
Am I allowed to 我可以……吗 As matter of fact 现实上…… As far as I’m concerned 就我而言 As far a…

Am I allowed to 我可以……吗

As matter of fact 现实上……

As far as I’m concerned 就我而言

As far as I know 据我所知

As I just mentioned 正如我适才提到过的

As I see it 在我眼里

As is known to us all 家喻户晓,……

As long as 只要…

But for… 若不是由于;若是没有……

Can you believe (that) 你信赖……吗

Can you imagine 你能想像……吗

Could you please explain 你能诠释一下……吗

Can’t we… 莫非咱们不克不及……吗

Could you do me a favor and… 可否请你帮我一个忙…

Do you by any chance know… 你(可巧)晓得……吗

Do you enjoy doing… 你喜好做……吗

Do you happen to know… 你(可巧)晓得……吗

Do you have any good ways to… 你有无……的好法子

Did you know (that)… 你晓得……吗

Do you know if (whether)… 你晓得是不是……

Do (Would) you mind doing… 你介怀做……吗

Do (Would) you mind if… 若是……你是不是介怀


Do you realize (that)… 你有无意想到……

Do you think it is possible to… 你认为……可能吗

Do you think it necessary to… 你认为有需要……吗

doesn’t make sense 没有事理/没成心义/不清晰

Don’t be afraid of…不要惧怕……

Don’t take it for granted that…别认为……理所固然

Don’t waste time doing…不要挥霍时候做……

Don’t you think that…莫非你不认为……吗

Excuse me for…请谅解我……

For one thing For another 一方面……;另外一方面…….

From my point of view 在我眼里,……

From where I stand 从我的态度来讲……

Generally speaking 总的来讲……

Hardly when…一……就……. [倒装句型]

Have you considered doing…你有无斟酌过做……

Have you decided…你决议好……了吗

Have you ever been to…你曾去过……吗

Have you thought about(of) …你有无想过……

Haven’t you heard of …莫非你没据说过……吗

How are you getting on (along) with… ……希望若何/与……相处若何

How are you going to…你筹算若何……

How does sound (听起来)怎样样

How long will it take you to…要用多长时候

How should I…我该若何……

I absolutely agree with我彻底赞成…

I absolutely agree with我彻底赞成…

I’m grateful for…我对……出格感谢感动

I am planning to 我筹算……

I am very pleased to have this opportunity to…我很欢快有机遇…

I apologize for…我为……报歉

I believe (that) 我信赖……

I believe we should…我认为咱们应当……

I can’t imagine…我没法想像…

I can’t stand it when…我没法忍耐……

I didn’t expect to…我没想到……

I didn’t mean to…我不是成心……

I didn’t realize…我不晓得…….俄没意想到……

I (don’t) feel like…我(不)想……

I don’t get very excited about…我对……不怎样感乐趣.

I don’t know how to…我不晓得若何……

I don’t see (that)…我看不出/我认为不…….

I don’t think it is necessary to…我认为没有需要……

I don’t think it’s right to…我认为……是不合错误的.

I doubt that if (whether)…我猜疑/我不信赖……

I dream of…我空想……

I’m dying to…我巴望…….俄巴望……

I feel very honored to…我感觉很侥幸……

I’m fed up with…我厌倦了…….我受够了……

I’m sick and tired of…我对……感触腻烦.

I find it hard for me to…我发明……对我来讲很难

I hate to disagree with you, but…我不想跟你有分歧定见,可是……

I have confidence in…我信赖…….我对……有信念.

I have nothing to do with…我与……无关.

I have no experience in…我在……方面没有履历

I haven’t (done)… for a long time我好久没有……了

I insist that…我果断请求……

I insist on (doing) 我对峙……

I intend to我筹算……

I like nothing better than…我喜好……赛过任何工具

I never dreamed of 我从未想过……

I prefer… to 我喜好……甚于…

I prefer to… rather than…我甘愿……而不肯

I really want to know…我真的很想晓得……

I set my mind to do sth (on sth)我下定刻意…….

I sincerely hope that…我朴拙地但愿……

I strongly advise you to…我强烈建议你……

I suggest (that)…我建议……

I think this is a good chance for you to…我认为这是你…的一个好机遇

I think it is a good idea to…我认为……是个好主张

I think it is a waste of money (time) doing…我感觉……是挥霍款项/时候.

I think it’s wrong to…我认为……是不合错误的.

I think that it is impossible to…我感觉……是不成能的.

I think you might like to…我想你可能会喜,灯想……

I think you’d better…我感觉你最佳……

I want to express my gratitude to…我要感激……

I was impressed by…我被……感动了;……给我留下深入印象.

I (wonder) was wondering if…我想晓得…/我在想是不是…

I demanded (that)…我请求……

I won’t…unless 除非……不然我不会…

I used to…我曩昔经常……

I would advise you to…我会建议你……

I would appreciate it if…若是……,我会很是感谢感动.

I would like to reco妹妹end…我想举荐……

I would like to… rather than…我甘愿……也不……

I would rather…than…我甘愿……,而不肯……

I wouldn’t feel happy if…若是……我会不欢快的

I’d be happy to if you’d like若是你愿意,我很欢快…

I’d like to know more about…我想领会更多关于…

I’d like to suggest you do…我想建议你…

I’d like (love) to, but…我很想,但……

I’m (not) certain…我(不)肯定……

I’m afraid I won’t be able to…生怕我不克不及…

I’m busy with (doing)…我正忙于……

I’m considering (doing)…我正斟酌…

I’m convinced that…我确信…

I’m curious to (do) about…我对(做)……很好奇

I’m determined to…我决议…

I’m getting a little concerned about…我对……有点担心.

I’m interested in…我对……感乐趣

I’m (just) calling to…我打德律风来是要…

I’m (not) sure…我(不是)很肯定…

I’m not very interested in…我对……不是很感乐趣

I’m occupied (with)…我忙于…

I’m really fond of…我简直喜好…

I’m really (terribly) sorry for…我对……感触很是抱愧

I’ve been thinking about…我一向想…

I have a desire to…我很是巴望…

I’ve decided to…我已决议…

If I did…, I would…若是我……,我会…

If I had done…, I would have done…若是我……,我就会…

If I were you… I would…若是我是你……,我就会…

If only…! 真但愿……!如果……那该多好啊!

If it is possible 可能的话…

If you ask me, I think…若是你问我,我认为…

If you want to…you’ll have to…若是你想……,你将不能不…

In a word…总之,…

In brief (short) …简言之,……

In conclusion, …最后,…….聪之,……

In general —般而言,……

In my opinion (view) 我认为……

In order to you should…为了…·你应当

In other words 换句话说……

In that case 既然那样

…is of great importance…很首要

Is it convenient for you to…你是不是便利…

Is it OK if…若是……可以吗

Is it possible to…有可能吗

Is there a better way to 有无更好的法子

Is there any chance you could possibly 你有无可能

Is there anything else that 另有此外吗

It appears that 看来,/ 彷佛

It depends on whether这取决于……是不是

It doesn’t make sense to 没有任何意义

It doesn’t matter whether (if) 若是……也不要紧.

It goes without saying that 理应如斯/不问可知.

It makes a (no) difference (to sb.) (对或人来讲)……很首要/无所谓

It occurred to me that 显现于我的脑中.我想起

It won’t do any harm to 没有坏处

It would be wonderful if 如果……那就太好了

It happened that 很偶尔

It helps if 若是……的话,将会(对或人)有帮忙/益处

It’s amazing (that) 很了不得

It is bad to 是欠好的

It’s hard to imagine 很难想像

It is believed that 人们认为…

It didn’t (won’t) take long before…没多久/不必要多久……就

It is easier to… than to比…..轻易

It is easy enough to 至关轻易

It is essential that…有需要…

It is good manners to do 是有礼貌的表示.

It is high time …如今是……的时辰了;早就应当……了

It is hoped that…但愿

It is important that 是很首要的

It’s long been my dream to 一向是我的空想

It is (very /not) likely that…(很/没)有可能

It is (not) necessary to 是(没)有需要的

It is no use doing sth. 做某事是毫无用场的

It is not unusual for sb to do…或人做……层见迭出

It is possible (impossible) to 是(不)可能的

It is dangerous to 伤害

It is (rather) co妹妹on to do…(至关)广泛

It is reported that…听说;据报道

lt is required that 请求…

It is said that 听说…

It is thought that…人们认为…

It is (not) true that (不)是真的.

It is (very) difficult to (很是)坚苦.

It is really a challenge for me to 对我来讲确切是一个挑战

It is (very) useful to 颇有用

It is (was) obvious (clear) that…很较着…

It seems (seemed) that…仿佛…….彷佛…

It sounds like 听起来仿佛…

It takes sb some time (money) to do sth.或人花多长时候/几多钱做某事

It wasn’t until that…直到……才

It would be wonderful if…若是……那就太好了

It’s not (just) like sb to do sth…的举动不/正像或人的一向风格

lt’s a bad habit to 是一个坏习气

It’s a great pleasure to (感触)很是舒畅

It’s customary to…是习气

It’s delightful to 使人很欢快

lt’s my great honor to 是我莫大的侥幸

It’s (not) good to…(不)好

It’s our duty to………是咱们的责任

It’s wrong to…是不合错误的

It’s a shame (pity) that…惋惜/遗憾……

It is (really) unbelievable that……(真)让人难以置信

It is (will be) difficult to……(会)很难

It’ll do you good to……对你有益处

Last but not least 最后但一样首要的是……

Let me explain why 让我诠释为甚么……

Let me fill you in on…让我来奉告你……

(Just) let me know if…若是……,请奉告我

Let me see if…让我看看是不是……

Make sure to do sth —定要做某事

Maybe it’s better to…可能……会更好一些

means a great deal to me 对我意义重大

My dream (goal) (plan) is…我的空想/方针/但愿所划是…

My point of view is that…我的概念是……

no matter what…不管甚么…

no one can deny that…没有人可以或许否定…

no sooner…than…一……就……

no words can express…说话难以表达……;……难以言表

Not until…did…直到……才……

Now that 既然/因为……

On the condition that 前提是…

On the contrary 正好相反

On (the) one hand on the other (hand) 一方面……,另外一方面…

One of the is 最……之一的就是……

Personally, I think ( believe) (feel)…我小我认为/信赖/感受…

Please don’t hesitate to…请随时

Please feel free to 请随时

Please forgive me for 请谅解我

Please give my best wishes to…请代我问候

Recent studies show that…近来钻研表白…

Sb. can do nothing but do…除做……,或人甚么也做不了

Sb. have no choice but to do…或人除做……别无选择

Sb. look(s) as if…或人看上去仿佛

Something must be done to必需采纳办法

Sorry to bother you, but 很抱愧打搅你,但是

Thanks to…因为…/多亏

The point is…重点/关头是

The problem is that问题是…

The reason why… is…的缘由就是…

The secret of…is to……的法门是…

The way I see it 我的见解是…

This was the moment when…就是阿谁时辰…

That reminds me 那提示了我……;那让我想起了

There are signs that…有……的迹象/征象.有迹象表白/显示…

There is no doubt that…毫无疑难

There seems to be…看起来仿佛

There used to be…曩昔曾有……;曾有过

There’s no point in…是偶然义的

There’s no way…绝不成能

To a great/some extent 在很大/某种水平上

To be frank / honest 诚实说,…….说真话

To one’s delight 让或人欢快/诧异的是

To start with 起首

To sum up…总之,…….总而言之

To tell (you) the truth说真话

We hold the opinion that…咱们认为

We must do something to…咱们必需采纳举措以

We must take action (measures) to…咱们必需采纳举措/办法以

We should make every effort to…咱们应当不遗余力

What do you find the hardest in…你感觉……最大的坚苦是甚么

What do you mean by…你……是甚么意思

What do you say…你认为……怎样样

What do you think of…你认为……怎样样

What I’m getting at is…我的意思是

What is more serious is that…更紧张的是

What’s the point of…意义安在 为甚么要

What makes you think…是甚么让你认为…;你为甚么认为

What seems to be the problem with…大要是甚么问题

What seems to be the trouble is…仿佛问题在于

What surprised me is that…令我受惊的是

What will you do if…若是……,你会做甚么

What you have to do is…你必需做的是

What would you say /think of…你认为……怎样样

When do you want me to…你想让我在何时

When it comes to…谈到…;触及到

When will it be convenient for you to…你看何时便利

Would you be so kind as to…可否请你…

Would you like to…你想……吗

You are expected to…你要;应当

You are (not) allowed to…(不)容许你

You are (not) permitted to…(不)容许你

You are required to请求你

You are supposed to…你应当

You don’t have to 你没需要

You don’t need to 你没需要

You really have to do something about…你简直应当处置一下;你真得为…做点甚么了

You should avoid doing sth.你应当防止做某事

You should make an effort to…你应当尽力

You should make good use of…你应当充实操纵

You should never…你绝不该该

You were (not) supposed to…你本(不)应当

You will be able to… if…若是……,你将可以或许

You’ll never guess…你永久猜不到


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