
















01中国风物chinese cultural icons


屈原与九畹溪的兰花qu yuan and theorchids of jiuwan stream


the story goes that when the poet qu yuan (屈原) was banished by king huai of chu due to the machinations of the king’s evil ministers, he took his beloved orchids and bamboo-strip books, and set up a school on fairy mountain. one day, the orchid goddess of fairy mountain, while floating on a cloud, happened to pass a thatched cottage. inside,qu yuan was teaching a class, vigorously promoting righteous conduct for the kingdom of chu. the goddess stood outside the window quietly listening, particularly impressed by the poet’s deeply-felt patriotism. she knew that qu yuan had always loved orchids, so before she left she endowed three orchids which qu yuan had planted under the window with supernatural power.相传,屈原遭奸臣陷害被楚怀王放逐,带着他心爱的兰花和书简在仙女山上办起了学堂。一天,仙女山的兰花娘娘云游路过一间茅舍,正好发现屈原讲课,于是站在窗外静静地听。屈原正慷慨激昂地向学生们讲授振兴楚国的道理。屈原那赤诚的爱国深情令兰花娘娘特别感动。她知道屈原向来喜欢兰花,临走时便将屈原栽种在窗下的三株兰花点化成精。


——《用英语讲中国故事》基础级 p008


02中国习俗chinese customs


未了的乡愁lingering nostalgia


as a teenager, yu guangzhong would follow his parents to many places of interest in the historic city. on their return from the sun yat-sen mausoleum, his father asked him: “do you know whose tomb it is?”

“that’s easy,” he replied. “it is dr. sun yat-sen’s.”

“correct,” his father said, and continued, “so who was sun yat-sen?”“he was a great pioneering revolutionary who proposed the three principles of the people, and the founder of the republic of china!” yu answered promptly. his father, giving him a thumbs-up, found that, as well as literary talent, his son was also good at political and historical knowledge. he believed that only with extensive reading could this be acquired, and now he was relieved.余光中少年时代,父母经常带着他到处走走看看。南京是座历史文化名城,很多地方都留下了余光中的足迹。有一次,父亲带他去了中山陵。在回家的路上,父亲想考考余光中。他问余光中:“你知道中山陵是谁的陵寝吗?”“爸爸,这个你可难不倒我。是孙中山先生的!”“那么你说说孙中山先生是什么人?他有什么贡献?”父亲接着问。“他是伟大的民主革命先行者,提出了‘三民主义’,也创造了中华民国!”余光中自信地回答。父亲为余光中竖起了大拇指。他知道儿子从小情感细腻,有很强的文学天赋,但政治历史方面怎么样还真拿不准。看来,孩子平时没少看这方面的书,父亲欣慰地笑了。


–《用英语讲中国故事》提高级 p062-063


03中国人物chinese sages and great figures


老子身上的中国智慧origin of chinese wisdom


laozi asked confucius: “why don’t you learn from the noble virtue of water?” confucius said, “what virtue does water have?” laozi said, “nothing else in the world has the supreme goodness of water. water is the source of life, nourishing everything and producing all kinds of life. it gives nutrition to life without taking anything from it. this is the virtue of modesty. water flows from high places to low places, and stays in lower places that others shun. it bears heavy burdens, stays humble and helps others. this is the virtue of kindness. water is the softest thing in the world. it does not even have a fixed form, but can adapt to the shapes of all kinds of containers. it can open channels in soil and rock one hundred times harder than itself. the soft overcomes the hard, and the weak conquers the strong. this is the virtue of gentleness and tenacity found in water.”老子问孔子“你为何不学学水的高尚品格呢?”孔子说:“水有什么品格呢?”老子说:“天下最善的莫过于水了,水是生命之源,滋润万物,哺育了各式样的生命,自己却只给予生灵养分而不会从它们身上为自己争些什么,这是其谦虚的美德;水由高处向低处流,最终停留在众人不喜欢的卑下的地方,还要忍辱负重、帮助别人,这是其善良的美德;水是世间最柔软之物,甚至没有固定的形态,但能够适应各种容器的形状,还能在比自己坚硬百倍的土壤、岩石上开辟出通路以柔克刚、以弱胜强,这是其柔和坚韧的品格。”


–《用英语讲中国故事》熟练级 p127


04中国成就chinese achievements


屡创“世界第一”的港珠澳大桥the hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge


after innumerable difficulties had been overcome, on july 7, 2017 the hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge was fully opened. seen from the air, the winding bridge looks like a long dragon. from zhuhai bay, the bridge stretches for over thirty kilometers above the sea, together with six-point-seven kilometers of tunnels under the seabed, to end in hong kong. on the way, there are three specially modeled cable-stayed bridges, named “china connection,” “dolphin” and “sail,” respectively, capable of sustaining a total of three hundred thousand tons of wheeled cargo.su quanke remarked, “the bridge not only links the three geographical regions, it also forms a link between our thoughts and feelings, including the creative superiority we have developed over centuries.”工程师们克服了一个又一个难题,港珠澳大桥于 2017 年 7 月 7 日实现了全面贯通。从空中俯瞰大桥,那逶迤的桥身如一条长龙,从珠海洪湾这端起,穿行三十多公里后消失于海中,经过海底 6.7 公里的隧道穿行,再次跃出水面,直达香港。同时,桥身上还建设了“中国结”“海豚”“风帆”三座造型独特的斜拉桥,三十万吨巨轮也能顺利通过。正如苏权科所言:“它不仅把三地的地理联系起来了,它把我们的思想感情,包括我们几百年来创造的优势的东西都能够联系起来了。”


–《用英语讲中国故事》基础级 p204


05中国艺术chinese arts


高山流水遇知音classical music: story of mountains and streams


delighted, bo ya followed his teacher on a boat, his zither on his back, to mount penglai by the east sea. upon arrival, his instructor told bo ya to rest, and then sought the immortal guidance. after waiting amidst the towering mountains and green fields for a long time, bo ya set off in search of his instructor. as his path rounded a peak, he was startled by the marvelous scene before him. a crystal-clear waterfallrevealed itself from the mists, the water splashing like pearls with hauntingly beautiful melodies never heard on earth before. inspired, bo ya sat and played a fabulously intoxicating tune. he was lost in his music until his teacher laughed behind him: “ha! i see that you’ve found the immortal guidance!”一天,老师对伯牙说:“我带你去寻一个仙师点化点化,好吗?”伯牙高高兴兴地背着琴随老师乘船来到东海蓬莱山。老师让他坐地休息,自己去找仙师去了。伯牙在这巍峨苍郁的山野中,久等不见老师归来,便沿一条山路寻去。绕过一个山头之后,不想却有一幅奇景出现在眼前:云中见飞瀑,雾中流清泉,水花四溅似珍珠,水声回荡如仙乐。伯牙顿时灵感涌起,便席地而坐,抚琴而成妙曲,陶醉其间。突然,他的身后传来老师的声音:“哈哈,哈哈……仙师被你找到了。”


–《用英语讲中国故事》提高级 p285


06中国精神chinese spirit


平凡岗位上的不平凡奉献train ticket seller sun qi


sun smiled at all the people who came to her window, believing that her smile could make them feel friendly. for that purpose, she specially put a mirror on her desk to remind herself to keep a smiling face at all times. it might be quite easy to smile at one passenger, but when sun had to handle nearly 2,000 travelers every day, it was remarkable for her to keep a smiling face for all of them. in fact, she didn’t need to do that in her work; she did it just to make the passengers feel at home. working in theservice industry, sun considered it her highest goal to make the passengers as satisfied with her work as possible.微笑能够让人觉得温暖,这就是孙奇选择对每一位前来购票的乘客保持微笑的原因。为了做到这一点,她特地在桌子上放了一面镜子,时时刻刻提醒自己保持笑容。一个人,一张车票,保持微笑接待不算太难,可孙奇一天要卖出将近两千张车票,对每个人都保持着微笑,是一件非常不可思议的事情。其实没有什么规定要求她这样做,可孙奇就想把自己的工作做到最好,让来往的乘客感到温暖。作为服务行业的从业人员,她在工作中的最高目标就是能够让乘客更满意。


–《用英语讲中国故事》熟练级 p390


07中国故事chinese story


兵马俑 世界第八大奇迹terracotta warriors the eighth wonder of the world


more than 2,000 years ago, ying zheng, the first emperor of qin, who had swept away rival states and unified all states in one china, attached great importance to the construction of his mausoleum. after inspecting many places and taking feng shui into account, he finally chose a site at the foot of lishan mountain.he appointed li si, the prime minister, to oversee the planning and design of the mausoleum and recruited skilled craftsmen from all over the country to build a huge army of terracotta figures, not only with soldiers, but also with war horses, chariots and real weapons, which had to be made life sized.according to the system used at that time, the names of the artisans who made the terracotta figures were also engraved on the body, thereby enabling inspectors to check the work of the artisans, eliminating substandard products and improving efficiency and quality.




2000 多年前,一扫六合、统一中国的秦始皇嬴政十分重视自己的陵墓修建。他考察了许多地方后,最后看中了骊山脚下的这块风水宝地。秦始皇任命李斯主持陵墓的规划设计,并征调全国的能工巧匠,烧制规模庞大的陶俑军队,不仅要有军士,还要有战马、战车、兵器,并要求必须按原物的真实大小进行制作。陶俑身上还刻有制作工匠的名字,这是秦国当时的一项制度,即器物的制造者必须把自己的名字刻在上面,供管理者检查。这样可以杜绝以次充好的现象,提高生产效率和质量。




08中国故事chinese story


面条像裤带 奇字奇面?biangbiang noodles a fantastic dish with a fantastic name


the owner of the small food stall was an old man, graying at the temples but with a booming voice and nimble with his hands. grasping two ends of a piece of dough, then throwing and beating it hard on the chopping board, he would loudly greet customers.with his pulling, stretching, throwing and beating, the dough became wide and long, just like a “trouser belt.” the belt-like noodles flew into the air from the old man’s hands, took a u-turn and were pulled back, over and over again. after being thrown hard on the board with a “biang-biang” noise a few times, the noodles were dropped in the big iron pot of boiling water. as the belt-like noodles were roiling in the water, a ladle of cold water was poured over them, and the white noodles immediately became fine, bright and almost transparent.




店家是一位老汉,虽两鬓斑白,但声音洪亮、手脚利索,一边揪住面剂子的两头在案板上使劲地摔打,一边吆喝着,很是风光。在拉、扯、摔、绊之间,面剂子变得又宽又长,像裤带一样,从老汉的手中飞向空中,又扭转着拉扯回来,在案板上“biang biang”几下,然后准确地落在翻滚冒气的大铁锅里。面条在开水中不断翻滚,老汉加一瓢凉水,白色的面立即发亮透明起来。




09中国故事chinese story


曾国藩 洋务运动的先驱者zeng guofan pioneer of the self-strengthening movement?


on the fourth day of the seventh lunar month, 1862, the weather was exceptionally clear. a boat floated on the yangtze river outside anqing city. with a deck and hull of wood, it resembled traditional sailboats. it was powered, however, by china’s first steam engine. its structure resembled the foreign “reciprocating steam engine,” where the steam from the boiler entered the cylinder, and the piston movement drove the wheels’ rotation. sailors on the river were astonished to see the small steamboat emitting smoke and traveling at an incredible speed with no sails. zeng was elated by the successful trial run, writing in his diary: “the intelligence, wisdom, and craftsmanship of the chinese are in no way inferior to those of foreigners.”




清同治元年(1862 年)农历七月四日,天气十分晴朗。安庆城外的长江水面上,漂浮着一艘木壳轮船。这艘轮船的船板、船舷都是木质的,看起来与长江上来往航行的帆船区别不大,但是却没有挂上船帆,而是安了一架奇怪的机器,这就是中国人研制的第一台蒸汽机。它的结构与外国新型的“往复式蒸汽机”相类似,当锅炉中的蒸汽进入汽缸后,活塞运动就能带动圆轮旋转。江面上其他帆船上的人,都惊奇地看着这艘冒着烟的小轮船,没有张挂帆布却航行如飞,觉得非常不可思议。曾国藩看到小轮船试航成功,心情十分激动。他在日记中写道:“窃喜洋人之智巧,我中国人亦能为之”。




10中国故事chinese story


湘绣 以针代笔的艺术xiang embroidery using needles to create artworks?


li was an expert in poetry, painting, and embroidery. she had invented a new embroidery technique that captured the various moods of chinese landscape paintings. by separating embroidery threads into finer anshades one stitch at a time, she invented a new technique which became known as “blended needlework.” it solved the problem of rigid color transitions and lack of vividness that had long plagued the art.








11中国故事chinese story


追求卓越 永无止境的创新动力shanghai academy of spaceflight technology pursuing excellence in aerospace innovation?


sast is an organization under china aerospace science and technology corporation. its cz-6 isn’t just an ordinary member of the long march family—it is its family. in 2015, the debut launch of the cz-6 drew global attention with its amazing launch of twenty satellites with one rocket. for the first time, it used a high-pressure, high-thrust, non-toxic, pollution-free, staged combustion cycle engine fueled by kerosene and liquid oxygen developed and manufactured in china, inaugurating the operation of china’s new-generation of carrier rockets.on november 21, 2017, the cz-6 carried out its second flight, sending the jilin-1 video 04, 05, and 06 satellites into space, becoming china’s first new-generationcarrier rocket to carry out a commercial launch.








12中国故事chinese story


江南制造局 中国民族工业的摇篮the jiangnan shipyard the cradle of chinese national industry


in the following decades, the jiangnan machine works made remarkable achievements and quickly became the birthplace of modern chinese industry. as “china’s first factory,” the jiangnan machine works created many “firsts,” such as the first lathe, the first steel, the first rifle, the first cannon, the first steam-powered warship, and the first ironclad warship. driven by the jiangnan machine works, one after another national enterprises and modern schools were built nearby, making zhizaoju road a thriving area of shanghai. but at the time the qing government was too far gone, and there were also problems with this works itself: compared to its foreign counterparts, it had higher production costs but produced less advanced weapons and suffered from internal corruption. so in the end, the self-strengthening movement, epitomized by the jiangnan machine works, wasn’t able to turn the tide and create a new beginning for china.















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作者: admin






