



1、Tell me about yourself当面试官需要你进行自我介绍的时候

每当遇到新同学的时候,可能老师都会让你们进行自我介绍,相信你对于这种问题都应该有着自己的一套说法,但是要注意的是,面试官并不是需要的是关于你非常琐碎的事情,就像这种回答: I was born in Beijing. I love playing the computer and surfing the net.



I’ve been working as a trainee journalist at a newspaper press for one year and my duties included street interview and text composition .I have always been interested in writing things and talking with strangers. I studied at Jinan university, where I gained my first level Journalism and communication diploma.

2、What are your strength当面试官问及你有什么长处的时候


To be punctual – to be on time.准时

I’m a punctual person. I always arrive early and complete my work on time. My previous job had a lot of deadlines (time when you must finish something by) and I made sure that I was organized and adhered to(respected) all my jobs.

To be a team-player – to work well with others. 团队合作

I consider myself to be a team-player. I like to work with other people and I find that it’s much easier to achieve something when everyone works together and communicates well.

To be ambitious – to have goals. 富有野心,有目标

I’m ambitious. I have always set myself goals and it motivates me to work hard. I have achieved my goals so far with my training, education and work experience and now I am looking for ways to improve myself and grow.

To keep your cool – To stay calm in all kinds of situations.心态好

I think it’s really important to be able to stay calm when you’re working as a reporter. It can get really stressful, but one of my greatest qualities is that I can keep my cool and I don’t allow the pressure to get to me, which helps me achieve all my goals and remain focused.


3、What are your weaknesses当面试官问及你的缺点的时候



I sometimes am slower in completing my tasks compared to others because I really want to get things right. I will double or sometimes triple-check documents and files to make sure everything is accurate. 这样肯定会让面试官耳目一新。


I have created a time-management system, which allows me to list all my duties and organize my deadlines so I have a clearer idea of what I need to do. 这也会让面试官信服。

4、Why did you leave your last job当面试官问及你为什么离开上一家公司的时候




I’m looking for new challenges.

I feel I wasn’t able to show my talents.

I’m looking for a job that suits my qualifications.

I’m looking for a job where I can grow with the company.


5、Tell us about your education当面试官问及你的教育经历的时候


I spend most of my time reading in the library,where I can open my eyes and broaden my mind.In my free time,I also join some clubs,where I can make a lot of friends of different majors.

I believe college life is an important stage in my life. In college,I can learn how to learn by myself,how to get on with others,how to live independently.


6、Where do you see yourself 5 years from now当面试官问及你对于未来的展望


Improved my skills

Created more of a name for myself in the industry

Become more independent in what I do and productive (doing more).

Enhanced (improved) my knowledge.

Achieved a higher position.

Become a team leader…

7、Do you have any questions for me/us?

很多人都会遇到这样的问题,而且很多人都以为这个问题不重要,如果用英语面试口语的话,可能绝大多数人都不愿意说话,只想简单说一句”No,that’s all.”


what kind of work does your company do? 公司是做什么的

how much vacation time do I get each year?有多少假期等等这种问题


Do you have any examples of projects that I would be working on if I were to be offered the job? This shows that you’re interested in the actual job and not just being employed.

What is the typical day for this position ?

Does the company offer in-house training to staff?

What is the next step?

作者: admin






