
2018年5月5日雅思考试口语小范围重点预测+附新题|广州雅思英语学校 广州雅思英语学校成立于1999年,现任校长是有中国雅思“教父”之称的中国社会科学院博士、中国雅思教育开拓者,…


广州雅思英语学校成立于1999年,现任校长是有中国雅思“教父”之称的中国社会科学院博士、中国雅思教育开拓者,资深留学教育专家万昌明博士。广州雅思英语学校是国内最早的专业雅思学校之一,也是英语ielts考试中文“雅思”命名的首创者之一。十九年来, 广州雅思英语学校秉承“教育以学生为本,以质量为先”办学宗旨,坚持“知识、激情、励志”的教学理念,发展成为华南乃至中国最大的雅思学校之一。



1. describe a person who can do well in work.

you should say:

who this person is?

how do you know this person?

what kinds of work this person does?

and explain why this person can do well.

2. describe a newly-opened shop in your hometown

you should say:

what shop it is and what it sells?

when it opened?

where it is?

and explain how you feel about this shop?

3. describe an item that you received and made you happy.

you should say:

when you received it?

what the item was?

who gave you it?

and explain why you felt happy?

4. describe a special meal you would like to have in the future

you should say:

when and where you would like to have it?

who you would like to have it with?

what you would like to have?

and explain why it is special and why you would like to have it?

5. describe a dream you have had

you should say:

when you had this dream?

what you saw in the dream?

what you did or said in the dream?

and explain why had a dream like that?

6. describe a piece of local news that was interesting to you.

you should say:

what the news was about?

where you saw/heard the news?

when you saw/heard the news?

and explain why it was interesting?

7. describe an experience when you spent time with a young child

you should say:

who this child was?

when, where and why you spent time with the child?

what you did together?

and explain how you felt about it?

8. describe a goal you want to achieve in the future.

you should say:

what the goal is?

what would you do to achieve it?

when will you achieve?

and explain why you want to achieve it?

9. describe a family member that you are proud of.

you should say:

who this person is?

what he/she did make you proud?

where and when it happened?

and explain why you are proud of him/her?

10. describe a person whose job is important to the society.

you should say:

who this person is?

what job does he or she have?

how you know this person?

and explain why his/her job isimportant to the society?

11. describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution

you should say:

where it is?

when you visited this place?

what kinds of pollution you sawthere?

and explain how this place was affected?

12. describe a place you visited but only for a short period of time.

you should say:

where you went?

who you went with?

what you did during the trip?

and how you felt about this place?

13. describe a person who you think is fashion.

you should say:

who the person is?

how you know the person?

what does the person do?

and why you think he/she is fashion?

14. describe a famous place where people like to go swimming

you should say:

where it is?

what it looks like?

who like to go there and what they do there?

and explain why people like to go there?

15. describe a situation that you got angry.

you should say:

what it was that made you angry?

where you were when this happened?

why you were angry?

and explain how you handled this situation?

16. describe a good salesperson.

you should say:

who the person is?

when do you know him/her?

how do you know him/her?

why do you think he/she is good at selling?

17. describe a situation when you misunderstood others.

you should say:

when did this happen?

who did you misunderstand?

what the misunderstanding was?

how did you clarify it?

18. describe a moving experience you’ve ever had.

you should say:

what this experience was?

when did this happen?

why do you think it was moving?

what was your response about thisexperience?

19. describe a memorable place.

you should say:

where the place is ?

what does the place like?

when did you go there?

why do you think it’s memorable?

20. describe a second-hand stuff you’ve ever buy.

you should say:

what the stuff is?

when did you buy it?

why did you buy a second-hand one?

how do you feel about it?


1 需改进的公共场所

describe a public place that you think need improvements

you should say:

where this public place is

what it is like

why you think it needs improvements

and explain how to make it better

2 想去的国家/城市

describe a country or city where you want to live or work in the future

you should say:

where the country or city is

why you want to live or work there

who you like to live or work with

and explain what you do to achieve yourdreams

3 别人说的难忘故事

describe a memorable story told by someone

you should say:

who told you the story

when you heard the story

what the story was about

and explain why you found it memorable

4 童年玩具

describe a toy you had in your childhood

you should say:

when you had the toy

who gave you the toy

what it was like

and explain how you felt about the toy

5 重要河流/水域

describe an important river/area of water in your country

you should say:

how long the river is

where it is

what it looks like

and explain why it is important

6 历史时期

describe a historical period that you are interested in

you should say:

what the historical period is

how you know it

what happened during that period

and explain why you find it interesting

7 和长辈一起做的事

describe something you enjoy doing with an older person in your family

you should say:

what it is

how often you do it

who you do it with

8 礼貌场合

describe a situation when you had to be polite

you should say:

what situation it was

who were there

why you had to be polite

and explain how you shadowed politeness

9 访客

describe a time when someone visited your home

you should say:

who he or she was

when it happened

what you did

and explain how you felt about thevisit

10 优质服务

describe a good service you received

you should say

what the service was

when you received it

who you were with

and explain how you felt about it

11 和亲朋一起去的地方

describe a place where you often visit with your friends or family

you should say:

where the place is

how you know the place

how you go there

and explain why you want to visit

12 学校不教的技能

describe an important skill which cannot be learned at school

you should say:

what the skill is

why it cannot be learned at school

why it is important

and explain how we learned it

13 重要事件

describe an important event that you celebrated

you should say:

what it was

where it happened

why it was important

and explain how people felt about it

14 省钱

describe a time that you saved money for something

you should say:

when it was

why you saved money

how much you saved

and explain how you felt about it

15 科技产品

describe a piece of technology (not-computer-related) you like to use

you should say:

what the technology is

when it was invented

what it is used for

and explain how you feel about it

16 喜欢的季节

describe your favorite season of the year

you should say :

what it is

when it is

what you do

and explain why you like it

17 向别人学习

describe something you learned in a place or from someone

you should say :

what it was

where or who you got it

what the situation was

and explain how you felt about it

18 特别的一餐

describe an unusual meal you had

you should say :

who you were with

where you went

when it happened

and explain why it was unusual

19 特别的外出

describe a special day that you went out but didn’t spend much money

you should say :

what day it was

where you went

what you did

and explain who you were with

20 受欢迎的人

describe a popular person

you should say :

who the person is

what kind of person he or she is

why you think this person is popular

and explain how this person influencesthe public

21 有名的运动员

describe a famous athlete you know

you should say :

who he or she is

how you know him or her

what he or she has achieved

and explain why he is famous

22 迟到

describe a time that you were late

you should say :

when it was

what time you arrived

why you were late

and explain how you felt about it

23 好照片

describe a good photo of you taken by someone

you should say:

where it was taken

when it was taken

who took it for you

and why it was unforgettable for you

24 城市最近的发展

describe a recent development in your city

you should say:

what is this development

when it was developed

where you saw it

and explain how youfeel about it













作者: admin






