
年轻人来到一位卖药的老者处 寻找某种有神奇力量的药剂。 老药师拿出了昂贵的“生命清洁剂” (life-cleaner) 和极其便宜的“爱情魔药” ( love-potion) . …






( love-potion) .






love and life.




主持:京晶 外籍嘉宾:judy


(nick | canada)

the love potion



usually, in fairy tales, all love stories have a happy end. real life love stories however, are different. a true ‘happily ever after’ is seldom the case between lovers, as human feelings tend to be conflicted, and contradictory in essence. of course, in the end, everyone can find him or herself a boy- or girlfriend, but the search for your perfect match does not proceed without trials or scratches. such as the search of a man called alan austen, who is so desperately in love with a woman he seeks the help of a queer, mysterious old man who makes all kinds of extraordinary potions…

alan austen went up certain dark andcreakystairs and peered aboutfor a long time on the dimelandingbefore he found the name he wanted writtenobscurelyon one of the doors. he pushed open this door and found himself in a tiny room, which contained no furniture but a plain kitchen table, a chair and a rocking-chair.on one of the dirty buff-colouredwalls were a couple of shelves, containing in all perhaps a dozen bottles and jars. an old man sat in the rocking-chair, reading a newspaper. alan, without a word, handed him the card he had been given.

艾伦·奥斯丁走进漆黑的楼梯间里,踏着吱吱作响的楼梯,向楼上走去。他在光线昏暗的楼梯口眯着眼看了好一阵子,才在其中一扇房门上找到了他想要找的那个名字,尽管字迹有些模糊不清。他推门进去。房间很小,几乎没什么家具,只有一张不起眼的餐桌、一把普普通通的椅子和一把摇椅。淡黄色的墙壁脏兮兮的,其中一面墙上装着三两副货架,上面摆放着大概十几个瓶瓶罐罐。 一位老人坐在摇椅上,正看着报纸。艾伦默不作声地把自己之前收到的那张卡片递给了老人。

creaky (adj.)

英 [‘kri?k?] 美 [‘kriki]


peered(verb, usually + about)

英 [p??] 美 [p?r]



英 [‘l?nd??] 美 [‘l?nd??]



英 [?b’skju?li]






“sit down, mr. austen,” said the old man very politely. “i am glad to make your acquaintance.” “is it true,” asked alan, “that you have a certain mixture that has-er-quite extraordinary effects?” “my dear sir,” replied the old man, “my stock in tradeis not very large -i don’t deal inlaxatives-but such as it is, it is varied. i think nothing i sell has effects which could be precisely described as ordinary.”

“请坐,奥斯丁先生,”老人非常有礼貌地说。“很高兴认识你。” “听说您这里有那种……呃……效果非同寻常的药水,”艾伦问道,“这是真的吗?”“亲爱的先生,”老人回答说,“我这里药品的存货并不多——我可不卖泻药什么的——不过,我这里药的品种也不算少。而且我觉得,我卖的药的效果都不是“寻常”二字能够描述得了的。”

stock in trade (noun)



英: [‘l?ks?t?vz]泻药;通便药物;

“well, the fact is. . .” began alan. “here, for example,” interrupted the old man, reaching for a bottle from the shelf. “here is a liquid as colourless as water, almost tasteless, quite imperceptible in coffee, wine, or any other beverage. it is also quite imperceptibleto any known method of autopsy.”


“do you mean it is a poison?” cried alan, very much horrified. “one might call it a life-cleaner. lives need cleaning sometimes.” said the old man. “i want nothing of that sort,” said alan. “do you know the price of this?” the old man continued. “for one teaspoonful, which is sufficient, i ask five thousand dollars. never less. not a penny less.”



(adj.) 英 [?mp?’sept?b(?)l]

美 [,?mp?’s?pt?bl]



英 [‘??t?ps?; ??’t?ps?] 美 [‘?tɑpsi]

验尸;[病理][特医] 尸体解剖;

“i hope all your mixtures are not as expensive,” said alan apprehensively. “oh dear, no,” said the old man. ” young people who need a love potion for example, very seldom have five thousand dollars. otherwise they would not need a love potion.”


“i am glad to hear that,” said alan. “so, you really do sell love potions?” “if i did not sell love potions,” said the old man, reaching for another bottle, “i should not have mentioned this other matter to you. it is only when one is in a position to obligethat one can afford to be so confidential.”


“and these potions,” said alan. “they are not just-just-er-” “oh, no,” said the old man. “their effects are permanent, and extend far beyond the mere casual impulse. but they include it. oh, yes they include it. bountifully, insistently.everlastingly.”



美 [,?pr?’h?ns?vli]


oblige (verb, from: to oblige)

英 [?’bla?d?] 美 [?’bla?d?]



英 [k?nf?’den?(?)l] 美 [,kɑnf?’d?n?l]



英 [‘k??j??l; -zj-] 美 [‘k????l]



英 [‘?mp?ls] 美 [‘?mp?ls]



英 [‘bauntif?li]





“dear me!” said alan, attempting a look of scientific detachment. “how very interesting!” “for indifference,” said the old man, they substitute devotion. forscorn, adoration. give one tiny measure of this to the young lady-its flavour is imperceptible in orange juice, soup, or cocktails-and however gay and giddyshe is, she will want nothing but solitude and you. she will not want to go out, because she will be afraid of the pretty girls you may meet when she’s away.” “she will actually be jealous?” cried alan in arapture. “yes, she will want to be everything to you. if you are an hour late, she will be terrified. she will think you are killed, or that some siren has caught you.”



英 [d?’t?t?m(?)nt] 美 [d?’t?t?m?nt]



英 [d?’v???(?)n] 美 [d?’vo??n]



英 [sk??n] 美 [sk?rn]


gay(adj.) – old english

英 [ge?] 美 [ɡe]



英 [‘g?d?] 美 [‘ɡ?di]




英 [‘r?pt??] 美 [‘r?pt??]


siren(noun) [‘sa?r?n]


“dear me!” said alan, attempting a look of scientific detachment. “how very interesting!” “for indifference,” said the old man, they substitute devotion. forscorn, adoration. give one tiny measure of this to the young lady-its flavour is imperceptible in orange juice, soup, or cocktails-and however gay and giddyshe is, she will want nothing but solitude and you. she will not want to go out, because she will be afraid of the pretty girls you may meet when she’s away.” “she will actually be jealous?” cried alan in arapture. “yes, she will want to be everything to you. if you are an hour late, she will be terrified. she will think you are killed, or that some siren has caught you.”


“i can hardly imagine diana like that!” cried alan, overwhelmed with joy. “you will not have to use your imagination,” said the old man. “and, by the way, since there are always sirens, if by any chance you should, later on, slip a little, you need not worry. she will forgive you, in the end. she will be terribly hurt, of course, but she will forgive you-in the end. and, of course, she will never give you the least, the very least,groundsfor-uneasiness.”

“我很难想象黛安娜会那样!”艾伦继续喊着说道,已完全喜形于色。“你不必去过多想象了,”老人说。 “而且,顺便说一下,因为世上总会有狐狸精,即便你万一不小心开了个小差儿,你也不必担心。她最后一定会原谅你。当然,她会受到极大的伤害。但她最终肯定会原谅你。而且,当然,她绝对不会让你感到任何不自在,一点儿也不会。”


英 [d?’t?t?m(?)nt] 美 [d?’t?t?m?nt]



英 [d?’v???(?)n] 美 [d?’vo??n]



英 [sk??n] 美 [sk?rn]


gay(adj.) – old english

英 [ge?] 美 [ɡe]



英 [‘g?d?] 美 [‘ɡ?di]




英 [‘r?pt??] 美 [‘r?pt??]


siren(noun) [‘sa?r?n]


slip(verb, from: to slip)

英 [sl?p] 美 [sl?p] 滑动;滑倒;犯错;失足;


英 [gra?ndz] 美 [ɡra?ndz]


“and how much,” said alan, “is this wonderful mixture?” “it is not asdear,” said the old man, “as the life-cleaner, as i sometimes call it. no. that is five thousand dollars, never a penny less. one has to be older than you are, toindulgein that sort of thing. one has to save up for it.”


“but the love potion?” said alan. “oh, that,” said the old man, opening the drawer in the kitchen table, and taking out a tiny, rather dirty-looking phial. “that is just a dollar.” “i can’t tell you how grateful i am,” said alan, watching him fill it. “i like to oblige,” said the old man. “then customers come back, later in life, when they are better off, and want more expensive things. here you are. you will find it very effective.” “thank you again,” said alan. “good-bye.” “au revoir,” said the man.

“那爱情魔药呢?”艾伦问道。“哦,那个啊,”老人边说边拉出了餐桌的抽屉,取出一个看起来很脏的小药瓶。“一瓶只要一美元。”“真是感激不尽,”艾伦一边说,一边看着老人装满小药瓶。“很高兴为你效劳,”老人说, “以后,顾客的年纪再长些,经济状况更好了,想要买更贵的东西的时候,他们就会成为我的回头客。拿好了。你会发现它是非常有效的。”“再次感谢您,”艾伦说。最后,艾伦与老人相互道别。

dear(adj.) – old english

英 [d??] 美 [d?r]


indulge(verb, from: to indulge)

英 [?n’d?ld?] 美 [?n’d?ld?]



英 [‘fa??l] 美 [‘fa??l]


au revoir [法语] 再见

the end

















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” monday with nick“















july 7.30 点击下图收听今日音频

听写 英文版+中译





小兔兔? 神起蛛蛛? 刘辉? 曾小婷?

小毛毛? 阿珠 richard

serendipity绮靡 echo chen?


大微微 芝华塔尼欧


张梦宇? e? summer? soleil?

哈啊? 天平? young lily王莉 cindyzeng

校对| 张梦宇 soleil?

全场最佳外援: daisy

happy monday, everybody! can you hear that bgm (background music)?! feeling hot hot hot….okay enough of that! it is monday, july 30th. and we are feeling hot hot hot…another scorching day in beijing. i think it’s plus 36℃ (36 degrees). i spoke about staying cool and it’ s definitely feeling hot hot hot, like the song by the merry man, hahahaha. it’ s a caribbean band. i think they’ re from caribbean islands in south america, well, right before in south america. it’s between north america and middle america. there are these caribbean islands and they’ ve got these, y’ know, tropical songs, it’s always really hot there. so one of their famous songs from the band, the group there called the merry man is feeling hot hot hot hot hot hot. so i thought i played that to start it off, just to, y ‘know, shake things up a little bit remind you guys of how hot it really is. i hope you guys are staying cool.


did you guys have a good weekend by the way?!you guys do anything interesting this weekend?!anything interesting plans for this week?!i didn’ t, i didn’t really do much, i just went, went golfing again, i can’t get away from that golf courses. it’ s, it’s really grabbing onto me. y’ know, what i like about it is every time i’ m playing, i’m not going out with a group of people. for the most of that part, i just go out by myself. it’ s a place to just relax. and, but it’s really a battle against myself, y’ know, each shot, i’m always thinking it’s really, you have to, you know, you hit the ball, well you hit the ball where you want it to and if you make a mistake and you have to learn from that mistake. there are a lot of selves, you know, there are a lot of learning about yourselves on the golf course, and i’ve been doing that a lot. so i really enjoy the golf games that i’m doing. and you know i’m feeling hot hot hot. because it’s hot here in canada as well. so i went to the golfing on saturday.


and on friday oh my wife and i went to a kind of like a concert, but not really. it’ s an industry manager, somebody who manages celebrities was in montreal doing an interview with one of the celebrities in manages. so they were talking about the industry of hollywood and movies and actors and the life of the writer and the life of the director. how a movie gets made? how a tv show gets made? which brings me to ask you guys questions. what are some of tv shows you guys like? chinese? or american? or indian? or korean? i know a lot of korean drama playing in china. so what i’m interested in is what are the shows or movies you like. name me top three or your favorite. you know, no need to make a whole list. maybe your top three or your ultimate favorite movie or tv show. and why do you like these? what about this movie or what about this tv show attracts you to it. that’ s one of those things that he was talking about, when he was doing his talk. is there are different types of tv shows for different types of audiences. so i’m really curious to know what’s exactly attracts you to the certain tv show, why do you like it? is it because of the actor? is it because of the writing? is it because of the directing? is it because of the set like the, you know, this movie was shot in new zealand? and i love the mountains. the movie was shot in europe, in grace. and i love how they have the all styles of beach over here. yeah, so i don’t know. what ’s about this particular movie, your favorite movie or your favorite tv show that you like. do me a favor. leave a comment in the wechat section with your favorite movie or tv show. i ’m going to try and watch a little bit of each one of your favorite tv or movies. i got two weeks to do it. because next week the radio program will be on a short holiday. so the week after that, i will be coming back and see everybody’s comments and everybody’s question about their favorite movie or tv show. i will take the time to watch a little bit everybody’s show and come back with the analysis. i will read your comment with your tv show. please state why you like this movie or why you like this tv show. and i will agree with you or disagree with you. it ’ll be a little bit of fun. it ’ll be all like we have a conversation about movies or tv shows. so let ’s try it out. give me your favorite tv show and why. or give me your favorite movie and why. and leave it in the comment section of jingjing ’s wechat post. all right? sounds good? sounds good to me because i get a little bit tired of all this golf. so i need to stay in and you know, use the air conditioning to stay cool. and watch the movies and watch the tv shows.


so i ‘m gonna go read into this week’s questions we start with siki who talks about moug bean soup in a black jelly-like food, which is called liangfen. she says they are all good choices in hot summer. hah. maybe i’ll try that. i prefer icecream though. do you guys like icecream? another thing is to insist exercising. well i do a lot of that on a golf course. uh. siki says she’ll go back to school for a month of training with her team, starts on tuesday, and will do one-hour exercise every day. well. that ‘s good. i consider it an effective way to be cool for sweat can bring a lot heat from our bodies. yeah. fight fire with fire, right? so do you think these are good ideas for us to get away from the heat? looking forward to your reply. sure. everybody has their own way of doing it. for me, personally, i like to stay, stay indoors where nice and cool. we ’ve got a really good air conditioning in canada. we have this. i t’s not the air condition, the machine is on top of your apartment, near the roof or over the window, or something. it ‘s not that. it ‘s central air. so it goes through your entire home in this little vents that are in the floor. it ‘s called central-air, a central-air air conditioning, you know. so controls of your temperature in your entire house .you don ‘t have to, you know, rely on that one unit to cool your entire room down. you just set your temperature to what you want it to be, and your whole house will be at that temperature through this central-air system. so that’s what i’d like to do, to get away from this really really hot day, and also my neighbor, who’s also a chinese. he is from,…i believe he is from ..,i forget where exactly he’s from. uh,could be uh. i can go ask my wife, but i think he is from zhejiang province, i believe. anyways, he lives right next to me, and he has a swimming pool. so he said anytime, he said, “hey, neighbor, anytime you want to come swimming, you are more than welcome.” so i said “thank you”. and sometimes i go sneak over in my bathing suit and take a swimming in his pool.


anyways, moving on to the next question or comment, which comes from you xiao xin shi. hope i am saying that right. you xiao xin shi. the main problem is, her main problem is that she does not have enough time and energy to balance well between taking care of her baby and herself. but on the other hand, you xiao xin shi needs to get a job to earn money, and also fulfill her personal career, for she thinks that her personal growth is also very important. so do you have the same problem? i really want your opinions. thank you so much.


i assume that you are a mother, right? and yeah, that’s very very difficult, very very difficult, uh, to balance as a mom. because as a dad, you are expected to be the one who’s working. you are the one expected to bring in the majority of the household income, which is the situation that we are having now. but for moms, it’s so so difficult. it’s very difficult and it seems like from your photo that your child is, your baby is very young. so you are kind of at an age of where maybe the baby needs to grow up and you need to be there take care of it. i’d say,when the baby is about 2, it’s when mothers usually start to look at, you know, their self-careers, and how they can get back into the game type thing. but it’s tough. i don’t know exactly your situation. um, do you have ayi? maybe, but it’s tough to kind of, yeah. i see you want to be there with your child until your child is about 2. and then you look at, you know, day-care services or ayis, and then i really look to get back into your career development. i hope this helps. i’m not an export on this subject, but that’s just my personal opinion.


the last question comes from the regular commenter: viola liu. viola says,” hi, nick! i saw a news, the company of changshengshengwu, involved in selling out about two hundred and fifty thousand pieces of vaccine which was invalid. you know what, i saw this news too. i was quiet disappointed and i spoke about it with my wife. and it’s just very unfortunate. the news has been flared across the country. parents like me are very scared that their kid had taken one of those injections. luckily i didn’t choose that brand of vaccine. ” neither did we. thank you so much that we didn’t choose this brand when we were in china. you know, michael was born in beijing, so he had his first few vaccines while he was in china. but we didn’t choose that brand either. but fortunately, a lot of people did. so i’m a little bit worried about that.

最后的问题来自一个老听友(评论者)——viola liu. viola说,嗨尼克,我看到一条长春生物涉嫌销售了约250000支无效疫苗的新闻,你知道吗?我也看到这个新闻了。我对此非常失望,我也跟我妻子聊过,真是太不幸了。这条新闻已经在中国传遍了,像我一样,所有父母都很担心自己孩子是否接种过这个疫苗。幸好我没有选用这个牌子。我们在中国时没选择这个牌子的疫苗,确实是太走运了。你知道,迈克是在北京出生的,他最早的几次疫苗是在中国期间接种的,幸好我们没有选用那个牌子。不幸的是,我知道很多人用了这个疫苗,所以我挺担心的。

well, viola says she glanced at its price of stock on the computer in the morning today. its price of stock has been dropped more than 50 percent for 7 days. and it look like intend to drop in a deep dark hole. it might have a risk of delisting the stock market. um, delisting the stock market. but who knows.from this news, i wanna know something about your country’s government how to control the vaccines.


well, first, i wanna get back to the stock dropping. you know i just watched the show, viola. i don’t know i
f you watched it. i know you’re really into stocks and finances, and stuff like that. but there’s a show in america. it’s on the network called showtime, we are talking about the favorite tv shows and so on then. i hope you have a list of your favorite tv show, your favorite movie in the comments, for in two weeks i will kind of do a review of them. but as watching this show that i am really into, and it’s called billions, not millions, not thousands, but billions. and it’s about a billionaire hedge fund trading company. anyways, they had a scene in billions where they were selling this juice, this juice company, you know, and a couple of people were inside on this and had some information. and what they did was that they created some sort of vaccine to go in the juice that made everybody sick, but not fatally sick, nobody died from this. but anyways, because people got sick and there was a recall on the juice, the stock of the juice company went way down, like way down, almost delisted like this company. but here’s the smart thing about the people in billions is they had inside information on what was gonna happen and a lot of people shorted the stock. you know what shorting a stock means? it means, you’re betting that the stock won’t do well. so instead of buying the stock, you buy…you bet against the stock, and then, you know, they had… they knew some people were tampering with something that was in the ingredients that would make people sick that would force a recall. and a lot of people ruined on it and a lot of people won a lot of money from that stock going down, and at the expense of people’s health because a lot of people got sick. so uh every time i see something like this happen, i always wonder were there people that short of this stock suddenly everything goes down。 but you know the commission’s regular ladders are always looking at who exactly shorted that stock before it went down. so you have to be really careful.

首先,我想回到股票下跌的问题,我刚看了个电视节目,我不知道你是不是也会看,我知道你可能会研究金融股票。这是美国的一个秀,是一场好戏,我们在谈论我们最喜欢的电视节目,我希望你在评论区写下你最喜欢的电视节目和电影,两周后我会去浏览你们的评论。看节目的同时,有一家公司我很喜欢,它的名字是billions,不是百万,不是千,是数十亿。它是一家亿万富翁对冲基金的贸易公司,不管怎样,billions这家公司在卖果汁,这家果汁公司的几个人得到了一些消息,他们创造了一种疫苗加入到果汁中,喝了这种果汁的人会生病,但不至于会死。但不管怎样,有人生病了,于是他们召回了这种果汁,公司的股价下滑很大,几乎要退市了。有趣的是这家果汁公司的人早就知道公司股票会大跌,所以他们炒作股票,你知道炒作股票的意思吗?它表示你看好这家公司的股票,但是你买入了你并不看好的股票。 他们知道有人在疫苗原材料上动了手脚,很多人因此患病,最终会收回疫苗,很多人抛售股票后逃之夭夭了;也有很多人在股价跌落期间大赚,然而代价却是人们的健康,很多人因此生病了。每次看见这种事情发生,我就想有没有谁买了这支股票,然后顷刻间,股价骤降。委员会通常,或者说总是,关注哪些人在股价骤降前买进了股票。因此,我们必须保持警惕。

anyways um so to something country’s government to control vaccine that protect people’s health, i mean, it’s hard, it’s hard because there aren’t that many companies. there aren ’t that many pharmaceutical companies here. there ’re probably 5 big ones and they’re very very very strictly regulated. i know from my end, i work in advertising and i had two clients that were two of the biggest pharmaceutical companies. i ’ll name them. one was pfizer(辉瑞) pharmaceuticals, and the other one was sanofi(赛诺菲) pharmaceuticals, 2 big players in the pharmaceutical market and even some of the stuff we, for advertising, we couldn’t say, we couldn’t use certain words, we couldn’t use certain terms. we have to be very very careful on what we could say because everything was so regulated. so that’s just on the advertising side. i imagine on the, you know, production side, in the scientific lab and staff, everything is super, super, super strictly regulated. the laws are in favor of, are not in favor of these pharmaceutical companies. there are no short-cuts. you know. it ’s very, very, very strict to get passed the fda, which is the food and drug administration. it is a very, very hard process. so they’re very strict, and i don’t know, um. it doesn ’t happen that much, the big thing that’s happening right now is um one…one of the companies dropped, their stock went down, and stuff like that. but it ’s because they were cheating with the prices. you know, a drug that only costs $1 to make was being charged like $5,000. you know, they were tempering with the prices. stuff like that, it wasn ‘t fair! so they brought this company to justice. anyways, i ’m really sorry about this news. i hope everything gets cleared up.


i also heard that the family had something in vancouver, canada where their kids were like living lavishly, or something like that. i don ‘t know. my wife showed me a picture of one of the daughters with a birkin bag(铂金包) on a pink lambor(兰博基尼)? i don’t know. anyways, i hope this get cleared up. i hope everyone is okay. i would hate to see kids get sick because of this. it ’s just, it’s just so bad. and i know that, you know, this is one bad apple. and i know a lot of companies are doing great things in china. the scientific research is state of the art. i believe, i strongly believe this is just one bad apple, and that the rest are doing a fantastic job. so, we just gonna, you know, fight through this and make sure that these kids are healthy.


and viola, if you get a chance, check out that tv show called billions. and speaking of tv shows, i am looking forward to your favorite tv shows, and you favorite movies for next … not next week, but next next week. remember next week, we wiil not be doing a broadcast. so without being sad. thank you everyone for listening and we ‘ll see you on august, i believe it’s the 13th, august 13th? yep, have a great great two weeks, everyone, stay cool! and we will see you on august 13th. don’t forget to leave a comment in jingjing ‘s wechat post. so long now!





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