
100句出国常用英语口语 | 高效学习国际交流必备口语 在全球化背景下,学习英语成为我们拓宽国际视野、提升自身竞争力的必要技能。下面是100句常用的英语口语,对于准备出国留学或者国…

100句出国常用英语口语 | 高效学习国际交流必备口语


1. Hello, nice to meet you.
2. How are you doing today?
3. What’s your name?
4. Where are you from?
5. I’m from China.
6. Can you speak English?
7. Yes, I can.
8. Sorry, I can’t.
9. Nice weather today, isn’t it?
10. How old are you?
11. What do you do for a living?
12. I am a student.
13. How long have you been studying English?
14. I have been studying English for 5 years.
15. What languages do you speak?
16. I speak English and Chinese.
17. Where are you studying?
18. I am studying in London.
19. What is your major?
20. My major is economics.
21. Can you help me, please?
22. What time is it now?
23. It’s half past five.
24. How much does it cost?
25. It costs 10 dollars.
26. Do you have a pen I can borrow?
27. I’m sorry, I don’t have one.
28. What’s your phone number?
29. My phone number is 123-4567.
30. What’s your email address?
31. Are you free this weekend?
32. No, I am busy.
33. Yes, I am free.
34. Where do you want to go?
35. Let’s go to the movies.
36. Can you give me directions?
37. How do I get to the train station?
38. Turn left at the next intersection.
39. Can you recommend a good restaurant?
40. What’s the weather like today?
41. It’s sunny.
42. It’s raining.
43. I like your outfit.
44. Thank you. I bought it yesterday.
45. Can I try it on?
46. Excuse me, where is the nearest bathroom?
47. How do I get to the airport?
48. Is there a pharmacy nearby?
49. What’s your favorite food?
50. My favorite food is pizza.
51. What do you like to do in your free time?
52. I like to read books and go hiking.
53. Do you have any hobbies?
54. Yes, I love playing the guitar.
55. Let’s go shopping.
56. What size do you wear?
57. I wear size medium.
58. What’s your shoe size?
59. My shoe size is 40.
60. What’s your favorite color?
61. Can I have the bill, please?
62. I would like to pay by credit card.
63. I’m sorry, but I don’t understand.
64. Can you speak more slowly?
65. Can you repeat that, please?
66. How do you spell that?
67. Could you please write that down for me?
68. Do you have any tips for learning English?
69. Practice speaking every day.
70. Watch English movies with subtitles.
71. Read English books and newspapers.
72. Have you been to Paris?
73. No, but I would love
to go someday.
74. What’s your favorite book?
75. My favorite book is “To Kill a Mockingbird”.
76. What’s your favorite movie?
77. My favorite movie is “The Shawshank Redemption”.
78. What’s your favorite sport?
79. My favorite sport is basketball.
80. Can you teach me how to cook?
81. Sure, I’d be happy to show you.
82. What’s your favorite season?
83. My favorite season is spring.
84. Do you have any pets?
85. Yes, I have a dog named Max.
86. How many siblings do you have?
87. I have one sister and one brother.
88. What’s your dream job?
89. My dream job is to be a doctor.
90. Have you ever traveled abroad?
91. Yes, I have been to Japan and Australia.
92. What’s your favorite place you’ve visited?
93. My favorite place I’ve visited is Paris.
94. Do you like to exercise?
95. Yes, I enjoy going to the gym.
96. Can you swim?
97. Yes, I can swim.
98. What’s your favorite holiday?
99. My favorite holiday is Christmas.
100. Goodbye, see you later.


作者: admin






