
近年来,随着国家教育事业的不断发展,各大高校的知名度和影响力也在逐渐提升。今天,我们邀请了三位大学生来参与一场英语对话,谈论一下他们的校园生活。 A:Hi, guys! Let&#…


A:Hi, guys! Let’s talk about our campus life today.

B: Sure! I love talking about it.

C: Me too. It’s a great way to share experiences.

A: So, let’s start with the most interesting thing we have experienced since we came to this university.

B: For me, it was the sports meet we had last year. It was so much fun to participate in the events and to cheer for our teams.

C: Yeah, I remember that. My favorite part was the group performance. We had been practicing for weeks, and it was such a great feeling to perform in front of all our friends.

A: That sounds awesome. For me, the most interesting thing was the debate contest we had last semester. I was so nervous, but it was a great opportunity to improve my public speaking skills.

B: You were amazing at it! I wish I could speak as well as you do.

C: Hey, don’t feel bad. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. For me, my favorite thing about campus life is all the student clubs and associations there are. I’m part of the photography club, and it’s been a great experience.

A: That’s so cool! I’m thinking of joining the environmental club myself.

B: That’s a great idea! It’s so important to take care of our planet.

C: Definitely. And speaking

of taking care of things, have you guys noticed how clean and well-maintained our campus is?

A: Yes! It’s really impressive. I think the school administration does a great job of ensuring a comfortable and safe learning environment for all of us.

B: I agree, and it’s not just the physical environment that’s great. The academic environment is also fantastic. I’ve learned so much from my professors and classmates.

C: Me too. And the best part is that everyone is so friendly and supportive. If you need help with anything, there’s always someone willing to lend a hand.

A: Absolutely. That’s one of my favorite things about campus life – the sense of community and camaraderie.

B: Me too. It really feels like we’re all in this together, working towards our goals and dreams.

C: Speaking of goals and dreams, have you guys thought

about what you want to do after graduation?

A: Yes, I have. I want to go to grad school and study international relations.

B: Wow, that’s ambitious. I’m still not sure what I want to do yet.

C: Same here. There are so many possibilities, it’s hard to know where to start.

A: Well, we still have some time to figure it out. In the meantime, let’s enjoy our campus life to the fullest!

B: Good idea. This has been a great conversation.

C: Yeah, thanks for inviting me. It’s been fun talking to you guys.

A: Likewise. This is definitely one of the highlights of my campus life so far.


作者: admin






