨,咱们就呆在家里。

If I were you,I wouldn’t go.假设我是你,我就不去。


I will go if I die for it.即便是死我也要去。

If I am wrong,you come wrong,too.即便我错了,你也是错。


If I don’t understand what he says,I always ask him.我不懂他说的话时,我总问他。

If winter comes,can spring be far behind?冬季来了,春季还会远吗?


If you don’t like the job,why don’t you change it?既然你不喜好这个事情,为甚么不换换呢?


If they had only come earlier!若是他们早来一步该多好啊!

If I haven’t lost my watch!我的表如果不丢该多好!

If I only knew!如果我晓得该多好。

五、as long as,so long as


You can keep the book as long as you like。这本书你爱看多久就看多久。

During the holidays,I like to stay in the countryside as long as I can.沐日里,我喜好呆在乡间,能果多久就呆多久。


As long as you tell the truth,I’ll try to help you.只要你奉告我实情,我会极力帮忙你。

You may take this book away so long as you return it on time. 只要你定时奉还,便可以把这本书拿走。


So long as the weather is changeable these days,we’d better get in wheat in time.因为这几天天气变革无常,咱们最佳实时把麦收割完。

So long as you are going to town,you can do something for me.既然你来日诰日要进城,你就帮我办点事。



I haven’t heard from him since he left.自从他分开后,我就没有获得他的动静。

It is ten years since he joined the army.他从军已有十年了。


Since this method doesn’t work,let’s try another.既然这类法子不可,咱们就试用另外一种吧。

Since you ask, I will tell you. 你既然问,我就奉告你。

七、so that


They started off early so that they could get there in time.他们早早出发以便实时达到那边。

The student worked hard so that he might learn more.这个学生尽力进修,以便学到更多的常识。


I went to the lecture early so that I got a good seat.我很早就去听课,成果占到了一个好坐位。

He spoke clearly,so that everyone heard.他措辞清晰,是以每小我都能听见。





① 可以毗连两个的词,多用于必定句中。

Go and fetch something to eat.(毗连两个动词如go, come等暗示目标)去取些吃的工具来。

He started to shout and sing.他起头大呼并唱歌。

Read it slowly and clearly.渐渐念,念清晰。

The balloon flew higher and higher.气球越飞越高。

You can meet teachers and students.你会面到很多教员和学生。

Proper diet and exercise are important to health.得当的饮食和熬炼对康健很首要。


They didn’t catch the bus, and had to stay in a hotel for the night.他们没遇上汽车,只幸亏旅店留宿。(因果)

Mary likes music and Lily is fond of sports.玛丽喜好音乐,莉莉快乐喜爱体育活动。(比拟)

Work hard and you will succeed.(前提,前面部门常为祈使句)若是你尽力事情,就会乐成。

One more week and we’ll accomplish the task.再一礼拜,咱们就完成使命。(前提)

(2)并列连词both…and, not only…but also, as well as的用法

①both…and意为:“不单…并且…; 既…又…”,是并列连词,可以并列主语、宾语、表语、状语、谓语等成份。并列主语时谓语动词用复数情势。

Both New York and London have traffic problems. 纽约和伦敦都存在交通问题。

The secretary both speaks and writes Spanish.这位秘书不单能讲并且能写西班牙语。

Both teaching and research work are making great strides.讲授与科研都在大踏步进步。

The delegates visited both New York and Boston.代表们既拜候了纽约,又拜候了波士顿。

She both plays the piano and sings.她既会弹钢琴又会唱歌。

Both she and the headmaster were pleased with the boy.她和校长都喜好这个男孩。

The situation both at home and abroad is in our favor.国表里@情%7wLYW%势对咱%lc24z%们@都颇有利。

②not only…but also意为:“不单…并且”,是并列连词,可以毗连两个词,也可毗连两个句子。注:also 可省略。


not only…but also可以毗连句中所有的成份,毗连并列主语时,其谓语动词按照就近原则,与所挨近的成份连结数的一致。

Not only the students but (also) their teacher is enjoying the movie.不但学生们津津有味地看着这部片子,并且他们的教员也是如斯。

He can speak not only French but (also) English.他不单会讲法并且会讲英语。

He not only had seen the film but also remembered what he had seen.他不但看过那部影片,并且记得影片的内容。


not only…but also可以毗连两个句子,not only位于句首时, not only后的句子要倒装。

Not only is he a scientist, but he is also a fighter.他不单是位科学家并且仍是名兵士。

Not only was everything he had taken away, but his citizenship.不但他的一切被拿走,并且他的国籍也被取缔。

③as well as 其连词感化,暗示“同、和、也”等。

The editors as well as the proofreaders are working overtime.编纂和校订者都在加班事情。

I have read his novels as well as his plays.我读过他的小说和脚本。


I was about to leave when the telephone rang.我刚想走,忽然德律风铃响了。

We played outside till sunset, when it began to rain.咱们在户外一向玩到太阳下山, 当时全国起雨来了。



Learning the guitar isn’t difficult ,but you have to practice.学弹吉它其实不难,但你得操练。

The changes in the city will cost quite a lot, but they will save us money in the long run. 革新都会必要耗费不少的钱,但从久远来看仍是省钱。

Excuse me for breaking in, but I have some news for you.请谅解我贸然突入,但我有动静奉告你。

In some Asian countries , nodding the head means not “Yes”but “No”. 有些亚洲国度,颔首其实不暗示“是”而是暗示“不”。

He was in deep trouble , yet he didn’t lose heart.他深陷窘境,但是他没有损失信念。

Rick was very successful. However, the last few years of his life were not happy ones.瑞克很是乐成,但是他的暮年其实不幸福。

You like sports, while I’d rather read.你喜好体育而我却喜好念书。

They were surprised that a child should work out the problem,while they themselves couldn’t.他们很受惊一个孩子能把这个题解出来而他们却不克不及。

She thought I was talking about her daughter, while in fact I was talking about my daughter. 她认为我是在评论辩论她的女儿,而究竟上我在评论辩论我女儿。


Not the manager but the workers are hoping to do that.不是司理而是工人们但愿那末做。

Not you but I am a teacher.不是你而是我是教员。


此类并列连词重要有or, or else, either…or, otherwise,neither…nor, not nor等。


① 可以毗连两个的词,多用于否认或疑难句中。主语的人称、数纷歧致时, 动词跟着靠近的主语而变革。

John or you are in Class Two.约翰或你在二班。

He never smokes or drinks.他从不抽烟,也不饮酒。

Will you have tea or coffee? 你品茗仍是喝咖啡?

Are you leavening for Beijing by train or by plane?你是坐火车仍是坐飞机去北京?

She will be back either today or tomorrow.她不是今天回来,就是来日诰日回来。

② 毗连两个句子,常和else连用。

Would you like a cup of coffee or shall we get down to business right away?你愿意先喝咖啡仍是咱们谈正事。

Put on your overcoat, or you will catch cold. 穿上你的大衣,否则你会着凉。

He must pay the debt or else go to prison.”他必需还债,不然就得去下狱。”

Hurry up, or/or else we’ll be late for the meeting.从速,不然咱们开会要迟到的。

注重:or, or else, otherwise三者比拟,or else语气较or强,而otherwise语气则最强。

Make haste, or (else) you’ll be late.快点, 要否则就来不及了。

Let’s begin, otherwise, we will fall behind.咱们这就起头吧,否则会后进的。

I would like you to change this blouse, or else give me my money back.我想要你换掉这件衬衣,要不把钱退给我。



l.Tom______Mary cannot speak Chinese.They did not speak Japanese clearly_______correctly,either.


2.The clock has no eyes____ears.And it has no mouth____ no legs,either. 时钟没有眼天晴耳朵,也没有嘴和腿。

3.Man can’t live without air______water.That’s to say,man will die without air_______water. 没有氛围和水,人就不糊口,也就是说,没有氛围和水,人就会死。





(2)either…or, neither…nor, not …nor的用法


either…or, neither…nor, not …nor等毗连主语时,谓语动词也根据就近原则。

Either my father or my brothers are coming. 不是我父亲就是我兄弟要来。

Neither you nor I am wrong.你和我都没错。

Either the coach or the players are responsible for the defeat.不是锻练就是运带动对此次失败负有责任。

He does not ride, nor shoot, nor fish .他既不快乐喜爱骑马,也不快乐喜爱射击、垂纶。

②毗连两个句子,当neither, nor放句首时,该句倒装。

Either we go now or we remain here forever.要末咱们如今走,要末咱们永久在这呆下去。

Neither could theory do without practice, nor could practice do without theory.理论没有实践不可, 实践没有理论也不可。

Mrs. Smith doesn’t smoke, neither/nor does her husband.史姑娘夫人不吸烟,她丈夫也不。





I apologized to her , for I had wronged her.我向她报歉了,由于我错怪了她。

The shop was quite new, for it had opened only the week before.商铺至关新,由于它一礼拜前才开业。

He felt no fear, for he was very brave.他很英勇, 绝不害怕。

比力:for 和 because 在暗示“缘由”的时辰意思基底细同, 一般可以相互代用。for可以暗示缘由又可以用于提出阐明, 语气比because轻很多。Because指导的从句一般放在主句后, 有时也可放在主句前, 而for指导的句子只能放在后面。此外在答复Why的问句时, 只能用because不克不及用for。再者, for不克不及跟not…but这一布局连用。

I did it not because I liked it but because I had to do it. (正)


I did it not for I liked it but for I had to do it. (误)


so 暗示成果,意为“是以,以是,因而”。

These buildings were over 50 years old, so they were not strong enough. 这些修建物已有50多年的寿命,是以不敷坚忍。

It was late, so we went home.天晚了, 以是咱们就回家去了。

He was sick, so they were quiet.他病了, 以是他们 很恬静。


therefore意为“是以, 以是”,语气比力文气,多放在分句或句子的前面。

It was rather late, so we decided to go home.天至关晚了,是以咱们决议回家。

Good technique in medicine means less pain and fewer deaths,therefore it is our duty to master it.医治中采纳先辈的技能就象征着削减痛楚与灭亡,是以把握先辈的技能是咱们的职责。

He broke the law ,therefore he was put into prison.他违犯了法令,是以被投入牢狱。

作者: admin






