
年轻军官在纽约中央车站等待 素未谋面的梦中人, 一本流浪的书令他们意外结识, 从此开始13个月的书信往来, 他们真诚的地写信,回信,倾诉,交流, 成为精神的伙伴与朋友。 在约定见面…












主持:京晶 外籍嘉宾:judy


(nick | canada)

appointment with love

-by sulamith ish-kishor



sulamith ish-kishor(1896年- 1977年6月23日)



姐姐judith ish-kishor是犹太儿童英语文学的先驱作家。







“if your feeling for me had no reality, what i look like won’t matter”; a beautiful sentence from a letter to lieutenant blandford, written by miss hollis meynell. they never met in real life, but got to know each other very well through writing each other letters while he was far away on the battlefield. he got to know her address by borrowing a book from the army library, which had her notes and address in it. her notes enchanted him, so he took up his pen and wrote her. she replied, and from then onwards their exchange of letters continued endlessly. since they started writing each other, she became his comfort in times he feared for life. she became his beacon of light when everything else seemed drenched in the darkness of wars he fought. she was not looking for superficial love; love based on attraction to beauty that fades. nor was she interested in love based on the fear of being lonely, or worse: on the fear of boredom. would he give her what she desired? would he be truly as suitable a match as his letters made her think? a test was needed to find out…


1. six minutes to six, said the clock over the information boothin new york’s grand central station. the tall young army officer lifted his sunburned face and narrowedhis eyes to note the exact time. his heart was pounding with a beat that chokedhim. in six minutes he would see the woman who had filled such a special place in his life for the past 18 months, the woman he had never seen yet whose words had sustained him unfailingly.


2. he was going to hear her voice now. four minutes to six. a girl passed closer to him, andlt. blandford started. she was wearing a flower, but it was not the little red rose they had agreed upon. besides, this girl was only about 18, and hollis meynell had told him she was 30. “what of it?”he had answered, “i’m 32.” he was 29.


information booth (noun)


narrowed(verb, from: to narrow)


choked(verb, from: to choke)


sustained (verb, from: to sustain)

英 /s?’ste?nd/ 美 /s?’stend/ 维持


unfailingly (adv.) /?n’fel??li/




what of it?(expression)



3. his mind went back to that book – the book the lord himself must have put into his hands out of the hundreds of army library books sent to the florida training camp. throughout the book were notes in a woman’s writing. he had always hated that writing-in-habit, but these remarks were different. he had never believed that a woman could see into a man’s heart so tenderly, so understandingly. her name was on thebookplate: hollis meynell. he had got hold of a new york city telephone book and found her address. he had written, she had answered. next day he had been shipped out,but they had gone on writing.


4. for thirteen months she had faithfully replied. when his letters did not arrive, she wrote anyway, and now he believed he loved her, and she loved him. but she had refused all his pleasto send him her photograph. she had explained: “if your feeling for me had no reality, what i look like won’t matter. suppose i am beautiful. i’d always be haunted that you had been taking a chance on just that, and that kind of love would disgust me. suppose that i’m plain, (and you must admit that this is more likely), then i’d always fear that you were only going on writing because you were lonely and had no one else. no, don’t ask for my picture. when you come to new york, you shall see me and then you shall make your own decision.”


tenderly(adv.) 美 /’t?nd?li/



英 /’b?kple?t/ 美 /’b?kplet/



shipped out (phrasal verb)



英 /’fe?θf?l?; -f(?)l?/ 美 /’feθf?li/


pleas(noun) 恳求

plain (adj.) 英 /ple?n/ 美 /plen/


5. one minute to six – lieutenant blandford’s heart leapedhigher than his plane had ever done. a young woman was coming toward him. her figure was long and slim; her blond hair lay back in curls from her delicateears. her eyes were blue as flowers, her lips and chin had a gentle firmness. in her pale green suit, she was like springtime come alive. he started toward her, entirely forgetting to notice that she was wearing no rose, and as he moved, a small, provocativesmile curved her lips. “going my way, soldier?” she murmured. uncontrollably, he made one step closer to her. then he saw hollis meynell.

还有1分钟就6点了……布兰福德中尉心跳的速度从来没有这么快过。一位年轻女士向他走来。她身材修长,金色的卷发从她小巧玲珑的双耳后散落到肩背。她蓝色的双眸像花朵般美丽动人,双唇和下巴的轮廓柔和且清晰。她身着淡绿色的外衣,像春天般生气勃勃。他开始向她走去,完全忘记了去注意到她的外套上并没有别着玫瑰花。他迎着她走去,她嘴角上扬,露出了带有挑衅意味的微笑。 “跟我同路吗,士兵?”她低声说。他没控制住自己,又向她的方向走了一步。然后,他看到了霍丽丝·梅内尔。

6. she was standing almost directly behind the girl, a woman well past 40, her graying hair tuckedunder a worn hat. she was more than plump. her thick-ankledfeet were thrustinto low-heeled shoes. but she wore a red rose on her crumpled coat. the girl in the green suit was walking quickly away.


leaped(verb) /li:pt/


delicate(adj.) 英 /’del?k?t/ 美 /?d?l?k?t/


firmness (noun)

英 /’f?:mn?s/ 美 /’f?mn?s/



英 /pr?’v?k?t?v/ 美 /pr?’vɑk?t?v/


tucked (verb; from: to tuck)

英 /t?kt/ vt. 盘(腿);盘(头发);



thick-ankled (expression)


thrust(verb) 英 /θr?st/ 美 /θr?st/ vt.

插;插入;推挤 vi. 插入;

crumpled(verb, from: to crumple)

英 /’kr?mpld/ 美 /’kr?mpld/ 弄皱的

7. blandford felt as though he were being split in two, so keenwas his desire to follow the girl, yet so deep was his longing for the woman whose spirit had truly companioned and upheld his own; and there she stood. her pale, plump face was gentle and sensible; he could see that now. her gray eyes had a warm, kindly twinkle.


8. lieutenant blandford did not hesitate. his fingers gripped the small worn, blue leather copyof of human bondage, which was to identify him to her. this would not be love, but it would be something precious, something perhaps even rarer than love – a friendship for which he had been and must ever be grateful.


keen (adj.) 英 /ki?n/ 美 /kin/



copy (noun)

/’k?p?/ 美 /’kɑpi/ 副本;一册;

9. he squaredhis broad shoulders, salutedand held the book out toward the woman, although even while he spoke he felt shocked by the bitterness of his disappointment. “i’m lieutenant john blandford, and you – you are miss meynell. i’m so glad you could meet me. may…may i take you to dinner?”


10. the woman’s face broadened in a tolerant smile. “i don’t know what this is all about, son,” she answered. “that young lady in the green suit – the one who just went by – begged me to wear this rose on my coat. and she said that if you asked me to go out with you, i should tell you that she’s waiting for you in that big restaurant across the street. she said it was some kind of a test. i’ve got two boys with uncle sam myself, so i didn’t mind toobligeyou.”


squared(verb, from: to square)

美 /skw?rd/ 使成正方形;求平方值

saluted(verb, from: to salute)


oblige(verb, from: to oblige)

英 /?’bla?d?/ 美 /?’bla?d?/

vt. 迫使;强制;赐,施恩惠;义务 vi. 帮忙;施恩惠

the end


















“if your feeling for me had no reality,

what i look like won’t matter”




周一听力写作free chat专区

主讲人:外教nick (加拿大)


two sessions

the favorite hero in your heart

the meanings behind colors






what’s your favorite color and why?



【freetalk 中英对照】

0’0″-1’30” summer&alice&平静

hey, everybody, this is nick, wishing you a happyyyyy monday. on this monday, march 4th, 2019. well, with temperatures going up to plus 18 degrees in beijing, it‘s pretty much official, winter has come and winter has passed. and i’m happy everybody survived another cold winter. and for all of you in beijing, i hope you enjoyed your snowy february. speaking of beijing, it‘s that time of year again, the time where some important people will discuss important topics for a very, very important country. the two sessions is ready to kick off in beijing. and as a journalist in china, i followed the two sessions very closely. the story of china is a fascinating one, isn’t it? how fast china was able to become such a dominant country!


1’30-3’00 olivia &audrey&哈啊

so i wish all of you who are a part of the two sessions a very healthy working time. it’s super busy from the leaders all the way down to the volunteers, so make sure to drink a lot of water and work hard. now i promised this week’s free talk be a fun one. and while a promise is made, a promise should be kept, right? are there any members of the pk community from wuhan? anybody from wuhan? i think there are a few of you from wuhan. i’m going to start by telling a story about a talented film director who is from wuhan and was chosen to create an advertisement for one of the most famous shoe companies in the world. oh, guys, i’m not talking about nike or adidas, i’m talking about the shoe company that the girls may know very well. you know the ones with the red bottoms, louboutin. so in 2015, meiling of wuhan directed the following short film for louboutin.


3’-4’30’’ 臻儿&mandy&isabella

“louboutin – the only true red.” louboutin, the only true red. now this is very interesting to me because i’m exceptionally interested in colors. and this week’s topic is about just that-colors.

ok. so, before we get into the topic of colors, i want to read some of the great comments that were left in the pk wechat post last week. we’ll talk more about colors right after this. so, last week i asked the pk community to talk about their heroes and this is what a pk community member named calm. at least, i think that’s what the name says, calm. and calm says , “my hero is the hero of the shawshank redemption.” ok, if you guys don’t know what shawshank redemption is, you have to go watch it. it’s one of the best movies of all time. calm mentions that there is a great man in the shawshank redemption. and i think she is referring to either andy or red because i believe there are two great men in this movie.



4’30’’-6’00’’-z attitude、星空、曾沙沙

but calm continues by saying, “however difficult the situation was, he never gave up the hope to survive. he is the greatest hero in my heart. there is a saying in the movie, ‘in strong daily, save a great man, save others.’ in our daily lives, we should follow his attitude, and never give up the hope of life no matter what happens.”

ok. calm, i totally understand what you are saying. but i think the quote that you are trying to say in the movie which is about hope. i remember this quote very, very well. i will never forget it because i’ve watched this movie a hundred times. i’m not exaggerating. i’ve seen this movie at least a hundred times. and the quote i believe you are trying to say is when andy writes a letter to red, and the letter says, ‘dear red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best thing and no good thing ever dies.’ and not long after that, red replies to this letter. and he writes back to his dear friend andy saying, ‘i hope i can make it across the border.’


平静,我完全理解你所说的。我认为你引用电影中那句台词是关于希望的。我非常清晰地记得这句话,久不能忘,因为这部电影我已经看过一百多遍了。毫不夸张地说,我真看了不下百次。我记得你引用的那句台词出现在安迪给瑞德写的一封信里。信里写到:”亲爱的瑞德,希望是美好的,也许是人间至善。而美好的事物永不消逝。” 不久之后,瑞德在给安迪的回信里写到:”我愿越过边境与你团聚。”

6’00”—7’30” by april & jane

i hope to see my friend and shake his hand. i hope the pacific is as blue as it has been in my dream. i hope. does that remind you of the movie a little bit, calm? i tried my best there to be tim robbins who is the actor that plays the character andy, and morgan freeman who is the actor who plays red. anyways, thank you very much for your comment, calm! andy dufrence and red are two heroes of mine, as well. i love that movie and i love that you love that movie. so, thank you! the next comment is from jason, and jason, i believe you are a first time commentor. so, i want to welcome you to be the pk community. jason says:” hi nick, i’m jason. i think everyone who holding their position through hard work are all my heroes, including you.” oh, thank you, jason! you are a hero to me as well, and deep inside, the most important heroes to me are my parents, because they did nothing but everything.

我希望能越过边境,我希望见到我的朋友并与他握手。我希望太平洋和我梦里的一样蓝。我希望。平静,这有让你想到这部电影吗? 我已尽力让我的声音听起来像tim robbins和 morgen freemen. tim robbins是剧中扮演andy的演员,morgen freemen是演red的演员。不过,平静,非常感谢你的评论留言。andy dufrein 和 red也是我心中的英雄。 我很喜欢这部电影,很高兴你也喜欢,谢谢! 下个留言是jason的,我想jason应该是第一次留言吧。欢迎你加入pk台大家庭。jason说:“ 嗨,nick,我是jason. 我觉得那些坚守岗位,辛勤工作的人都是我的英雄,当然也包括你,nick.”哇,谢谢你,jason!你也是我的英雄,其实,在我内心深处,我最崇拜的英雄是我的父母,因为他们虽没大的成就,但他们却做了所有力所能及的事情。

7’30”-9’00” by serena sun & sognojing & 芯知自在

that’s a powerful powerful quote, jason. thank you so much for your comment, i feel emotion, i feel the power, i feel the heroes, in that comment. so thank you very much, jason. ok, back to the topic of colors. earlier i mentioned famous louboutin shoes with their famous red soles. and soles are spelled “s-o-l-e-s”. it simply means the bottom of a person’s foot. so on the bottom of every louboutin high heal, they have the color red. but not just any red, there are many different types of red. there’s light red, dark red, bright red, stark red and many many other reds. so in 1963, a gentleman by the name lawrence herbert started the company called pantone, and the purpose for this company was to identify and give a number to all different types of colors. if there are any designers out there in the pk community, any website developers in the pk community.


9’00-10’30” 麦芽糖&melinda&lei lei

you know exactly what i am talking about is called the pantone matching system. and the red on the bottom of louboutin’s shoes are pantone number 1-6-6-3, also known as chinese red. ok so why is this important? well in 2011, a rival company of louboutin named yves saint laurent- ysl, also used chinese red pantone color 1663 to design the bottom of their shoes. huh, louboutin didn’t like that very much, and they decided to sue yves saint laurent, claiming they have the copyrights to that color and that style. now the case is still on going, but one company that’s watching this case very carefully and is hoping that louboutin wins, is the very famous jewelry company called tiffany. if you’ve ever seen a tiffany’s box, what’s the one thing that stands out? uh-huh! ladies, i know what you are thinking. guys, i am gonna help you a little bit. it’s that beautiful blue.

pk台的听友们,你们肯定知道我说的是彩通配色系统。louboutin鞋子底部的颜色是彩通编号1663,也就是著名的中国红。那么为什么这很重要呢?2011年,louboutin的一个竞争对手圣罗兰也把中国红用于他们鞋子底部的设计。啊~ louboutin非常不喜欢,他们决定起诉圣罗兰,声称他们对这个颜色和款式是拥有版权的。现在这个案件仍在审理当中。其中有一家非常著名的珠宝公司,蒂凡尼,十分热切的关注这个案子,并且蒂凡尼希望louboutin能赢。如果你看过蒂凡尼的盒子,你会立刻想到什么呢?哈,女士们,我知道你们在想什么。男士们,我要帮下你们,那就是那个漂亮的蓝色。

10’30’’-12’00’’ 谢h&星空&闫瑾

that blue immediately signals tiffany as a brand to a large percentage of the population. when you see that tiffany blue, you know it’s tiffany. so, if louboutin loses their color war, tiffany will also lose their trademark blue. it’s so sad. but what really really interests me about colors is that they all have a meaning behind them. ok, have you guys ever seen the blue flag of the united nations? the un flag. well, that blue stands for security, trust, productivity and peace of mind. green, the color green represents freshness. are you hungry? looking for something fresh? well, the next time you go to subway for a sandwich, pay attention to the green in their logo. speaking of green, it also means reenergize, and it’s one reason why the starbucks logo is this color. it wants to be a place where you can renew yourself, recharge your batteries.


12’00-13’30 sunny-rong &粉色高跟鞋

that is why starbucks uses the green. red is a passionate color, it means action, adventure, fire, lost, anger and courage. by the way, louboutin chose the color red for their soles. because in 1992, louboutin saw an assistant painting her nails a bright red, and he decided to try painting the soles of his shoes with the same shade. the bright red sole became a sensation and a symbol of the louboutin brand. now when you mix red and yellow, it’s meant to boost your appetite. the macdonald logo is red and yellow. because red makes you hungry, and yellow means fun. macdonald is a place where you can eat and have fun. so what if you are on a diet, well, the color blue is start to make you lose your appetite, because there are very few blue foods, which is why so many restaurants avoid the color.


13’30’’-end 甜甜圈&vampire

many diet plans even suggest painting your kitchen blue or using blue plates. so you can eat less. finally one of the most interesting colors is the color purple. in historical western culture, purple symbolizes nobility and wealth. purple means luxury because, before, purple was very costly to manufacture. that’s why the queen of england wore a lot of purple. and that’s why a chocolate company from the uk named cadbury went to court to protect their famous purple branding color. they ended up winning that case. my favorite color has always been the color blue. in my eyes, blue lights up the day. i know the light comes from the yellow sun. but it’s blue that i‘m attracted to most. so what’s your favorite color? leave your comment in the pk wechat post and remember the question is: what’s your favorite color and why? alright, thank you so so much for listening to another one of my free talks. i‘ll be back next week with another interesting topic. i’ll give you a hint. why make you wait a whole week. i‘ll just tell you guys. ok, the topic will be about celebrities. so make sure to be back next week because it’s going to be a lot of fun. ok. have a great week, everybody. bye for now.




1.平静 2. summer 3. alice4. audrey5. olivia 6. 哈啊 听译7. 臻儿 8. mandy 9. isabelle10. attitude11. 星空12. 曾沙沙13.vampire 14. noah15. april16. sognojing 17. serena 18.芯知自在19.雷蕾 20. 麦芽糖21.melinda22.闫瑾23.谢 h24星空25 sunny-rong 26 甜甜圈27. 粉色高跟鞋


1. 小喷菇2. lily王莉3. jane4. amalia5 平静.6刘辉






what’s your favorite color and why?




chat with nick




译文:英语pk台 | billy


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